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So we're just making shit up at this point?

I meant to say "among 1st world countries".

and it's 100% true.

for example: The 2019 total number of murders in the UK, regardless of weapon was 714 (The UK reports data from March to March, so this is from march 2019 to march 2020)

According to the FBI, the total number of murders by knife alone for 2019 in the US was 1,476. That's a bit more than double the total number of murders in the UK period. We haven't even made it to the rest of the numbers! If you don't believe me look at the data here:

and here:

I meant to say "among 1st world countries".

and it's 100% true.

for example: The 2019 total number of murders in the UK, regardless of weapon was 714 (The UK reports data from March to March, so this is from march 2019 to march 2020)

According to the FBI, the total number of murders by knife alone for 2019 in the US was 1,476. That's a bit more than double the total number of murders in the UK period. We haven't even made it to the rest of the numbers! If you don't believe me look at the data here:

and here:

C'mon man...

United States/Population
331.9 million (2021)

United Kingdom/Population
67.33 million (2021)
C'mon man...

United States/Population
331.9 million (2021)

United Kingdom/Population
67.33 million (2021)

you're still not getting it:

The number of murders in the US where a knife was the weapon used is more than double the TOTAL number of murders in the UK.

I'm not including guns, fists/feet, blunt objects, or anything else: just knives and it perfectly illustrates what I said earlier: Take away guns from the US and we will still lead the 1st world in murder and our numbers will still dwarf every other 1st world country because they already do!
you're still not getting it:

The number of murders in the US where a knife was the weapon used is more than double the TOTAL number of murders in the UK.

I'm not including guns, fists/feet, blunt objects, or anything else: just knives and it perfectly illustrates what I said earlier: Take away guns from the US and we will still lead the 1st world in murder and our numbers will still dwarf every other 1st world country because they already do!

Lol bruh can you kill 50 folks with knife by yourself in 6 minutes?

We don’t live in the sword age bro. Y’all say it all the time people get guns and feel tough a knife may have that impact but cmon. Knife crime wouldn’t go up in the US with more restrictions on guns. I don’t know this knife thing is a point you’re trying to make. Yes American culture is more overtly violent if that’s the point you want to make.
you're still not getting it:

The number of murders in the US where a knife was the weapon used is more than double the TOTAL number of murders in the UK.

I'm not including guns, fists/feet, blunt objects, or anything else: just knives and it perfectly illustrates what I said earlier: Take away guns from the US and we will still lead the 1st world in murder and our numbers will still dwarf every other 1st world country because they already do!

And if we still dwarf the first world it would still be less shootings. Is that a bad thing in some way?
Lol bruh can you kill 50 folks with knife by yourself in 6 minutes?

We don’t live in the sword age bro. Y’all say it all the time people get guns and feel tough a knife may have that impact but cmon. Knife crime wouldn’t go up in the US with more restrictions on guns. I don’t know this knife thing is a point you’re trying to make. Yes American culture is more overtly violent if that’s the point you want to make.

You got the point at the end: America is a violent country. Take away all guns (including police) and we will still be at the top of the list for murders among 1st world countries.
If the shooter in Uvalde was armed with a knife instead, the police wouldn't have been scared to rush in.

You start changing the circumstances the outcomes are gonna change as well.

Still need to do something about the shootings regardless.
Interesting that people think psychos will jump to knives instead of homemade explosives
I’d take that all day. Making a bomb takes a certain level of knowledge and skill that’s not common amongst people. Plus most of those folks would blow themselves up before even approaching the general population.

Buying a gun and pulling a trigger takes absolutely zero knowledge and skill, regardless of what 2-A people would have you think.
I’d take that all day. Making a bomb takes a certain level of knowledge and skill that’s not common amongst people. Plus most of those folks would blow themselves up before even approaching the general population.

Buying a gun and pulling a trigger takes absolutely zero knowledge and skill, regardless of what 2-A people would have you think.
Only requires a quick google search and a store run but if you say so
Only requires a quick google search and a store run but if you say so
and then what?

They gotta plant it undetected, have to have it remain undetected until the appropriate time, gotta have it detonate at the correct time.

Plus isn't the argument that these shooters want the notoriety of being plastered all of the news? To live on on infamy? Wouldn't you lose that motive?