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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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may it all go to hell
The problem with that sentiment is it's probably unlikely… the RNC has shown itself to be pretty strong and it doesn't implode. I mean look at the disaster we have as the leader of this country and the party remains united for all intents and purposes publicly
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May the DNC crash and burn
Taken out of context, remember the DNC leads only the house
the people leading the pushback are (of course) republicans

She did cave to demands but dont let those Centrist/Hidden Trump supporters blast you with fake news
Bernie's campaign wasn't run properly, he chastised the same party and delegates he needed for support which pushed them to Biden, he was going after Joe Rogan's endorsement when there are far more important people he could have reached out to. He also didn't do well with winning over minority groups. He also made a few mistakes with his presentation especially at that last debate.

I know people were staunch Sanders supporters but if that's how he was running against Biden how did yall expect him to beat Trump ? I think people associate more with Sanders because he says what people think and is anti-establishment. Shit sounds sweet but in practice you still need their support to win. If Sanders would have tailored his approach a bit and ran a better campaign he'd have floored Biden. Biden did the least and came out with the most.
This only shows how sheepish and complacent people really are

I think Bernie ran a decent campaign, it could’ve been better but the lie is with minority groups
Bernie beat the shit out of Biden with latino voters , less so with black american voters
His policies also hit a wall with the minorities in Florida who come from countries that toted socialism.
Socialism as a whole is not popular .

but I will say Trump was right in the sense of being more scared of Bernie.
almost all the people voting in elections now arent real democrats they’re people tired of Trump. majority of Bernies supporters are Bernies supporters.
I wanted Bernie to win as much as you guys did but lets stop with the Trump was scared of Bernie talk.

If Bernie couldnt even get over 30% of the vote in a lot of these states in a Democratic party primary, how was he going to even have a chance in the general election?

Russia even got involved and was helping Bernie cause they thought Trump would have the easiest path against Bernie. Trump was telling republicans to vote for bernie in the democratic primaries cause he knew Bernie would be food for him.

Bernie had the best policies by far, bernie was the most honest mfer running for president, but the general public in the US are some stupid mfers and love to vote against their interest.
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