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I literally saw a registry get suggested and Eyerone was saying that could lead to feds taking guns and used examples of it happening. Just relax man
Having a registry will not stop folks for owning guns illegally. A ton of folks already register their guns.

Some places already require it but still don’t stop folks. It’s hard a fuck to get a gun in Cali and NY but folks still got them illegally

All it will do is give police and government “reasons” to open fire more on black folks

That will not stop crazy folks from killing folks
I literally saw a registry get suggested and Eyerone was saying that could lead to feds taking guns and used examples of it happening. Just relax man
Historically speaking, that’s what has happened in every country that has issued a registry.
Yes but the gun crowd does start saying stuff like the government will take the guns away which maybe could happen but idk. I don’t think anybody has offered any realistic solutions

I’ve offered some realistic solutions, Good Brother HellCzar.

Can y’all stop derailing the thread and complaining about it.
I don’t see any of this as derailing. As long as there are people against further limitations on gun ownership these events will continue. It goes hand in hand so expect backlash against folks who don’t want further restrictions on ownership in every one of these threads.
Now I see why @SneakDZA said what he said yesterday

My tone was emotional and I was offensive and disrespectful where I shouldn't have been but I stand by the fact that all these so-called counter arguments are really just distractions.

Like... how is a neo nazi shooting up non-white children supposed to be america's chickens coming home to roost due to its history of racism? That shit doesn't even make sense.
Is background checks on ALL gun sales not reasonable?

Maybe the same amount of scrutiny that you need to have a damn car - a license... education and insurance?

How about making people that buy guns for their little psycho incel little devils responsible for what they do with them?

Maybe hold gun manufacturers responsible for when they make an oopsie and all of their somehow legal guns magically turn to illegal guns?

There are tons of things that can be done that aren't being done to address this shit.
I did too. It just doesn’t matter. It’s a pointless point. Especially when a lot of these are by white supremacists. Y’all forgot about the church shooting? The grocery store shooting? We still the targets. But it’s ok as long as niggas went through it in the 80’s and now some white people are going through it.

And it’s funny how y’all want to delineate between “beef” and street related shootings when defining mass shootings (which I agree with), but now want to conflate these same incidents with random mass shootings to make the chickens roosting argument. That shit y’all describe in the 80’s in black communities ain’t this and requires a different approach.

It's not. I think if you were my age, you'd understand where I'm coming from more than you do.

I'm not conflating the incidents, just pointing out that when we die, it's no big deal as far as white America is concerned. When they die, that's when something must be done. Whether street beef or mass shooting, the end result is the same: Outrage when the faces are white, not so much when they're Black; that's all I'm trying to get y'all to see. That plus the media barrage surrounding has the effect of getting y'all as incensed as they are when the same media largely ignores our continued plight.

Yes but the gun crowd does start saying stuff like the government will take the guns away which maybe could happen but idk. I don’t think anybody has offered any realistic solutions

I believe it was the Highland Park thread that I agreed with @TheNightKing to raise the age for all gun sales to 21. I did have to point out, however, that such a move wouldn't have stopped a lot of the shootings that have happened as the perps were all over 21, however, it's one I still support.

I do genuinely believe that properly enforced red flag laws would stop far more of these than anything else.

I've also championed universal background checks like we had back in Nevada. Private sales, gun shows, and everything in between has to have an NICS background check run.
Is background checks on ALL gun sales not reasonable?

Maybe the same amount of scrutiny that you need to have a damn car - a license... education and insurance?

How about making people that buy guns for their little psycho incel little devils responsible for what they do with them?

Maybe hold gun manufacturers responsible for when they make an oopsie and all of their somehow legal guns magically turn to illegal guns?

There are tons of things that can be done that aren't being done to address this shit.

Still gotta go through a federal check to buy from a gun dealer. That's a federal mandate so it's the same for all 50 states. The backdoor is private sales which, as I've suggested, also need to go through the same background check as it does already in 14 states (Nevada being one of them which is how I was even made aware of it).

It ain't about "having an arsenal". It's about identifying WHY this is happening and focusing on that instead of shit that doesn't really matter. This is a mental health issue and always has been, let's get controls in place that won't allow people with identified mental issues buy guns regardless of whether it's a handgun, rifle, or shotgun. And take a cue from here in Nevada and make it so that even private sales have to go through a federal background check with an FFL facilitating it. You gotta transfer the gun to the FFL, the FFL then submits the background paperwork and holds the firearm until the process is complete. If the person passes, it's then transferred to that person. If not, then it goes back to the owner. Add stiff consequences for selling outside of this process and if you sell illegally and the person commits a mass shooting then the seller is on the hook for accessory to murder.

I've already proposed those measures, multiple times. Y'all just tend to ignore it.
Is background checks on ALL gun sales not reasonable?

Maybe the same amount of scrutiny that you need to have a damn car - a license... education and insurance?

How about making people that buy guns for their little psycho incel little devils responsible for what they do with them?

Maybe hold gun manufacturers responsible for when they make an oopsie and all of their somehow legal guns magically turn to illegal guns?

There are tons of things that can be done that aren't being done to address this shit.

Background checks on all gun sales is completely reasonable. They need to revamp the system to cross reference medical history and psychiatric care.

Mandatory education and training? All for it; given that it does not tax the poor for access.

Penalizing folks for Buying/gifting guns to folks who one day commit atrocities? If it’s known that they neglected the giftee’s mental state or predisposition? Yes.

Not sure if I agree with suing gun manufacturers for what other people do with guns. But I guess that depends on the situation.
And what was the end result?

Lower gun crime in that country.

But none of those countries ever had the population of our country at any time nor were guns as prolific as they are in America in 2023 back when those confiscations & mandatory buybacks took place. Did Australia or New Zealand or Canada ever have more guns in circulation than their population? No.

The problem is putting the toothpaste back in the tube in America. Other countries didn’t cement the right to bear arms in their constitution. But I can say they were smart enough to institute registries early on enough to where they could contain the proliferation of firearms before they became like what America is today.