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Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People

Shit's filled with flaws, bias, and stinks of lesbian niggadom. The coon has the nerve to mention not all white people are racist, but makes no effort to as be as general when referring to straight black males. I've yet to see any black man of good character support the mistreatment of black women. And definitely not be the white equivalent of anybody, we're too powerless for that anyway. All I know is black men busting their ass for the great black mothers, daughters, nieces, and ect in their life. To give this article praise tells me you just don't know what it's like to be in the presence of such great men. If you are who you hang with, it's likely you yourself ain't shit.
Westie got tired of arguing with y'all Niggaz, I don't think she's coming here.

Lol I asked her once on the Kik chat and she called me apjr

I was like

Aiight, so black women feel as though they're under the thumb of black men in this scenario, right? Where do we go and what can we do, collectively, as black men to rectify the issue? I know what I do, and how I move, in regards to the black women in my life, so this article doesn't even apply to me.

But if so many black women feel that there's an issue, then there must be solutions that come from both parties. Cuz I'ma tell you what, just like black men don't have a clue about what it's like to be a black woman, y'all ain't got a clue what it's like to be a black man. We gotta both stop projecting what we feel like the opposite gender SHOULD be doing and pay attention to each other.

Sitting up here and lobbin muthafuckin frags at each other ain't gon get shit done.
Shit's filled with flaws, bias, and stinks of lesbian niggadom. The coon has the nerve to mention not all white people are racist, but makes no effort to as be as general when referring to straight black males. I've yet to see any black man of good character support the mistreatment of black women. And definitely not be the white equivalent of anybody, we're too powerless for that anyway. All I know is black men busting their ass for the great black mothers, daughters, nieces, and ect in their life. To give this article praise tells me you just don't know what it's like to be in the presence of such great men. If you are who you hang with, it's likely you yourself ain't shit.
Because black people are the face of damn near every negative thing except for domestic terrorist mass shootings (white males are the face of that but the media do not want to call out white males) and Islamic terrorism. And since black society is so broken, we follow along with everything the white media tells us about ourselves, we believe it. They paint the picture that black men beat and rape their women more than any other race of man, and of course they believe it, because they’ve been conditioned to hate black people on a subconscious level. So when a black man harms a black woman that in their minds reinforces that ALL black men are violent and likes to harm black women.
Aiight, so black women feel as though they're under the thumb of black men in this scenario, right? Where do we go and what can we do, collectively, as black men to rectify the issue? I know what I do, and how I move, in regards to the black women in my life, so this article doesn't even apply to me.

But if so many black women feel that there's an issue, then there must be solutions that come from both parties. Cuz I'ma tell you what, just like black men don't have a clue about what it's like to be a black woman, y'all ain't got a clue what it's like to be a black man. We gotta both stop projecting what we feel like the opposite gender SHOULD be doing and pay attention to each other.

Sitting up here and lobbin muthafuckin frags at each other ain't gon get shit done.

People have been speaking on rectifying the dynamics between men and women for decades, centuries. Malcom X and Shahrazad Ali along with many others that have spoken and produced books on the issue. People that actually want to solve this problem have more than enough resources to do so and to pass it on. But outside of a person taking it upon themselves to handle it, the media will not promote the solution. Instead, they'll only allow articles like this that continuously seed conflict. Opening old wounds and spreading more infection, talking bout symptoms all day to maintain confusion.

So when the resources are there, when all it takes is some effort, but black genders still can't get their shit together, you can't just say it's straight black mens fault. It's the fault of both sides of black trash behavior. Which means women should also be held accountable just as much and not given sugar coated passes. Both genders need to stop scoffing at the wisdom of the genuine, then hop on an article like this to cry how life is fucked up.

Also, it's notable how dude completely ignores that black gay people can also be toxic to black women. I've always heard stories of bull dykes being abusive to their broads. And who knows what kind of fuckery is going on between other LGBT communities. But no, it's the straight niggas he wants to wave a finger at.
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Because black people are the face of damn near every negative thing except for domestic terrorist mass shootings (white males are the face of that but the media do not want to call out white males) and Islamic terrorism. And since black society is so broken, we follow along with everything the white media tells us about ourselves, we believe it. They paint the picture that black men beat and rape their women more than any other race of man, and of course they believe it, because they’ve been conditioned to hate black people on a subconscious level. So when a black man harms a black woman that in their minds reinforces that ALL black men are violent and likes to harm black women.

I agree with what you're saying, but honestly I think black women have done more to perpetuate the myth of the black man being the foremost domestic. The white perception of a woman beater isn't really a black man, it's typically some hillbilly redneck in a stained wifebeater (duh) with a beer in his hand.
I agree with what you're saying, but honestly I think black women have done more to perpetuate the myth of the black man being the foremost domestic. The white perception of a woman beater isn't really a black man, it's typically some hillbilly redneck in a stained wifebeater (duh) with a beer in his hand.
I disagree, every negative stereotype of black people is pushed by white people thru white supremacy. We’re just dumb enough to believe it. They’ve mastered the art of divide and conquer and since we’re broken as a people collectively we fall for it, with some hoping to get a seat at the table, and others not knowing any better. If black women is pushing the dangerous nigga stereotype it was conditioned onto them by white supremacy. The real most dangerous and violent man are the white males, but that perception is no where as prevalent in the media as it is with black males. I agree though that white males harm their women more than any other race, BUT the narrative is that the black males are doing it the most.
I disagree, every negative stereotype of black people is pushed by white people thru white supremacy. We’re just dumb enough to believe it. They’ve mastered the art of divide and conquer and since we’re broken as a people collectively we fall for it, with some hoping to get a seat at the table, and others not knowing any better. If black women is pushing the dangerous nigga stereotype it was conditioned onto them by white supremacy. The real most dangerous and violent man are the white males, but that perception is no where as prevalent in the media as it is with black males. I agree though that white males harm their women more than any other race, BUT the narrative is that the black males are doing it the most.

Agree to disagree to some extent. The white man is the progenitor of all the bullshit stereotypes that are used to define us, but at this point, I'd say we do more than our fair share of perpetuating those things. If some chick is out there dating thugs and getting abused, and then goes around saying that all black men are abusers because of her experience, you can't blame that on the white man. And we see a fair amount of bitter black people bashing other black people. It's just a fact that there are some crabs in the bucket.
Agree to disagree to some extent. The white man is the progenitor of all the bullshit stereotypes that are used to define us, but at this point, I'd say we do more than our fair share of perpetuating those things. If some chick is out there dating thugs and getting abused, and then goes around saying that all black men are abusers because of her experience, you can't blame that on the white man. And we see a fair amount of bitter black people bashing other black people. It's just a fact that there are some crabs in the bucket.
So then why is it that certain black people who have had bad experiences with the opposite sex like to parrot the same talking points that the white supremacists like to say against black people? Where did they get it? Yet white people can have bad experiences with the opposite sex and there is no “see see white men/women ain’t shit I’m about to date out”? This mentality was conditioned into us.
So then why is it that certain black people who have had bad experiences with the opposite sex like to parrot the same talking points that the white supremacists like to say against black people? Where did they get it? Yet white people can have bad experiences with the opposite sex and there is no “see see white men/women ain’t shit I’m about to date out”? This mentality was conditioned into us.

1) Again, I agree that whites are the progenitors of a lot of this bullshit. I just don't agree that they are the sole or even major reason that a lot of it is still being propagated. Most black people believe that the heartache in our community results from the white man's influence, yet those same people continue to fall victim to it. As one of our brilliant presidents once said "Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me...you can't get fooled again." Bush is an idiot, but honestly that's how it should be. We shouldn't still be getting blown up by landmines that were laid hundreds of years ago.

2) The shit white supremacists say isn't exactly deep or complex. They say "Niggers are lazy." If a black chick has had a couple bad experiences with do-nothing black men, she might say "Niggas are lazy." She didn't necessarily get that from the white supremacists. It's just the simple minded generalizations that anyone could come up with if they didn't want to actually use their brains.
1) Again, I agree that whites are the progenitors of a lot of this bullshit. I just don't agree that they are the sole or even major reason that a lot of it is still being propagated. Most black people believe that the heartache in our community results from the white man's influence, yet those same people continue to fall victim to it. As one of our brilliant presidents once said "Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me...you can't get fooled again." Bush is an idiot, but honestly that's how it should be. We shouldn't still be getting blown up by landmines that were laid hundreds of years ago.

2) The shit white supremacists say isn't exactly deep or complex. They say "Niggers are lazy." If a black chick has had a couple bad experiences with do-nothing black men, she might say "Niggas are lazy." She didn't necessarily get that from the white supremacists. It's just the simple minded generalizations that anyone could come up with if they didn't want to actually use their brains.
For the bold. Explain how?

As for your 2nd paragraph, you’re contradicting your first point in your first paragraph.
And let me explain how you contradicted yourself. You said it’s a simple minded generalization that “niggas are lazy” and how did that start? It damn sure wasn’t niggas calling themselves lazy as a collective group.
For the bold. Explain how?

As for your 2nd paragraph, you’re contradicting your first point in your first paragraph.

We as black people are rational and intelligent human beings that are capable of making our own decisions. If we are cognizant of the fact that whites have done things in the past to disrupt the unity in our community, we shouldn't still be falling for those tricks. So either you've come to the conclusion that whites are so much smarter than us that they were able to put something into action that we are incapable of escaping. Or white people put it into action, but now we are the ones responsible for keeping ourselves trapped. I just don't give whites enough credit to believe its the first option.

Also, you'll have to explain how my 2nd paragraph contradicts the first. In the first, I agreed with you that whites put certain traps in place for our community, but disagreed that those traps were more of a factor now than some of the traps that we place in our own way. In the second, I said that the stereotypes that white supremacists use against us are pretty basic and braindead. A black person that says something similar about black people doesn't necessarily have to be doing that because of white supremacist influnece. That black person could just be similarly basic and braindead.
We as black people are rational and intelligent human beings that are capable of making our own decisions. If we are cognizant of the fact that whites have done things in the past to disrupt the unity in our community, we shouldn't still be falling for those tricks. So either you've come to the conclusion that whites are so much smarter than us that they were able to put something into action that we are incapable of escaping. Or white people put it into action, but now we are the ones responsible for keeping ourselves trapped. I just don't give whites enough credit to believe its the first option.

I don’t dispute the bold.

As for the underlined if you’re cognizant of this then why are you spewing rhetoric that they’ve conditioned onto us?

White supremacy has ruled the world for centuries and we as blacks haven’t been able to escape it so they must be constantly outsmarting us for it to be working for this long. Would you agree?