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At this point...Tommy's brain dead ass is the only character I can stand behind. At least when that nigga is out get you, he does everything in his power to kill you or get your killed. Not get ya ass locked up. SMH.
At this point...Tommy's brain dead ass is the only character I can stand behind. At least when that nigga is out get you, he does everything in his power to kill you or get your killed. Not get ya ass locked up. SMH.

You must have not seen the next episodes preview. lol
And has anybody asked themselves over the past 3 seasons why Tariq is so furious at his father? He been wanted his father dead for damn near no reason. What did ghost actually ever do besides lie to him and hide his life from A MINOR?? He told Kanaan and jukebox all ghost does is lie but didn't state any other issue, so thats not a reason to hate him this much because none of ghosts lies affected Tariq's upbringing negatively.

Tariq is like a spoiled privileged unappreciative brat. His entire beef with his dad is equivalent to this

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Did ghost even kill Terry?

If he did I can't imagine he didn't leave the phone there on purpose with misinformation on it.

Or this show is truly dumpster juice.
I seen it. I’ll gladly amend my statement when I confirm Tommy is a rat like everyone else.
I'm not saying he is a rat. What I'm saying in the preview they show Tommy and Ghost conversating face to face. If he was a 100% in kill mode, he wouldn't be chit chatting with the nigga he's trying to send to the upper room after he already warned him it was on sight.
I'm not saying he is a rat. What I'm saying in the preview they show Tommy and Ghost conversating face to face. If he was a 100% in kill mode, he wouldn't be chit chatting with the nigga he's trying to send to the upper room after he already warned him it was on sight.