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that time beans had cthagod shook

Wednesday October 7th July

You saw a nigga punch beans from behind.... You have no idea how that situation resolved. And that man wasn't at the interview with CTG. So telling beans to get tough with a guy who not even present isn't logical. Anything could have happened down the road.

And you're right, it's CTG job to ask the tough questions... And he's used to being talked to like that, cuz the shit happens all the damn time.... Niggaz in this thread listing the multiple times the man had people get in his shit.. he called beans bluff on leaving, but he knew better than to take an aggressive tone...

Call it professionalism, call it respect, fear, whatever you want...CTG knew better than to get an aggressive tone.

That's....a fact.

The problem is all these online tough guys going

"Who scared of beans?"
"That nigga old and frail"
"He wasn't talking that shit to the nigga who punched him"

Like all that energy towards that man like he bullied them or something...I just don't get it

That nigga had recently got knocked out but at no point did he ever step to the nigga who did it or the nigga ( Meek) responsible for it. These so called tough guys gotta stop getting buck with radio people and go do something to the niggas who actually punked you.
That nigga had recently got knocked out but at no point did he ever step to the nigga who did it or the nigga ( Meek) responsible for it. These so called tough guys gotta stop getting buck with radio people and go do something to the niggas who actually punked you.

nigga shut up

everyone is ignoring your takes because youre only tough online

ssshhhh go harass chicity and leave us be

So let me get this straight.... Beans disrespects Charlemagne..Charlemagne takes that disrespect in stride and that means Beans lost and Charlemagne won?

How does letting a man disrespect you equal the man disrespected winning?

What's being disputed is ctg being shook. When did it turn into beams losing and ctg winning?

Or am I lost?
What's being disputed is ctg being shook. When did it turn into beams losing and ctg winning?

Or am I lost?

Yes you're lost

I never said Charlemagne was shook. In fact I said he wasn't shook.

Ask @beta about Beans losing and Charlemagne winning.
Yes you're lost

I never said Charlemagne was shook. In fact I said he wasn't shook.

Ask @beta about Beans losing and Charlemagne winning.

I never said YOU said ctg was shook. I said that's what was being disputed in the thread and asked when it became otherwise.

Never saw beta say ctg won and beans lost either. Feel free to lead me in that direction of that post if I'm wrong tho.

You seeing what you want to see. But I'm not arguing with no hard headed niggas. I'm in the dying hours of my days off. Back to work at midnight for me.

You got it.
Bottom line

Beans can’t play the tough guy role anymore.

He’s passed his prime health wise
You seeing what you want to see. But I'm not arguing with no hard headed niggas. I'm in the dying hours of my days off. Back to work at midnight for me.

You got it.

LLS like you ain't doing the same shit.

Now I'm even arguing.

Bottom line because beanie tried to be tough and it didn’t work because charlamagne pretty much said being a overt gangsta is wack in 2016 or 2017

he looked foolish

also sigel been irrelevant musically for like 14 years while only being relevant for like 5

he don’t warrant all of this stannery