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T.I. Arrested At His Gated Community

This aint ringing up the wrong item, This aint bringing you the wrong size shoe from the back

The man gave the CORRECT information and was not able to get to HIS HOME.

Still doesn't mean the security guard should tolerate being disrespected.

So you telling me at your job if you do something wrong you ok with being asked "what's your name hoe ass nigga?" That is a yes or no question. Anything besides a yes or no answer you bullshitting.
Still doesn't mean the security guard should tolerate being disrespected.

So you telling me at your job if you do something wrong you ok with being asked "what's your name hoe ass nigga?" That is a yes or no question. Anything besides a yes or no answer you bullshitting.

He's acting like there's a certain level of mistake that makes being disrespected acceptable.
Ok, seems like some of you really dont know how gated communities like this work. If you pulled up to the gate without the gate key and they recognize you, then let you in, that guard is doing YOU a favor. But normally when you pull up to the gate, visitor or resident has to tell the guard what address they're going to AND PROVIDE ID. Then they take your ID and look you up to see if you live there or if you are a visitor they call the house you say you're going to and say "Hi we have ___ at the gate" and they let you in. And if as a visitor and they call the address and no one picks up, you not getting let in.

Fuck is the point of having a gated community with a guard if they let anyone in who says they live there.
At then end of the day, do your job or expect everything that comes with not doing ya job

Simple case of cause and reaction

At the end of the day, be respectful or expect everything that comes with being disrespectful.

Reactions go both ways. You react disrespectfully.....
Being denied access to your home is serious as fuck.

In one breath I seen yall saying a cop shouldn't have slammed such and such because just because they was being disrespectful means nothing.

But now yall saying TI should have been respectful AFTER GIVING CORRECT INFORMATION and still being denied access to his home

Which one is it?
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What correct information do you keep screaming about? Yall clearly didnt watch the video i posted of the whole thing.

He said "My name is Harris" and gave what sounds like the street. While the guard is looking him up on the computer he gets mad and starts yelling at him to open the fucking gate.

Yall acting like he handed him his ID and the guard threw it back at him & said no.
So basically a bunch of y'all are ok with being disrespected and called "Hoe ass niggas" if you've messed up on your job.

I can't get down.
its not about messed up your job.....its about being an ass about it.

if i messed up and someone gets pissed.....i will take a step back if im wrong.

i cant win them all and dont want to....too much energy
I don't give a fuck how bad i messed up...

When you start disrespecting me.... We having a whole different conversation....

Shit...I could owe you money....

You still gonna respect me or we gonna have a legit problem.

Like it been said multiple times....

Maybe y'all okay being disrespected for doing a bad job.....I can give a fuck less about a job... Respect me as a man under all conditions
I don't give a fuck how bad i messed up...

When you start disrespecting me.... We having a whole different conversation....

Shit...I could owe you money....

You still gonna respect me or we gonna have a legit problem.

Like it been said multiple times....

Maybe y'all okay being disrespected for doing a bad job.....I can give a fuck less about a job... Respect me as a man under all conditions

The bold is all truth especially the underlined!!
perfect reference.....either die on your feet or live on your knees....

it's hard for me to swallow blatant disrespect like that... which made it such powerful scene...

many dudes just shut the fuck up and take it.....

that ain't me

In this scene tho i cant see myself taking some convenience store shit serious that store aint mine and it aint ran by my family. Not getting into shit over any of that stuff.

But indont give a fuck about corporations and shit like that.
heres the full video

I dont know how you watch that full interaction and say TI is 100% the victim.

At first he speaks calmly. He says his name is Harris and says part of the street. For those of you that never lived in a gated community or never been to one, the guard has to look you up on the computer. The guard was looking him up and says "Harris?" then TI undoes his seatbelt and says "Ey, open the motha fucking gate my nigga" Then the guard says "You not gunna talk to me like that, you not gunna talk to me like that".
After that you hear Tiny call and say "can you plz let him in the gate", all while TI cussing at him in the background.

26 mins damn
Good point but if you mess up and work.and your boss call you a bitch ass nigga you cant just accept it?

That is a different dynamic because your boss violated the company's dignity and respect guidelines if he called you a bitch ass nigga......you can probably sue / settle out of court......TI and the security guard is a business / customer (or client) dynamic
Man fuck all that..

26 mins damn
Its not 26 min of them straight going at it.The video it self is like 14/15 min & the rest is the uploaders commentary of the incident. This is only part of it, I guess theres a part 2 showing him getting arrested and w/e. Let me break down the video into cliffs, since i know niggas didnt watch the video from the responses.

  • At like 4:11 am,(Idk the exact time since that video doesnt have a time stamp but the one in the office does) TI pulls up the guard is asleep with his head down & he wakes him.
  • At first he speaks calmly. He says his name is Harris and says part of the street. The guard goes to the computer to look him up and says "Harris?" then TI undoes his seatbelt and says "Ey, open the motha fucking gate my nigga" Then the guard says "You not gunna talk to me like that, you not gunna talk to me like that". After that you hear Tiny call and say "can you plz let him in the gate for him." While TI is yelling at him in the background & you can see him spliting his attention between the both of them.
  • This who exchange goes on about 6 min total.
  • Tiny calls back the gate and asks why he wasnt let in & he says "Thats not the way you talk to people ma'am". Idk if he meant her or TI. while he lets someone else into the gate.
  • She asks him if there is anything different they're supposed to do, he says "My job is to verify whoever is supposed to come in the gate & give their name and address, people dont just drive up and say open the gate then drive off, idk who you are and where you going, I'm not recording peoples face in my head."
  • She then says "I'm dont think im aware of whats going on here, because he said (I couldnt make out what was said, someone else can try and decipher it @8:26 in the video). She says something about names. Then goes on to say she wasnt calling anyone any names. He says, "Its all good ma'am & they hang up"
  • 3min go by (they fastforward in the video and keep in mind she was super calm the other times she called) she calls back the gate, he answers and with an attitude she says "Why didnt you do what I said the first time I called the gate? He responds with "Man who da hell you think you talking to?" She says, "Man I called up there to let him in and you didnt do it" (some of it i couldnt make out but shes kinda yelling about how its bullshit and she asked nicely). He then hangs up on her.
  • Then he picks up his cell phone and calls his manager or supervisor asking them to come to the front because these a situation with a resident and he wants her to come to the front where hes at. She says ok and he hangs up.
  • Maybe 30 seconds go by and hes looking at the security cameras, then he calls the police. He tells them he has a situation with a person he let through thats coming back to the guard gate. While hes on the phone with the police thats when you TI walk up to the window and say "whats hannin, whats up man, whats up dog...I asked you for your name and you aint give it to me (He knocks on the door) can you step out?"
Heres part 2. I didnt watch 100% of it,I just skimmed but there some funny quotables, especially when the cops come.