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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Lesser known hypocrisy amidst the sea of lies ...

“And for all the grandstanding over Sanders’s Obama-like praise for Cuba’s literacy program, here’s something you won’t ever hear mentioned in the mainstream media: as Egypt’s blood-soaked tyrant Hosni Mubarak cracked down on anti-government protesters in 2011, Biden flatly refused to say Mubarak should step down, instead saying he had “been an ally of ours in a number of things” and that he “would not refer to him as a dictator.” Now, Biden says that “the idea of praising a country that is violating human rights around the world is in fact makes our allies wonder what’s going on.”


Yo Socrates - what are you asking me, fam?

The real time political inclinations of some 330 million Americans?

Let’s say I was omniscient and could answer that question.

To what end? What is the point you are trying to make?
You said millions will force a change r want it... well I'm asking wtf happen to that change... because the shit looking quite the same
I'm talking presently on the democratic primaries

Your moving the goal posts.

I said

“AMERICANS (as in Americans of all parties) are tired of politicians flip flopping”

In other words millions of them hate the political establishment

You disagreed. And asked for evidence.

I gave you evidence.

Now you want to move the goal posts from “All Americans” to “the representation of Americans that have voted in 50% of the Democratic primary”

Although you never actually said so, presumably your argument is that the majority of Democratic voters would be voting for Bernie Sanders if they truly “hated the political establishment.”

This is a flawed argument

1) The Democratic Primaries aren’t even 50% over yet so you don’t even have enough data to make your claim

2) Democratic Voters as a whole are more married to the establishment than Republican voters ... especially older voters.

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t tens of millions of young people or progressives or Latin X voters that harbor extreme resentment for the Establishment.

Two things can be true at the same time.

3) Every Democrat is terrified of Trump; so “Electability” for many outweigh the variable of their disdain for the status quo.

Everyone that watches cable news has been programmed to believe Joe Biden is the most “electable” with no arguments or evidence whatsoever to back up the claim.

4) You are basing your argument on voter totals that do not include millions of young votes from college campuses, votes from minority communities and various other places.

There has been rampant voter suppression in the primary states so far.

Even absent all of these factors, 100% of the results in; and Joe Biden winning the Primaries - that still doesn’t prove that a significant amount of Democrats are fine with the establishment.

In fact - the same thing happened last in 2016.

And enough people were disgusted with Hilary Clinton that Donald Trump of all people was elected President.

Watch what happens if we put Joe Biden up against Trump in 2020
Your moving the goal posts.

I said

“AMERICANS (as in Americans of all parties) are tired of politicians flip flopping”

In other words millions of them hate the political establishment

You disagreed. And asked for evidence.

I gave you evidence.

Now you want to move the goal posts from “All Americans” to “the representation of Americans that have voted in 50% of the Democratic primary”

Although you never actually said so, presumably your argument is that the majority of Democratic voters would be voting for Bernie Sanders if they truly “hated the political establishment.”

This is a flawed argument

1) The Democratic Primaries aren’t even 50% over yet so you don’t even have enough data to make your claim

2) Democratic Voters as a whole are more married to the establishment than Republican voters ... especially older voters.

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t tens of millions of young people or progressives or Latin X voters that harbor extreme resentment for the Establishment.

Two things can be true at the same time.

3) Every Democrat is terrified of Trump; so “Electability” for many outweigh the variable of their disdain for the status quo.

Everyone that watches cable news has been programmed to believe Joe Biden is the most “electable” with no arguments or evidence whatsoever to back up the claim.

4) You are basing your argument on voter totals that do not include millions of young votes from college campuses, votes from minority communities and various other places.

There has been rampant voter suppression in the primary states so far.

Even absent all of these factors, 100% of the results in; and Joe Biden winning the Primaries - that still doesn’t prove that a significant amount of Democrats are fine with the establishment.

In fact - the same thing happened last in 2016.

And enough people were disgusted with Hilary Clinton that Donald Trump of all people was elected President.

Watch what happens if we put Joe Biden up against Trump in 2020
You wrote a dissertation that missed the whole point… all I was trying to get you to understand is that as much as we believe Americans want so much change they really want more of the same whether they're conservative or liberal... So no I didn't move goalposts and that's why I said your faith in Americans is pretty strong
You wrote a dissertation that missed the whole point… all I was trying to get you to understand is that as much as we believe Americans want so much change they really want more of the same whether they're conservative or liberal... So no I didn't move goalposts and that's why I said your faith in Americans is pretty strong
A majority of Americans want change. For good reason.

America needs change.

Again exhibit A is millions of them voting or not voting to allow Donald Trump to become President.


People are stupid and that was CHANGE in the wrong direction, but that’s beside the point.

The ones that don’t want change now are either too brainwashed by cable news or too terrified of Trump to vote for their best interests, ie CHANGE.

Your entire point hinges on the votes in this Democratic Primary - which for one - is not representative of the entire country. But put that aside...

If Trump wasn’t the incumbent President, Sanders (CHANGE) would be winning in the Democratic Primary.

And the only reason Sanders isn’t winning now is because people are scared of Trump (CHANGE) winning AGAIN - because they know that Trump (CHANGE) is what A LOT of people DO WANT.

Of course, they are wrong about how to beat Trump. But that is what most of the party has been led to believe - and for this discussion, again - beside the point.

Through all of this I just don’t see the argument that people “don’t want change” and are content with the way things are.

Look at the context. The opposite is true.
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A majority of Americans want change. For good reason.

America needs change.

Again exhibit A is millions of them voting or not voting to allow Donald Trump to become President.


People are stupid and that was CHANGE in the wrong direction, but that’s beside the point.

The ones that don’t want change now are either too brainwashed by cable news or too terrified of Trump to vote for their best interests, ie CHANGE.

Your entire point hinges on the votes in this Democratic Primary - which for one - is not representative of the entire country. But put that aside...

If Trump wasn’t the incumbent President, Sanders (CHANGE) would be winning in the Democratic Primary.

And the only reason Sanders isn’t winning now is because people are scared of Trump (CHANGE) winning AGAIN.

Of course, they are wrong about how to beat Trump. But that is what most of the party has been led to believe - and for this discussion, again - beside the point.

Through all of this I just don’t see the argument that people “don’t want change” and are content with the way things are.

Look at the context. The opposite is true.
I think you're still taking this as something that focuses on Biden and Sanders, when I'm just talking about really looking at the average Joe and their mindset. Most of these people just wanna feel comfortable
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