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Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People

Are we going to act like the country hasn't changed at all since then? You really think that some racists could just burn down a black community on the flimsiest of reasons now? You really think the U.S. government could firebomb an innocent black community and not have to answer for it? See this is the problem with the "it's just as bad as it was before the Civil Rights movement" rhetoric that some spew. It basically gives some people the excuse not to try and move forward all based on some faulty assumption that all the same things that happened then could happen now.

And as for your last statement, I got your opinion from the start. You can rephrase how you blame white people for our actions as much as you want. You're still just blaming white people for our actions. I've explained why I don't agree. I've pointed out how stereotypes can arise independent of white conditioning. You don't agree. Cool. Agree to disagree.
I didn’t say anything about bombing anything.

You’re blaming the kid for selling drugs, I’m looking at the large picture and looking at the system that forces that kid to resort to selling drugs.
I didn’t say anything about bombing anything.

You’re blaming the kid for selling drugs, I’m looking at the large picture and looking at the system that forces that kid to resort to selling drugs.

lol I brought up bombing because that's what happened to Black Wallstreet.

There's another big difference between me and you. You're all about placing blame. That's not what I'm about. I'm not concerned with blaming the kid for selling drugs. That's not what I advocate at all. I am more concerned with us acknowledging that having kids selling drugs in our community is a problem and then working as a community to find a way to solve the problem both for those kids selling drugs and the community as a whole. Yes, that's going to require attacking the malicious system on the outside, but it's also going to require us to turn inwards and figure out things we can do to help ourselves.
lol I brought up bombing because that's what happened to Black Wallstreet.

There's another big difference between me and you. You're all about placing blame. That's not what I'm about. I'm not concerned with blaming the kid for selling drugs. That's not what I advocate at all. I am more concerned with us acknowledging that having kids selling drugs in our community is a problem and then working as a community to find a way to solve the problem both for those kids selling drugs and the community as a whole. Yes, that's going to require attacking the malicious system on the outside, but it's also going to require us to turn inwards and figure out things we can do to help ourselves.
But they no longer lynch black people on trees like that anymore. It still don’t mean legal lynchings don’t happen... they might not bomb a new black wall street but they might enact policies and pass laws to systemically ruin the black community. Got it?

But yet you place blame on the niggas. How can we fix the problems in the community without first dealing with the cause? You can’t lose weight without addressing the cause of ones weight issues (whatever that might be) in this case the issue with black society is white supremacy and things done on a systemic level to disenfranchise black people. So once we address that problem then we can deal with the black community.
I don't think people really understand where American racism comes from. It's not born from some innate hatred between the races. That's a myth pushed by white nationalists. Before blacks were brought here as slaves, they came here as indentured servants just like white people. They worked with whites, lived with whites, and intermarried with whites. There were no laws based on race and systemic racism didn't exist. None of that existed until after Bacon's Rebellion when the working class (both white and black) bucked the system in place and threatened what the white elites had established. After that, the elites implemented race based laws to break the unity within the working class. It's the exact same shit that happens today. It's how the Republicans can get their dumbass constituents to vote Trump based on his stances against nonwhites and then allow him to take away their healthcare, pass a tax law that further enriches the rich, and eventually gut benefits like Medicare and Social Security, which they depend on. Black people aren't the ones falling for that shit. White people are.

I've never heard it presented as a tool for dividing and conquering the lower classes before. Usually it's described as a way to pacify poor whites so they do not feel as though they are on the lowest rungs of society. When a poor white farmer can point to a poor black farmer or even a rich black businesswoman and feel superior simply because of physical differences they are much less likely to rage against the machine
But they no longer lynch black people on trees like that anymore. It still don’t mean legal lynchings don’t happen... they might not bomb a new black wall street but they might enact policies and pass laws to systemically ruin the black community. Got it?

But yet you place blame on the niggas. How can we fix the problems in the community without first dealing with the cause? You can’t lose weight without addressing the cause of ones weight issues (whatever that might be) in this case the issue with black society is white supremacy and things done on a systemic level to disenfranchise black people. So once we address that problem then we can deal with the black community.

True, there is no guarantee one way or the other in a country where we are only 13%. However, what's more likely, that we can build a community that thrives in spite of adversity or that we can some how get the majority group to suddenly stop behaving the way it has for decades. I'd bet on the first being a safer bet, but that's just my opinion.

And I'm not placing blame on the niggas. Again, that's your hangup. I'm just acknowledging what is reality and suggesting we make whatever moves possible to improve that reality. No, we don't have to wait til the racist War on Drugs is done before we make moves to try and give kids in our communities options other than selling drugs. WTF? You seriously think that we shouldn't try to address any of our own internal problems until we beat white supremacy, something that may not happen completely for another century. That's crazy. lol Yeah, we got to beat white supremacy, but it's a little strange to think that there aren't things we can do to help ourselves in the interim.
I've never heard it presented as a tool for dividing and conquering the lower classes before. Usually it's described as a way to pacify poor whites so they do not feel as though they are on the lowest rungs of society. When a poor white farmer can point to a poor black farmer or even a rich black businesswoman and feel superior simply because of physical differences they are much less likely to rage against the machine

That's part of it, but originally it was literally used to divide the working class. There is a book called The Invention of the White Race. In the book, she actually has an excerpt from a letter where one of the white elites from one of the 13 colonies wrote to Britain about the problem and flat out said they needed a way reduce the unity among the workers because they outnumbered the elites so much.
True, there is no guarantee one way or the other in a country where we are only 13%. However, what's more likely, that we can build a community that thrives in spite of adversity or that we can some how get the majority group to suddenly stop behaving the way it has for decades. I'd bet on the first being a safer bet, but that's just my opinion.

And I'm not placing blame on the niggas. Again, that's your hangup. I'm just acknowledging what is reality and suggesting we make whatever moves possible to improve that reality. No, we don't have to wait til the racist War on Drugs is done before we make moves to try and give kids in our communities options other than selling drugs. WTF? You seriously think that we shouldn't try to address any of our own internal problems until we beat white supremacy, something that may not happen completely for another century. That's crazy. lol Yeah, we got to beat white supremacy, but it's a little strange to think that there aren't things we can do to help ourselves in the interim.

Good post,

But I wanna ask how do we give kids in our communities better options other than selling drugs when the parents are not excelling?
True, there is no guarantee one way or the other in a country where we are only 13%. However, what's more likely, that we can build a community that thrives in spite of adversity or that we can some how get the majority group to suddenly stop behaving the way it has for decades. I'd bet on the first being a safer bet, but that's just my opinion.

And I'm not placing blame on the niggas. Again, that's your hangup. I'm just acknowledging what is reality and suggesting we make whatever moves possible to improve that reality. No, we don't have to wait til the racist War on Drugs is done before we make moves to try and give kids in our communities options other than selling drugs. WTF? You seriously think that we shouldn't try to address any of our own internal problems until we beat white supremacy, something that may not happen completely for another century. That's crazy. lol Yeah, we got to beat white supremacy, but it's a little strange to think that there aren't things we can do to help ourselves in the interim.
I’m asking again, if we build this community what measures can be taken to ensure that the white supremacists don’t mess it up like they did all the old prominent black communities of the past?

We can’t make moves to better ourselves without addressing WHY and the ways that those things can stop happening. So if crime stops collectively in poor black neighborhoods is that going to solve the system that creates the deprivation in the first place? Get my point?
I’m asking again, if we build this community what measures can be taken to ensure that the white supremacists don’t mess it up like they did all the old prominent black communities of the past?

We can’t make moves to better ourselves without addressing WHY and the ways that those things can stop happening. So if crime stops collectively in poor black neighborhoods is that going to solve the system that creates the deprivation in the first place? Get my point?

My question to you, which the post is good, how are we going to get resources to build these communities? Who are we getting them from? other blacks that control the resources? lol
Good post,

But I wanna ask how do we give kids in our communities better options other than selling drugs when the parents are excelling?

I think it starts with turning our money inwards. Right now money doesn't circulate in our communities at all, even the ones that are pretty well off. If we could get those who get rich to come back and really invest, that would be a start. I don't like Kevin Durant, but he did some big boy shit recently. He gave a big donation to the Prince George's County schools. The schools in that county suck, so if they take that money and then use it to improve the quality of the learning, open up after school activities, better tailor the curricula to driving kids in a direction that could lead to success, then we might see fewer kids falling by the wayside.

I'm no expert on Chicago, but I watched a documentary a while back, and one of the things they pointed out was that when the local government cut funding to the schools, a lot of the after school programs and such that were used to keep kids off the street ceased. That resulted in an increase in violence among the youth. So wealthy blacks doing things like what Durant did could curb some of that. Or even just businesses being opened in the hood and supported. That's how you get tax money back in the hood and if the businesses are successful they could sponsor youth organizations and things like that. Black people went out of their way to support the Black Panther movie. We should have the same zeal when it comes to supporting local and black owned businesses.
I’m asking again, if we build this community what measures can be taken to ensure that the white supremacists don’t mess it up like they did all the old prominent black communities of the past?

We can’t make moves to better ourselves without addressing WHY and the ways that those things can stop happening. So if crime stops collectively in poor black neighborhoods is that going to solve the system that creates the deprivation in the first place? Get my point?

And I'm saying again, that we can't paralyze our communities for fear that a white boogeyman will come knock them down. If you somebody got you fired from your job over some bullshit, would you brush it off and find another job or would you refuse to work because you don't have a guarantee that the same thing won't happen at your new job?

We're never going to get a guarantee that someone won't fuck with us when we try to better ourselves, but the idea that we shouldn't better ourselves is absurd. It's also ridiculous to act like we can't fight white supremacy while we build ourselves up. In fact, the more powerful and unified we become as a community, the more likely we are to be able to really strike out against white supremacy. Part of the reason that Hillary lost to Trump is because blacks didn't care about her and didn't show up for her like they did for Obama. Now I'm not saying any of us should have supported Hillary because she sucked. I'm just pointing out that when black people are of a mind to act as a unified body, we can make a big difference in the system. That's fact.
I think it starts with turning our money inwards. Right now money doesn't circulate in our communities at all, even the ones that are pretty well off. If we could get those who get rich to come back and really invest, that would be a start. I don't like Kevin Durant, but he did some big boy shit recently. He gave a big donation to the Prince George's County schools. The schools in that county suck, so if they take that money and then use it to improve the quality of the learning, open up after school activities, better tailor the curricula to driving kids in a direction that could lead to success, then we might see fewer kids falling by the wayside.

I'm no expert on Chicago, but I watched a documentary a while back, and one of the things they pointed out was that when the local government cut funding to the schools, a lot of the after school programs and such that were used to keep kids off the street ceased. That resulted in an increase in violence among the youth. So wealthy blacks doing things like what Durant did could curb some of that. Or even just businesses being opened in the hood and supported. That's how you get tax money back in the hood and if the businesses are successful they could sponsor youth organizations and things like that. Black people went out of their way to support the Black Panther movie. We should have the same zeal when it comes to supporting local and black owned businesses.
Good post but what people fail to do (not you) is actually put the words that they type and spwe out and match it with reality.

I try and do what I coin'd as (reality posting) where my words, I speak, matches what actually goes on in reality

You stated businesses should be open in the hood and supported, (sounds good) but let's break that simple statement down into 8-10 paragraphs that explains the plight black ppl are in,

Starting with this question here:

How would a black individual living in the hood, stricken with poverty go about opening up a business in the hood? What's the 1st thing he or she needs to do?
Good post but what people fail to do (not you) is actually put the words that they type and spwe out and match it with reality.

I try and do what I coin'd as (reality posting) where my words, I speak, matches what actually goes on in reality

You stated businesses should be open in the hood and supported, (sounds good) but let's break that simple statement down into 8-10 paragraphs that explains the plight black ppl are in,

Starting with this question here:

How would a black individual living in the hood, stricken with poverty go about opening up a business in the hood? What's the 1st thing he or she needs to do?

The first thing he or she needs to do is find a trade or skill. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant. You can go to a trade school to be an electrician or plumber or carpenter. Once you have a marketable skill, you'll probably need a small business loan or grant. It's easier to get those than people think, especially for minorities since they have initiatives that are still active for getting federal money to minority businesses. Trump hasn't gotten to them yet. Then you have to set up your business and market yourself, but that's where community unity comes in. Because if you're now the plumber in the hood, then niggas need to come to you instead of calling a white owned business to do it or finding a Mexican.
And I'm saying again, that we can't paralyze our communities for fear that a white boogeyman will come knock them down. If you somebody got you fired from your job over some bullshit, would you brush it off and find another job or would you refuse to work because you don't have a guarantee that the same thing won't happen at your new job?

We're never going to get a guarantee that someone won't fuck with us when we try to better ourselves, but the idea that we shouldn't better ourselves is absurd. It's also ridiculous to act like we can't fight white supremacy while we build ourselves up. In fact, the more powerful and unified we become as a community, the more likely we are to be able to really strike out against white supremacy. Part of the reason that Hillary lost to Trump is because blacks didn't care about her and didn't show up for her like they did for Obama. Now I'm not saying any of us should have supported Hillary because she sucked. I'm just pointing out that when black people are of a mind to act as a unified body, we can make a big difference in the system. That's fact.
I asked a question. You’re going off on a tangent and trying to argue a point I didn’t make. I’m asking you again what measures will be in place that provides protection to these new black communities?

Once again, we can’t fix the issues of the black community (which were created by the white supremacists) until we address and solve the issue that keeps creating deprivation. What’s the use of addressing black problems when the things that causes it is still existing and are constantly finding new ways to fuck the black community? We fix black problems today then tomorrow new shit pops up now we’re right back to square one.
I asked a question. You’re going off on a tangent and trying to argue a point I didn’t make. I’m asking you again what measures will be in place that provides protection to these new black communities?

Once again, we can’t fix the issues of the black community (which were created by the white supremacists) until we address and solve the issue that keeps creating deprivation. What’s the use of addressing black problems when the things that causes it is still existing and are constantly finding new ways to fuck the black community? We fix black problems today then tomorrow new shit pops up now we’re right back to square one.

Dude, you really have to stop acting like I'm not answering your questions just because you don't like my answers. You asked me what measures will be in place. My answer was that there is no set of measures that is guaranteed to protect communities from the government or the system in place. You can get everybody in the neighborhood tooled up and ready to kill any white person that comes with some foolishness and that won't stop another "Crack Era" or "AIDS epidemic." There are just too many ways to attack a community. However, as I posted, in today's world, the more powerful a community is, the harder it is to tear it down. Look at the Jewish community as an example. My post was not tangential. I simply rejected your idea that you need some foolproof protection and explained why we should try to build up our community in spite of the vulnerabilities it may have.
The first thing he or she needs to do is find a trade or skill. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant. You can go to a trade school to be an electrician or plumber or carpenter. Once you have a marketable skill, you'll probably need a small business loan or grant. It's easier to get those than people think, especially for minorities since they have initiatives that are still active for getting federal money to minority businesses. Trump hasn't gotten to them yet. Then you have to set up your business and market yourself, but that's where community unity comes in. Because if you're now the plumber in the hood, then niggas need to come to you instead of calling a white owned business to do it or finding a Mexican.

Get a trade? You need money to go to school to get a trade breh (take out a loan) debt.

You get this trade, you stated you need a small business https://splinternews.com/americas-top-banks-gave-oaklands-black-borrowers-just-f-1793854984

And this just in Oakland, (1 city) and you think other banks in other cities are playing fair? Lol

This is for trying to get a house, and you saying that it's easy for black ppl to get a loan to open up a business? Lol. Something that a black man can get wealth from, you think it's easy to get a loan to open up a business? Breh you may want to do some research in this area, because it's dayum near impossible for a black man to get a small business loan, better yet a black man or woman that's coming from poverty.

White banks are not giving out loans like that to black ppl, if that was the case black ppl would have more businesses in these hoods instead of your Arabs, and Yangs folks who can get these loans.

It's more easier for a black man to get a loan to go to school than it is to open up a small ice cream stand
Dude, you really have to stop acting like I'm not answering your questions just because you don't like my answers. You asked me what measures will be in place. My answer was that there is no set of measures that is guaranteed to protect communities from the government or the system in place. You can get everybody in the neighborhood tooled up and ready to kill any white person that comes with some foolishness and that won't stop another "Crack Era" or "AIDS epidemic." There are just too many ways to attack a community. However, as I posted, in today's world, the more powerful a community is, the harder it is to tear it down. Look at the Jewish community as an example. My post was not tangential. I simply rejected your idea that you need some foolproof protection and explained why we should try to build up our community in spite of the vulnerabilities it may have.

I'm willing to bet, all the black ppl on this site, Let's say 100 of these black dudes on this site and outta the 100 dudes on this site. 2-6 would be approve for a business loan for 25k or more and they would only get approve because of their perfect credit score of 750, having a certain amount of funds in the bank accounts, no liens, no child support payments, alimony, no criminal record history, no late-payment history, having a certain amount of gross income and having a good debt to income ratio, just to get 25k Lol

I'm willing to bet all I have in my pocket that this would be the result, hell all 100 may get turned down Lol

But yet it's easy to get a small business loan?
Get a trade? You need money to go to school to get a trade breh (take out a loan) debt.

You get this trade, you stated you need a small business https://splinternews.com/americas-top-banks-gave-oaklands-black-borrowers-just-f-1793854984

And this just in Oakland, (1 city) and you think other banks in other cities are playing fair? Lol

This is for trying to get a house, and you saying that it's easy for black ppl to get a loan to open up a business? Lol. Something that a black man can get wealth from? Breh you may want to do some research in this area, because it's dayum near impossible for a black man to get a small business loan, better yet a black man or woman that's coming from poverty.

White banks are not giving out loans like that to black ppl, if that was the case black ppl would have more businesses in these hoods instead of your Arabs, and Yangs folks who can get these loans.

It's more easier for a black man to get a loan to go to school than it is to open up a small ice cream stand

Yes, you need money to go to school, but going to community college isn't as expensive as majority institutions and isn't that hard. People do that shit all the time. And yes, you'll have to take out a loan, but that's true for everybody, not just the poor. In fact, in some ways it's easier for the poor, because there are income based funding options.

Home loans are not the same as business loans. I go to church with a chick that works in the Small Business Administration. She gave a seminar at the church on this shit. Because of certain government programs, banks are incentivized to provide money for minority owned businesses. There is literally money earmarked for it that doesn't get used. No one is saying shit is fair, but black people have to stop taking isolated incidents of systemic racism and using them as excuses not to try.
I'm willing to bet, all the black ppl on this site, Let's say 100 of these black dudes on this site and outta the 100 dudes on this site. 2-6 would be approve for a business loan for 25k or more,

I'm willing to bet all I have in my pocket that this would be the result, hell all 100 may get turned down Lol

But yet it's easy to get a small business loan?

And you'd be wrong. I can't say how many out of that 100 would get it, but if niggas developed strong business plans and could convince the bank that they'd get a good RoI, they'd get a loan. Again, I'm not claiming it's fair. The black men would likely have to bank shop more than whites in the same position, but if you think that all 100 would get turned down, then you really don't know how this shit works. My brother in law came out of jail, and he and some cats he met in their got the capital they needed to start a business they came up with while in jail all because they knew how to sell themselves and the idea. Now how many dudes in here are in a worse position than that?