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And has anybody asked themselves over the past 3 seasons why Tariq is so furious at his father? He been wanted his father dead for damn near no reason. What did ghost actually ever do besides lie to him and hide his life from A MINOR?? He told Kanaan and jukebox all ghost does is lie but didn't state any other issue, so thats not a reason to hate him this much because none of ghosts lies affected Tariq's upbringing negatively.

Tariq is like a spoiled privileged unappreciative brat. His entire beef with his dad is equivalent to this

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It started when Ghost cheated with Angela. Then it spiraled from there.
It started when tasha kept using ghost to be a thug and in them streets...when all he wanted was a family and be legit.

Angela gave him what tasha didn't.....Angela gave him James.
Ghost is a grown man. He stayed in the drug game because he wanted to. How many other things have Tasha told Ghost to do and he still did what he wanted to do?
It started when Ghost cheated with Angela. Then it spiraled from there.
Ah yes. He overreacted to his family breaking up, on top of all the lies. I remember Tariqs breaking point was when ghost faked on the Knicks game with no explanation.... still none of that is a reason for this much hatred and collaborating with a white man to kill his own dad smh.. this show is shallow af lol
Ghost is a grown man. He stayed in the drug game because he wanted to. How many other things have Tasha told Ghost to do and he still did what he wanted to do?
They all would a been dead without him.
He was kinds forced back in with dumb ideas from others.

You wanna fight
Ah yes. He overreacted to his family breaking up, on top of all the lies. I remember Tariqs breaking point was when ghost faked on the Knicks game with no explanation.... still none of that is a reason for this much hatred and collaborating with a white man to kill his own dad smh.. this show is shallow af lol
That was because the Jamaicans tried to kill him and Milan came thru and stopped it.
Ah yes. He overreacted to his family breaking up, on top of all the lies. I remember Tariqs breaking point was when ghost faked on the Knicks game with no explanation.... still none of that is a reason for this much hatred and collaborating with a white man to kill his own dad smh.. this show is shallow af lol
It really isn’t. Unless there’s more that I’m forgetting.




So I guess she found her earring? smh
The fact they want Ghost to run for Lt Governor is hilarious. How.got a record was on trial.for.murder BUT the writers was like yeah let's make him run for Lt Governor.

Glad Jason is dead I wanted to punch him in the face good riddance

All the lies and snitching in this episode was hilarious.

The fact Ghost hasn't slapped and beat the shit out Tariq throughout this series is beyond me

The president has pedo cases on him right now this shit is no longer Outlandish to be a criminal first and a politician seconds then just be both at the sametime