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COMMUNITY Supreme Court strikes down abortion | Update: Georgia Supreme Court is reinstating the state's 6-week abortion ban

Exactly. And these people have a lot of guns but the majority of their “training” is target practice at a range or something they perceive to be training that’s based on their limited knowledge base. Whereas the military spends millions in training developed over centuries of wartime knowledge.

LMAO no sir this is not an accurate depiction of the current US military's training at all😂

I get it bruh, Uncle Sam is great at marketing how competent the troops are

but no, in reality only special forces type units do extensive training that really separates them from the average civilian

u would be surprised at the skill level of most people on active duty SMH

the average citizen really should evaluate their survival skills becuz this ruling could be a turning point in America

covid already gave folks a taste of just how unprepared they are if society breaks down
have u been in the military?

I actually have.....for over a decade and served multiple deployments in different roles.....I have extensive 1st hand experience, so trust I'm def not overestimating my skills as an actual soldier

I'm not some average pro 2A neckbeard who just thinks their elmer fudd shotgun alone will protect us from the imaginary jackboots of a fascist govt 😂

drones are not something that only the govt can use

have u really considered just how hard it would be for the govt to completely overpower the US citizenry by force, even just a portion of it?

if the black population in America was actually unified and everyone was on the same page as far as preserving our rights to self defense.....the US govt would have to do the same cost/benefit analysis just like in Afghanistan

bottom line is black folks look goofy supporting anything that limits their own power whether military, economic, political or otherwise

this SC ruling is just a start, mofos easily forget history repeats itself all the time

this Nov and 2024 will be interesting no doubt
You are an exception skill and training wise. And the unification you speak of would require black people to move in mass to the same area to establish a defensive position. And your drones ain’t the US govt drones.

All that to say you have wonderful ideas that are impractical and wholly unrealistic in my opinion. None of the rights we’ve achieved as a people in the US has come by force so there’s nothing to suggest that’s how we’re going to keep them.
LMAO no sir this is not an accurate depiction of the current US military's training at all😂

I get it bruh, Uncle Sam is great at marketing how competent the troops are

but no, in reality only special forces type units do extensive training that really separates them from the average civilian

u would be surprised at the skill level of most people on active duty SMH

the average citizen really should evaluate their survival skills becuz this ruling could be a turning point in America

covid already gave folks a taste of just how unprepared they are if society breaks down
You can not sit here and say someone with no formal military training is going to be as competent as someone with it. Any training in anything makes someone more prepared than no training. And if you put up enough resistance, those special forces folks are coming, lol.

I get it though. We just have different perspectives. You seem to be some sort of a prepper, and I’m not saying that in the horde tons of canned goods and build a bunker way. Just that you seem to feel you have to be prepared for some sort of potential fight against a well organized enemy. I’m just not as cynical. Not saying it’s completely impossible, but I don’t prepare for these long shot scenarios. I own a gun to protect myself and my family, not in anticipation of some urban war.

And these different perspectives are ok, neither better or worse then the other.
You are an exception skill and training wise. And the unification you speak of would require black people to move in mass to the same area to establish a defensive position. And your drones ain’t the US govt drones.

All that to say you have wonderful ideas that are impractical and wholly unrealistic in my opinion. None of the rights we’ve achieved as a people in the US has come by force so there’s nothing to suggest that’s how we’re going to keep them.

No it wouldn't and that would be dumb ass shit for black people to do.

Any fight by any race of people in the US would be fought guerilla style by the people not a traditional way like between 2 sovereign nation armies.
No it wouldn't and that would be dumb ass shit for black people to do.

Any fight by any race of people in the US would be fought guerilla style by the people not a traditional way like between 2 sovereign nation armies.
So being decentralized and embedded in enemy territory is what you propose? 😂

Don’t even respond bruh. I’m done discussing the very hypothetical and wholly unlikely guerilla war blacks are going to fight against the US when we are forced to return to Jim Crow. I’ll just hit y’all up to determine my place in the army when that time comes.
So being decentralized and embedded in enemy territory is what you propose? 😂

Don’t even respond bruh. I’m done discussing the very hypothetical and wholly unlikely guerilla war blacks are going to fight against the US when we are forced to return to Jim Crow. I’ll just hit y’all up to determine my place in the army when that time comes.

So every black person being holed up in the same place in enemy territory makes sense to you.

No way you really thought that shit through.

I agree the shit ain't going to happen either but if by the slimest margin it ever did all black people being in one location doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.
These last few pages are exactly why I said what I said. Niggas don't know how to really lead nor follow so it'd be a bunch of niggas arguing about whose way is best instead of actually planning and plotting an actual strategy

I see that. My opinion has always been that what would hurt more is folks wanting the same goal but because they view how to get there differently they would actually view and possibly treat those with different plans as an enemy instead just letting them do them as long as nobody purposefully steps on the others toes.
I see that. My opinion has always been that what would hurt more is folks wanting the same goal but because they view how to get there differently they would actually view and possibly treat those with different plans as an enemy instead just letting them do them as long as nobody purposefully steps on the others toes.

Ironically enough that's exactly what is already happening. Look how quickly shit breaks down the moment niggas disagree on how to get to the ultimate goal. Name calling, insults, threats etc all because niggas egos can't take a backseat for a moment and just listen to someone else's idea on the chance that person might know better. Niggas want the credit for being right more than they actually want to be right and that's a huge problem that needs to be addressed
Ironically enough that's exactly what is already happening. Look how quickly shit breaks down the moment niggas disagree on how to get to the ultimate goal. Name calling, insults, threats etc all because niggas egos can't take a backseat for a moment and just listen to someone else's idea on the chance that person might know better. Niggas want the credit for being right more than they actually want to be right and that's a huge problem that needs to be addressed

I 100% agree with that.
I always laugh when I see these discussions about black people going against the government. If our government ever did say "Fuck it" and decided to go to war with the black people in America, they'd wipe us out quickly and easily.

Don't talk to me about guerilla warfare.

This isn't Afganistan. The vast majority of black people in America have lived their lives in urban areas or suburbs just outside of urban areas. We aren't the Taliban. We don't know shit about surviving off the grid in hard to hit areas like mountains and caves.

This also ain't hundreds of years ago when the Jamaicans and Haitians were using guerilla warfare to gain independence. Back then, the oppressors couldn't just bomb the shit out of the area where they knew the black people were holed up. Now they can...and they have before, and the black people involved didn't come out of those circumstances very well.

If there is a time when the writing is on the wall for our rights in this country, our best bet is to just cut our losses and get the fuck out.
Lol because white folks are racist that means abortion has no impact on black people at all. Sad you keep doing that

Sad that you support so many bullshit causes that you're too oblivious to realize when those causes are in direct conflict with each other.