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Support or Cancel: #FirstThem movement

Support or cancel: #firstThem

  • Support

    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • Cancel

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • indifferent

    Votes: 1 5.9%

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Niggas hate women, let me get this straight, young black girls are being preyed upon and y’all reaction is “what about Harvey Weinstein”? The only reason you know who Harvey is because he got “What abouted”!

If someone rapes your daughter/mother/sister please post it on here so I can comment #themfirst
Y’all gotta cut out this what about the black girls shit. Some people that say that don’t even really give a fuck about black girls or women. If it’s about exposing pedos and abusers then no one should have a problem with exposing ALL of them.
Y’all gotta cut out this what about the black girls shit. Some people that say that don’t even really give a fuck about black girls or women. If it’s about exposing pedos and abusers then no one should have a problem with exposing ALL of them.

Its not a problem exposing all of them but where was this energy 15 years ago for black kids? Nowhere.
and cosby drugged bitches , touched tits and sent them home in taxis.

all he did for hbcu's should not have any bearing on him being a pervert.
this is what was said.....^^^^^^^^

but bundy should be seen as a ladies man?

im losing hope in black people.

i need to get my genealogy tested.....i cant be like yall.
my mind working different.

Well you shame black people alot so you might got intense loads of self hate for your race. I think it comes from not wanting to be like your family so you subconsciously look up to white people and emulate their lives. But you know you can never be white and project it out as wanting niggas to be better. But your definition of better is the white man.

Cash app me $250 for the psychoanalysis
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The constitution and every law in this country is white peoples standards of right and wrong. Unless you're a criminal of some kind, living off the grid, and not paying taxes, then you can't say that. #Firsthem is simply pointing out the hypocrisy our society is guilty of when punishing white predators. These white predators have constantly been shown to get preferential treatment compared to non-white predators. This is a proven fact to this day, there is nothing retarded about it.

With our children and kin it is our responsibility to use our power to see they are protected and that people that violate them face justice. Saying "I ain't nobody's law enforcement" is the kind of mentality that will bite a person in then end if/when such a situation does happen to them. It is better to be proactive and not reactive. You're also betraying your intelligence by acknowledging #MeToo's cause, that movement is fueled with victims that thought for years they didn't have the power and yet look where they are now. If you are in support of #MeToo, the reason you've given for not supporting #FirstThem is not symmetrical.

Now the website and actions of those supporting the movement have repeatedly said that ALL predators should be held accountable. Nobody has said that black predators are not to be held accountable. That has/is constantly been clarified, not acknowledging that now looks like your own willful ignorance. They went back decades to get Cosby and Kelly. If you found that justified, it's... poor character... to suddenly act all confused when blacks suggest that white predators are also given the same treatment.

I can't guarantee I'll make it back here to respond to anything after this, but address what you will.

They really didnt tho
Niggas hate women, let me get this straight, young black girls are being preyed upon and y’all reaction is “what about Harvey Weinstein”? The only reason you know who Harvey is because he got “What abouted”!

If someone rapes your daughter/mother/sister please post it on here so I can comment #themfirst

If this ain't sime high level coonery!

How can you not be concerned about Harvey and his victims? Or Woody Allen?Or Charlie Sheen? Or Hugh Hefner? Or Elvis? Or the Catholic Church? Or Pepé Le Pew?

#First Them
Its not a problem exposing all of them but where was this energy 15 years ago for black kids? Nowhere.

The energy still ain't there for black kids. This shit is about making money off those kids and women's story. Sensationalizing the story of the sexual predator that is R. Kelly and leaving the shit at that and then moving on to the next black target. Hence that clown ass bigot broad writing that article about canceling and/or muting Chris Brown.

The shit ain't about black kids. Most black people following this story energy ain't about helping black kids. 15 years ago and now to this very day the shit ain't about black kids.

I watched one episode of the show. So I'm asking those who did. During the beginning, end or during commercials did Lifetime network run any ads or show phone numbers, websites, etc. about organizations that help child sexual abuse victims? If not then we know what we already really knew from the get go the shit was never about helping black kids or kids in general.

Black people are the face of damn near all crime in america. That shit is for a reason. Yall being fake as fuck honestly to act like that shit really means leave black pedo and rapists alone until they do something about all the white pedos and rapists. Thats some real sucka shit to be on.
I don’t understand the question? You’re saying black people never cared about kids getting abused? Until now?

No im saying thats was one of the main points brought up in the R. Kelly debate. Folks were saying why they bringing it up now instead of back then. Saying its a conspiracy against black men because Cosby went to jail.
No im saying thats was one of the main points brought up in the R. Kelly debate. Folks were saying why they bringing it up now instead of back then. Saying its a conspiracy against black men because Cosby went to jail.

Just look at the number of so called star white men oppose how hard the go after black guys...R. Kelly,Bill Cosby,M.J.and...

You don't got to have sleep overs with kids, cheat on your wife with countless money hunger white bitches, or find underage girls attractive to understand you also are being targeted
No im saying thats was one of the main points brought up in the R. Kelly debate. Folks were saying why they bringing it up now instead of back then. Saying its a conspiracy against black men because Cosby went to jail.
Then you misunderstood the point
I feel yall niggas are trying to relate this to Emmitt Till. Yall are viewing the reactions by the black community the same way we view the jury in the Emmitt Till case.
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I feel yall niggas are trying to relate this to Emmitt Till. Yall ate viewing the reactions by the black community the same way we view the jury in the Emmitt Till case.

Wake up man!
You dont feel victimized in the least??

You can't see they are going through them to get to us??!!??
The creator of the metoo doesn’t find it necessary to go after white men. That should tell you everything you need to know.

I feel yall niggas are trying to relate this to Emmitt Till. Yall ate viewing the reactions by the black community the same way we view the jury in the Emmitt Till case.

I think I get what you say even with the underlined typo. I somewhat agree with the bold. I think plenty in the black community was outraged but at the same time how most felt in the black community would never get put out mainstream cause we don't get to tell or control the narrative about the black community.

What platforms do we as black people really own that could really get how we really felt about R. Kelly back then or many of the other real issues that we as a black community are dealing with? More important what need to be shown is what we are doing to combat and address those issues.

Social media helps but its a lot of bullshit people on social media.
The creator of the metoo doesn’t find it necessary to go after white men. That should tell you everything you need to know.


That's outright racist itself, if she's saying her main concern is black victims and black predators.
The creator of the metoo doesn’t find it necessary to go after white men. That should tell you everything you need to know.


Well dayum. Lol.

This is an agenda, Shit is sad Po lady, Just let the whites go and rape our kids, see why the Catholic priest get away with everything

I heard that these white pedos now want ppl to feel sorry for them, they are tagging themselves as a minority group and saying it's ok to lust after a 9 year old, but yet we ignore that LMAOO