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Texas Man Murdered GF Over Abortion

Literally said women don’t be knowing but let them say it about us and these niggas got an agenda handbook ready

Cause there is shit that women don't know. The fact that you're trying to turn that into a controversial statement just proves everything I say about you. Women aren't men, so they don't understand everything about the male experience. That's not debatable, but somehow you goofy ass niggas are acting like I said something crazy. The same exact shit goes in reverse. There are some aspects of being women that men don't know anything about and can't ever truly understand. Men should never speak on those matters like they are experts. If a man does, then women would have every right to tell that man that he doesn't know what he's talking about. I don't know what kinda bullshit ya'll are on with these comments. Ya'll just be typing to type.

Why would I condone him murdering her? Lol

Understanding doesn’t equal supporting it

All the quotes and wacks from my post point to niggas being stupid lol

Or people think that such an egregious act shouldn't even be seen as understandable.
Cause there is shit that women don't know. The fact that you're trying to turn that into a controversial statement just proves everything I say about you. Women aren't men, so they don't understand everything about the male experience. That's not debatable, but somehow you goofy ass niggas are acting like I said something crazy. The same exact shit goes in reverse. There are some aspects of being women that men don't know anything about and can't ever truly understand. Men should never speak on those matters like they are experts. If a man does, then women would have every right to tell that man that he doesn't know what he's talking about. I don't know what kinda bullshit ya'll are on with these comments. Ya'll just be typing to type.

Or people think that such an egregious act shouldn't even be seen as understandable.

That’s your POV
Cause there is shit that women don't know. The fact that you're trying to turn that into a controversial statement just proves everything I say about you. Women aren't men, so they don't understand everything about the male experience. That's not debatable, but somehow you goofy ass niggas are acting like I said something crazy. The same exact shit goes in reverse. There are some aspects of being women that men don't know anything about and can't ever truly understand. Men should never speak on those matters like they are experts. If a man does, then women would have every right to tell that man that he doesn't know what he's talking about. I don't know what kinda bullshit ya'll are on with these comments. Ya'll just be typing to type.

Or people think that such an egregious act shouldn't even be seen as understandable.

Bruh I think we know men and women are not the same but if we talking about how they are treated trying to dismiss what they are saying because not everybody does it is wild.
@The Lonious Monk yiu just said there are things we don’t know. is it impossible to think that women check out from these conversations is because of that dismissal? If I’m talking about racism and somebody white says “it’s not all of us so spare me this history lesson” would be wild
I don't know what you mean by injecting a group not being discussed. What group did I inject? You listed the use of alcohol/weed to get sex as something that is celebrated. I suppose you can say that guys celebrate the usefulness of alcohol for that purpose, though that's not really a word I would use for it. However, I haven't seen many guys celebrating getting girls drunk forcefully or without their consent. And yes, I said "dudes using alcohol" because I was responding to your framing. You're the one that made it seem like pushing alcohol is something that men do rather than being fair and acknowledging that drinking and smoking are things that men and women both freely engage in when interacting. Yes, there are dudes that misuse drugs and alcohol to get what they want from women, and those dudes are snakes. Who is celebrating them?

Fair enough, indecent people never want their bad acts to come to light. My issue you with you and a couple others is that sometimes you make bad faith arguments, and when others shut those down you try to make it seem like we are just trying to stomp out healthy discussions. I'm 100% fine with having tough discussions, but if you're starting those discussion of disingenuous talking points, those conversations will never be productive.

I mentioned dudes who use alcohol as a predatory tool. You countered by mentioning people who willingly engage in drinking. Those aren't the same groups of people. I was very specific in my wording. I said "celebrated by some." Some is the key word there. So there was no need to bring up "But people do it willingly" because it's already made clear I'm not making a wide an all encompassing statement.

The automatic assumption that simply mentioning a topic means any and everyone is now being accused of something is just an easy exit ramp to use. Especially when it's made explicitly clear that's not what's happening. And you're doing just that in your responses.
I mentioned dudes who use alcohol as a predatory tool. You countered by mentioning people who willingly engage in drinking. Those aren't the same groups of people. I was very specific in my wording. I said "celebrated by some." Some is the key word there. So there was no need to bring up "But people do it willingly" because it's already made clear I'm not making a wide an all encompassing statement.

The automatic assumption that simply mentioning a topic means any and everyone is now being accused of something is just an easy exit ramp to use. Especially when it's made explicitly clear that's not what's happening. And you're doing just that in your responses.

You didn't say it like that bro. You said:

The whole "let me get her drunk/high so she can be more open" shit is celebrated and accepted by some as normal.

That statement also includes dudes that make the alcohol and weed available but leave it up to the women to choose how much they drink or smoke. If you were only referring to situations where the dudes were taking the choice away from women as too how much they consume, then you should have been more clear about that. And in that case, who is really celebrating it? Not a lot of dudes are out there celebrating other guys tricking women into getting overly drunk for sex, and the few dudes that are celebrating that kinda behavior are trash.

Ya'll keep on saying that people use the "not everybody does it " line instantly when shit is brought up. Just look at how imprecisely you cats speak about things. Isn't it possible that sometimes convos go down that lane because you and others speak recklessly without intending to do so. I've had conversations with women where they have claimed that every man has sexually assaulted a woman at some point. I'm sure I'm not the only one. That's why some dudes feel the need to say things like "not every man does that."
You didn't say it like that bro. You said:

That statement also includes dudes that make the alcohol and weed available but leave it up to the women to choose how much they drink or smoke. If you were only referring to situations where the dudes were taking the choice away from women as too how much they consume, then you should have been more clear about that. And in that case, who is really celebrating it? Not a lot of dudes are out there celebrating other guys tricking women into getting overly drunk for sex, and the few dudes that are celebrating that kinda behavior are trash.

Ya'll keep on saying that people use the "not everybody does it " line instantly when shit is brought up. Just look at how imprecisely you cats speak about things. Isn't it possible that sometimes convos go down that lane because you and others speak recklessly without intending to do so. I've had conversations with women where they have claimed that every man has sexually assaulted a woman at some point. I'm sure I'm not the only one. That's why some dudes feel the need to say things like "not every man does that."

No it doesn't include them hence the use of the word some. If I meant all or even the majority then I would have said such. Even when being told it doesn't you're still choosing to take that stance instead of just admitting you jumped the gun and made a wrong assumption. That's on you and how you're choosing to read that at this point because it's a willful misinterpretation.
No it doesn't include them hence the use of the word some. If I meant all or even the majority then I would have said such. Even when being told it doesn't you're still choosing to take that stance instead of just admitting you jumped the gun and made a wrong assumption. That's on you and how you're choosing to read that at this point because it's a willful misinterpretation.

You keep talking about some or all. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the way you phrased the statement. You say you were talking about dudes that use alcohol in a predatory manner. That's fine, but the way you phrased your statement made it sound like any dude that gives a chick alcohol in hopes that he might get lucky is engaging in deviant behavior. I didn't make any assumptions. I simply responded to the statement you made rather than the statement that you thought you were making.
Why would I condone him murdering her? Lol

Understanding doesn’t equal supporting it

All the quotes and wacks from my post point to niggas being stupid lol
I understand why you posted what you did
I understand why you posted what you did
Well why you fucking wit him and his ilk?

Damn it AP you are one of them guys you want to yell at , put your hands up and square up but don’t really want to fight cuz a nigga fux with you.

Get off the lawn of this thread,
Damn ho
Well why you fucking wit him and his ilk?

Damn it AP you are one of them guys you want to yell at , put your hands up and square up but don’t really want to fight cuz a nigga fux with you.

Get off the lawn of this thread,
Damn ho
Beta makes a lot of ambiguous posts

I wanted to be sure and I was giving him the benefit of the doubt which is why I asked him

All is well
You keep talking about some or all. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the way you phrased the statement. You say you were talking about dudes that use alcohol in a predatory manner. That's fine, but the way you phrased your statement made it sound like any dude that gives a chick alcohol in hopes that he might get lucky is engaging in deviant behavior. I didn't make any assumptions. I simply responded to the statement you made rather than the statement that you thought you were making.

I didn't thats why words like some matter. But even if that's your interpretation when it was made clear that wasn't the case you still kept responding as such. Which proved the point that you were more focused on that and used that as an exit ramp to the actual topic.
I didn't thats why words like some matter. But even if that's your interpretation when it was made clear that wasn't the case you still kept responding as such. Which proved the point that you were more focused on that and used that as an exit ramp to the actual topic.

Bruh, the some doesn't matter because I'm not accusing you of making an absolute statement. I'm saying that your phrasing was inclusive of nonpredatory behavior. You keep talking like I'm falsely assuming something when our point of disagreement is the fact that you didn't specify predatory use of alcohol in that first post.

I kept responding because you made that the central issue. You could have just said "I didn't mean it that way" and left it at that. But with each new post you accuse me of intentionally taking it the wrong way in an effort to be devious. I don't see how you don't see that the turn this discussion has taken is 100% you trying to find malfeasance in my interpretation of your ambiguous statement.

I'm done with this merry go round though. If you want to keep on making ambiguous statements and blaming people because they didn't automatically know what you were trying to say in your head, go for it.
Bruh, the some doesn't matter because I'm not accusing you of making an absolute statement. I'm saying that your phrasing was inclusive of nonpredatory behavior. You keep talking like I'm falsely assuming something when our point of disagreement is the fact that you didn't specify predatory use of alcohol in that first post.

I kept responding because you made that the central issue. You could have just said "I didn't mean it that way" and left it at that. But with each new post you accuse me of intentionally taking it the wrong way in an effort to be devious. I don't see how you don't see that the turn this discussion has taken is 100% you trying to find malfeasance in my interpretation of your ambiguous statement.

I'm done with this merry go round though. If you want to keep on making ambiguous statements and blaming people because they didn't automatically know what you were trying to say in your head, go for it.

"I'm not accusing you of making an absolute statement. I'm just saying you didn't exclude everybody."

Even with the clarification you asked for and got...you still went with your own interpretation. This is Dos level comprehension.
While reality shows that most men aren't harming women...reality also shows that far too many women have had experiences where men have harmed them or made them feel unsafe. So when those topics come up an often used way of dismissing those claims or discussions are "Well it ain't the majority so why even bring this up" or "It's a divisive topic so it needs to be put aside for later. We need to be unified." And don't even address what you just admit can be some ridiculous shit being said. That's when it becomes an issue.

I'm a firm believer, and have told women this personally, that the target audience for much or their ire simply doesn't give a fuck about their gripes because if they did they wouldn't do those things that cause them in the first place. But I also believe that going into automatic defense mode when you know you're not the one being spoken of really doesn't help feed the idea that there's some guilty conscience and fear of self examination at play when some legit gripes women have get shut down by the so called "good" guys.

Who said "so why even bring this up"? Like straight up, this is a strawman. You are actively creating a position that didn't exist here and then arguing against it. The idea that one "knows their not being spoken of" is the actual misdirect because the verbiage used speaks to men and since I'm a man, it does make me wonder why more specific language isn't being used. I have a right to not be lumped in with people who beat their wives and girlfriends, suggesting that I don't because I should just assume that I'm not included in the term men, despite my obviously being a man, is ridiculous and dismissive. You are asking people to accept a generalization on the off chance everyone who hears it will constantly reevaluate it and think within a nuance and that's never, ever how people have worked. Despite your anecdotal evidence, reality is that men are not abusers - abusers are abusers.

What it seems is being suggested is that we work from the place that men are abusers or allow abuse but there are some that aren't and don't. When you start a discussion or movement speaking in broad terms there can be broad consequences i.e., the idea that men in general are predatory or violent by nature.

I ain't gonna lie though, I sort of lost track of the convo and lack the afterwork attention span to catch up so if this is asked and answered lmk 😂
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Who said "so why even bring this up"? Like straight up, this is a strawman. You are actively creating a position that didn't exist here and then arguing against it. The idea that one "knows their not being spoken of" is the actual misdirect because the verbiage used speaks to men and since I'm a man, it does make me wonder why more specific language isn't being used. I have a right to not be lumped in with people who beat their wives and girlfriends, suggesting that I don't because I should just assume that I'm not included in the term men, despite my obviously being a man, is ridiculous and dismissive. You are asking people to accept a generalization on the off chance everyone who hears it will constantly reevaluate it and think within a nuance and that's never, ever how people have worked. Despite your anecdotal evidence, reality is that men are not abusers - abusers are abusers.

What it seems is being suggested is that we work from the place that men are abusers or allow abuse but there are some that aren't and don't. When you start a discussion or movement speaking in broad terms there can be broad consequences i.e., the idea that men in general are predatory or violent by nature.

I ain't gonna lie though, I sort of lost track of the convo and lack the afterwork attention span to catch up so if this is asked and answered lmk 😂

Not only was it asked and answered...there's specific words used to denote there's no "all" or generalizations being said. Hence me saying "the target audience for these discussions don't give a fuck". That alone denotes there's a distinction between those who participate in these actions and those who don't.
Not only was it asked and answered...there's specific words used to denote there's no "all" or generalizations being said. Hence me saying "the target audience for these discussions don't give a fuck". That alone denotes there's a distinction between those who participate in these actions and those who don't.

Bet. But, if what you say is true, what's the point of your postings then? If the explanation of why dudes take offense to the way this sort of stuff is discussed as it pertains to them was given, what's the purpose of anything you said beyond stating the obvious that bad people exist? I'm sorry, I'm just trying to understand why there's so much tension around a person wanting the language to be more specific.

For example

But I also believe that going into automatic defense mode when you know you're not the one being spoken of really doesn't help feed the idea that there's some guilty conscience and fear of self examination at play when some legit gripes women have get shut down by the so called "good" guys.

How is this a credible response to a person saying imprecise language has inadvertently labeled them as being a part of a degenerate bunch and it bothers them? Like if you didn't include this, or whatever the hell else that followed, I'd feel you. Honest to God, bro, it feels like y'all talking out the side of ya mouths here. Do men got a problem or not? Because if it's the first part, then you going to have to deal with people asking to you be a bit more targeted in your criticisms. If it's the second, tf is all the posting about? lol
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