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Texas Man Murdered GF Over Abortion

What about my post seemed personal to you? I'm talking numbers nothing more and nothing less. The percentage of men doing crazy shit like this is extremely low, so anyone trying to use these incidents to make points about the typical interaction between men and women is being disingenuous.

Again lol this isn’t talking about a typical reaction tho this is talking about murder you’re mixing up other points from other topics into this. Because again you think I literally mean everybody is on domestic abuse time. If that’s how you feel can’t convince you otherwise. If you want feel like I’m being extreme that’s cool.
Again lol this isn’t talking about a typical reaction tho this is talking about murder you’re mixing up other points from other topics into this. Because again you think I literally mean everybody is on domestic abuse time. If that’s how you feel can’t convince you otherwise. If you want feel like I’m being extreme that’s cool.
Devil's advocate, how is directing the responsibility of preventing this from happening at men *not* making it a man only issue?
Devil's advocate, how is directing the responsibility of preventing this from happening at men *not* making it a man only issue?

Well it’s not about every man alive. But I mean is this not a case of domestic abuse? Is that not something that happens a lot? Telling men to check other men like Dos said is not bad. Women checking other women isn’t bad either. I’m not saying Swabbie or Monk hit the streets and stop domestic violence though. But preventing it is more than just telling a victim grab a gun.
RIP to her

I understand why he did what he did

Well it’s not about every man alive. But I mean is this not a case of domestic abuse? Is that not something that happens a lot? Telling men to check other men like Dos said is not bad. Women checking other women isn’t bad either. I’m not saying Swabbie or Monk hit the streets and stop domestic violence though. But preventing it is more than just telling a victim grab a gun.

So y'all niggas think a dude killing his girl over abortion is a product of him not being checked? That's what I'm talking about. You're acting like this abnormal egregious shit can be stopped by everyday normal interactions. I'm not saying men shouldn't hold each other accountable. I'm saying you can't use crazy shit like this case as an example of men not doing that.
Yea see that’s cuz you take it personal when you know I don’t think this is done by everybody all the time. That’s you reading into something because you think I have an agenda and take what I say literally. That’s on you bro not me. And to me that’s ho shit. I gotta make a disclaimer so you know I’m not talking about every black man in America. Again you know this too lol

Bruh, the numbers don't support your stance. They don't support this notion that there's all these men out there looking to beat and/or kill women. It's a tiny fraction of one percent, yet you and your ilk make it seem like it's some kind of countrywide epidemic of female ass beating men out there.
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y’all got it man y’all don’t like my tone cuz you think it mean I mean everybody

It's not even approaching the majority. It's a tiny ass number of dudes. The overwhelming majority of men in this country have no desire to harm women at all. The narrative your dialogue paints is the complete opposite; that's the problem. So, yeah, you tend to take things personally when someone paints you with such a broad brush that it conceivably includes you.
It's not even approaching the majority. It's a tiny ass number of dudes. The overwhelming majority of men in this country have no desire to harm women at all. The narrative your dialogue paints is the complete opposite; that's the problem. So, yeah, you tend to take things personally when someone paints you with such a broad brush that it conceivably includes you.

But that’s the thing y’all know I don’t think every single black Lan in America is on that or condones it. Like ke look I took mono lol joke personal you also know I don’t mean it’s a majority but every single woman got a story to act like it can never ever be brought up because you yourself don’t do it is crazy to me. This is coming down to how y’all feel about my tone in this subject. But then say don’t take it personal? Are you not?
But that’s the thing y’all know I don’t think every single black Lan in America is on that or condones it. Like ke look I took mono lol joke personal you also know I don’t mean it’s a majority but every single woman got a story to act like it can never ever be brought up because you yourself don’t do it is crazy to me. This is coming down to how y’all feel about my tone in this subject. But then say don’t take it personal? Are you not?

No one is saying it can't be discussed. Just be intellectually honest when you have the discussion. You and some others always come into these discussion making comments that don't jive with reality. Granted, you're often responding to dudes on here that say ridiculous shit. I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean say some equal but opposite ridiculous shit.
No one is saying it can't be discussed. Just be intellectually honest when you have the discussion. You and some others always come into these discussion making comments that don't jive with reality. Granted, you're often responding to dudes on here that say ridiculous shit. I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean say some equal but opposite ridiculous shit.

So you pretty much know what I’m about but don’t like the way I do it nor will you address the ridiculous niggas. What we doing here man.
So you pretty much know what I’m about but don’t like the way I do it nor will you address the ridiculous niggas. What we doing here man.

You're talking like I find fault with you wording your points badly or something. That's not the issue. It always seems to me that you argue from a POV that's anti straight black man. It's one thing for women to be like that because truthfully they don't know what they're talking about sometimes. They aren't black men, so some of the assumptions they make about what, how, and why we do things are flawed. It's werid to constantly hear these talking points come from someone who claims to be a straight black man because he should know better.

It's like bro, nothing is wrong with you wanting to hold black men accountable, but you want us to be accountable for some shit that ain't even really true.
You're talking like I find fault with you wording your points badly or something. That's not the issue. It always seems to me that you argue from a POV that's anti straight black man. It's one thing for women to be like that because truthfully they don't know what they're talking about sometimes. They aren't black men, so some of the assumptions they make about what, how, and why we do things are flawed. It's werid to constantly hear these talking points come from someone who claims to be a straight black man because he should know better.

It's like bro, nothing is wrong with you wanting to hold black men accountable, but you want us to be accountable for some shit that ain't even really true.

I hear you bro I really I do but it’s not like that. Now I know how you view it it’s cool.
No one is saying it can't be discussed. Just be intellectually honest when you have the discussion. You and some others always come into these discussion making comments that don't jive with reality. Granted, you're often responding to dudes on here that say ridiculous shit. I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean say some equal but opposite ridiculous shit.

While reality shows that most men aren't harming women...reality also shows that far too many women have had experiences where men have harmed them or made them feel unsafe. So when those topics come up an often used way of dismissing those claims or discussions are "Well it ain't the majority so why even bring this up" or "It's a divisive topic so it needs to be put aside for later. We need to be unified." And don't even address what you just admit can be some ridiculous shit being said. That's when it becomes an issue.

I'm a firm believer, and have told women this personally, that the target audience for much or their ire simply doesn't give a fuck about their gripes because if they did they wouldn't do those things that cause them in the first place. But I also believe that going into automatic defense mode when you know you're not the one being spoken of really doesn't help feed the idea that there's some guilty conscience and fear of self examination at play when some legit gripes women have get shut down by the so called "good" guys.
While reality shows that most men aren't harming women...reality also shows that far too many women have had experiences where men have harmed them or made them feel unsafe. So when those topics come up an often used way of dismissing those claims or discussions are "Well it ain't the majority so why even bring this up" or "It's a divisive topic so it needs to be put aside for later. We need to be unified." And don't even address what you just admit can be some ridiculous shit being said. That's when it becomes an issue.

I'm a firm believer, and have told women this personally, that the target audience for much or their ire simply doesn't give a fuck about their gripes because if they did they wouldn't do those things that cause them in the first place. But I also believe that going into automatic defense mode when you know you're not the one being spoken of really doesn't help feed the idea that there's some guilty conscience and fear of self examination at play when some legit gripes women have get shut down by the so called "good" guys.

The bold is the crux of the matter.

Women act like there is just some culture among men that celebrates sexual assault and other deviant behavior. There really isn't. I'm not going to say that bad behavior hasn't existed amongst males and been accepted. For instance, niggas used to grab ass all the time back in the day, but back then, dudes really didn't think it was wrong. As stupid as that might sound to women, a lot of dudes just thought that was part of the mating ritual After women became more vocal about how much they hate that shit, decent dudes stopped doing it and started checking others who did it. Women expect that same shit to be done when it comes to actual rape, sexual assault, and domestic abuse, but those are different situations. The dudes doing that shit know it's wrong, but they do it anyway because they are "bad guys." Decent dudes don't kick it with guys like that. The best any of us can do is tell chicks to stay from those guys or tell them how those guys think and go about targeting their victims. For whatever reason, women don't appreciate that. Like I've had a couple instances where I tried to tell chicks I knew to stay away from certain cats because I knew what type of shit those dudes were on, only to have to chicks tell me I was jealous or other silly shit. So I learned to just let them be.
You're talking like I find fault with you wording your points badly or something. That's not the issue. It always seems to me that you argue from a POV that's anti straight black man. It's one thing for women to be like that because truthfully they don't know what they're talking about sometimes. They aren't black men, so some of the assumptions they make about what, how, and why we do things are flawed. It's werid to constantly hear these talking points come from someone who claims to be a straight black man because he should know better.

It's like bro, nothing is wrong with you wanting to hold black men accountable, but you want us to be accountable for some shit that ain't even really true.


Y'all ever notice a lack of women participating in these types of threads and wonder why? Shit like this is probably why.