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COMMUNITY Supreme Court strikes down abortion | Update: Georgia Supreme Court is reinstating the state's 6-week abortion ban

Women have more control over their bodies than they care to acknowledge.

They're just going to have to make better decisions and explore other options that are still available to them despite the Supreme Court's decision.

If they're so worried about not being able to have an abortion, then they can easily take the necessary steps to avoid getting pregnant to begin with.

After all.............

Their body...............their choice.
Why do you keep saying they? It's two people to create a baby and no one should have the right to someone's body like these old fucks have now legally allowed.
Women have more control over their bodies than they care to acknowledge.

They're just going to have to make better decisions and explore other options that are still available to them despite the Supreme Court's decision.

If they're so worried about not being able to have an abortion, then they can easily take the necessary steps to avoid getting pregnant to begin with.

After all.............

Their body...............their choice.
So in states that are banning abortions even in cases of rape, incest, and that are of high-risk to the mother and/or child, you say what?
I know that it affects them a lot more than it affects us.

Simply because, if it didn't, so many of them wouldn't be acting/reacting the way they are to the decision.

If it affected us more, they'd go on about their business like they always do and not pay it any mind.

But yeah, go ahead and do their dirty work for them if you really think it's gonna help us in the long run.

Regardless of what level you think it affects us you acknowledge that it does...so ignoring something you admit will have an affect makes no sense.
Women have more control over their bodies than they care to acknowledge.

They're just going to have to make better decisions and explore other options that are still available to them despite the Supreme Court's decision.

If they're so worried about not being able to have an abortion, then they can easily take the necessary steps to avoid getting pregnant to begin with.

After all.............

Their body...............their choice.

So you're basically preaching that celibacy should be the way to go unless youre having sex for the sole specific purpose of having kids because no way outside of that is 100% effective
Another one! Supreme Court really showing its true colors.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed a congressional map in Louisiana to remain in place for the next election, freezing a lower court ruling that said the map likely violates the Voting Rights Act by diluting the power of Black voters.

Smmfh. They so brazen with it. 9 conservative judges on the Supreme Court coming soon.
Another one! Supreme Court really showing its true colors.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed a congressional map in Louisiana to remain in place for the next election, freezing a lower court ruling that said the map likely violates the Voting Rights Act by diluting the power of Black voters.

Smmfh. They so brazen with it. 9 conservative judges on the Supreme Court coming soon.

Conservative doesn’t even feel like the right word, as a judge that just means you lean right. These are extremist political actors.
He's talking about the chicks not being responsible and view abortions as a form of birth control.

Didn't y'all bully a chick on the ic who had multiple abortions

1 - Doesnt matter who he's talking about.. the fact remains that there are responsible women out there taking all the precautions and can still get pregnant and wont have the ability to choose what they want to do. And to group them with women out there just being wreckless is fuckin silly. Both should have the choice to do what they want to or need to..

2 - I dont know what bullying you talking about cuz I wasn't part of none of that IC bullshit so don't loop me in with no "Yall" when bringing up the goofy shit they was on
Kids hear all kinds of shit in school they have a problem with and........for the most part...........they just shrug it off and keep it moving.

They can easily do the same with prayer.

If they don't want to pray.........they won't.

Just keep quiet and have a moment of silence to themselves.

Their feelings shouldn't have anything to do with people who want to pray.

As long as they're not being forced to do anything, it shouldn't be a problem.

But why fam?

If kids want to pray, they can.

But the teacher announcing its prayer time and leading kids in prayer is a whole different world.

This country is supposed to have seperation of church and state. They are getting rid of those controls fast as a mfer and the fact that dont bother yall mean to me that yall dont overstand how bad it is to live in a religious society
Conservative doesn’t even feel like the right word, as a judge that just means you lean right. These are extremist political actors.

Honestly, this last week has been a hostile takeoever of this country.

This country officially became Minoritarian, which by definition, is the exact opposite of a Democracy.

Almost all these conservative leaning judges were appointed by Presidents who lost the popular vote. Thats a red flag.

But on top of that, 60+% of the population opposed overturning Roe.

An even higher percentage supported gun control, and they just made gun rights broader than its been decades.

The majority opposed prayer in schools.

They gerrymandered and played with votes enough to get a majority in the Supreme Court, and stripped Democracy away in a matter of a few weeks.

These days will be talked about in history one day.

Any person that belongs to a minority group supporting this foolishness is wild to me. Even if you agree with some of these decisions, there is no way this ends well for minorities.

The minority ruling this country now believes this country is white protestants destiny. Their philosophy is Manifest Destiny. And none of us belong in their manifest.
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Wanting a baby =/= wanting a kid that's been raised by the system.

I could be wrong, but actual babies tend to get snatched up quickly.

Sad but true…and a good number of kids are put into foster care with the ultimate goal of reuniting them w their family
If conservatives could have trigger laws.. why couldnt the same have been done on the other side.

Nigga they did in the states not politically dominated by a bunch of fuckin cracker-ass hillbillys.....

"We've been warned this day would come," said House Speaker Emanuel "Chris" Welch. "That's why we've worked hard in Illinois to ensure Roe v. Wade is codified into law and reproductive health care will never be in jeopardy. In Illinois, we will never go back."

Illinois signed the Reproductive Health Care Act into law in 2019, establishing a fundamental right to reproductive healthcare, including abortion and maternity care, into Illinois state law. The law ensures regulations reflect current medical standards and requires private health insurance plans in Illinois to cover abortion like they do other pregnancy-related care. also repealed the Parental Notification Act in 2021 because fuck havin a incest rape baby

• Oregon led the nation by passing the most comprehensive reproductive health legislation at the time. Governor Brown signed Oregon’s Reproductive Health Equity Act into law in 2017 — a first of its kind bill that expanded access to reproductive health services for all Oregonians and codified the right to an abortion into state law. Adding to that work, Oregon invested $15 million for community-based organizations to expand access to abortion across the state and provide immediate support to patients, health care providers, and community advocates, with a focus on rural communities, communities of color, and low-income communities to overcome barriers to access.

• Governor Newsom has proposed a $125 million Reproductive Health Package to expand access for women and help prepare for the influx of women seeking reproductive health care from other states. The California Legislature has introduced a constitutional amendment to enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution, Governor Newsom recently signed legislation eliminating copays for abortion care services and has signed into law a legislative package to further strengthen access and protect patients and providers. Additional proposals are being considered with the Legislature.

• In 2018 Governor Inslee signed the Reproductive Parity Act that requires all health plans that include maternity care services to also cover abortion and contraception. In 2021 he signed the Protecting Pregnancy Act that allows doctors who practice in Catholic-run hospitals to bypass ethical-religious directives and provide medically necessary abortion when a woman’s life is in danger. Earlier this year Inslee signed the Affirm Washington Abortion Access Act that better ensures the ability of Washington abortion care providers to serve any person who comes in Washington state seeking an abortion. Washington law also protects patients and clinic personnel from harassment outside of clinics. Further, when federal changes were made to the Title X program to not allow family planning clinics to reference abortion as an option, Washington state stepped up to fund the Title X clinics instead of having to comply. While the federal funding has been restored, the state will continue to provide needed funding to support access to abortion.

New York State was already the first abortion haven in 1970 and made the Reproductive Health Act law in 2019, they'll get a state constitutional amendment eventually

Vermont voters in November will decide whether to enshrine abortion rights into that state’s constitution. Vermont’s Proposal 5, which has been working its way through that state’s legislative process since 2019, would ensure every resident “is afforded personal reproductive liberty” and the ability to exercise “personal autonomy.”