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Ghost called Crime Stoppers New York Tipsline on Tasha

Ghost should've went Marvin Gaye Sr. on Tariq

How did Silver's car stay in that one spot for so long without it being towed or whatever? I can't even park downtown for 5 minutes without parking enforcement mugging me.
Episode was soooo comical, no one even bothered to mention ol' boy Jesse Williams guest appearance lol


Kadeem: you know who killed Keisha?
Tommy: .....

Kadeem: you need any help?
Tommy: .....

Kadeem: you gonna see Cash ever again?
Tommy: .....
Everybody snitching on everybody too!

Ghost calling Feds on Tasha is the lowest of the low. I mean that has got to be the dumbest thing in all the show's writing for this episode. Just walk it through for a second, suppose she did have a couple of keys in the daycare, what did he think was gonna happen? Oh they'll close her business down and simply write her a ticket?! No fool! She would have been brought in on some major charges, now she's in a position where if she's facing mad time, she may start snitching on all the dumb shit you've done (which she ended up doing in the end, but they had to make it like it was a difficult choice with them stupid flashbacks from the same damn episode, like we forgot what just happened...such telenovela shit!). Plus if Tasha went down and didn't snitch on Ghost for anything, do you think that would not have blow back with Ghost's relationship with Tariq? Or his potential political aspirations? does he really want to be affiliated to an "ex-wife" who was pushing drugs through her daycare?

Dre snitching on Tommy's whole org....granted no loyalty to them as they were about to kill him a couple of episodes but still. Also again to show you how trash the writing is, we still ain't hear from Tommy or his crew in finding Black Grimace dead?! The guy although a periphery character, has been riding with Tommy especially for a number of seasons....and they just ain't gonna at least acknowledged "yo we need to go after Dre for BG's death" or something?

Tommy snitching on Ghost by texting Jason that he was gonna kill him....I thought Tommy was ride or die on street code? I mean I knew he wouldn't plant the gun, but to give Jason the heads up is out of character to me. Why he went all Rambo on Proctor for snitching made sense cause he's always been against that, hence the reason he killed his own pops for assuming that shit, yet here he is sending lil texts and shit.

Ghost sideways snitching on Dre for Jason's murder, a murder he committed no less. Also as people pointed out, how Dre got out the building not being addressed is hilarious. Especially all episode they made it seem water tight on the security etc.

To piggyback off the last shit, Ghost then exacerbates his snitching by texting one of Jason's boys to make it that Dre was the one to do him dirty.

Saxe is also one dumb motherfucker....seriously knowing he has no backing of the feds as he's been fired, and just last episode he get hemmed up and almost killed by Ghost and Tommy, why is he still living in the same apartment....so that he could get run up on again?

Tasha telling Blanca and Saxe where the "decomposing" body of someone who she supposedly loved is dumb as hell. So she knew his body was there and didn't do anything about it (until now and when convenient)? More importantly, why Ghost after some time's passed by, didn't make sure to get rid of the "evidence"?
I mean Ghost season 1 and 2 was meant to be this meticulous guy who thinks everything through. Even if he was in a rush to get Silver outta the scene of the crime, you would expect him to come back and finish the disposal job

Tariq's teacher low-key dry snitched on him about the job ting but that was unbeknownst to him

Dre getting into Ghost's hotel room (which would no doubt be expensive and upscale) is just....anyways everyone knows what it is
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Damn this shit is laughable

How the fuck dre get off the roof and what the hell was the dude doin up there when he caught him

And you mean to tell me silver stankin all this time in a fucking airport parking garage, in NY of ALL places and nobody noticed that car?

How the fuck dre get into Ghost apt so easy

How Ghost get Tasha apt so easy. I mean do these nigga lock their doors?

How the fuck the police aint see tommy rudolph the red nose lookin ass, but oh his crew see him like he had a damn Metal Gear exclamation point over his head

Tommy is "done talkin" and on his "kill Ghost" shit again, yet next week, Ghost is in his face again breathing like mf while Tommy mean muggin

And Benny.......

Bruh, how dem niggas was talkin/looking at Tommy in front of the police and the police ain't hear what they was saying like an episode of Rugrats?