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Lol Ghost has contact with the FBI...he been a snitch....remember when Milan had him under pressure and he met up w his FBI connect to get dirt on him....also there s a reason why Feds can’t pull nothing on him
Why won’t Ghost just whoop Tariq’s ass already?

He gotta have someone else do it. Anything ghost does will just embolden tariq at this point. He's too far gone. Just needs to have a couple dudes rob him and fuck him up.
Y’all acting like he put hands and feet on her. All he did was yoke her up. This is the same show that once had Tommy choke Holly and Ghost shooting Jukebox etc. But Tasha getting yoked up is where y’all draw the line?
cause niggas never agreed with the bird logic of tasha.

her moves reminds them ah dey momma......ETHER

so they cant go against the dumb shit she does.

but they did jukebox wrong.......shoulda just gave her a few dollars and sent her to switzerland.
she'd been good.
Fuck that. Ghost gotta do it then be prepared to body that ungrateful fuck if he feels someway about it.

Yall really out here contemplating killing your own kids because they're privileged spoiled brats who want to be like you?

Tariq is a waste yute but this ain't it.
wait...didnt ghost say they only have one child left because of raina?

so he not claiming the lil girl either?

they both shit parents.

He was saying they lost raina by death and they lost tariq to the game. Whatsherface is the only one left unscathed.
Yall really out here contemplating killing your own kids because they're privileged spoiled brats who want to be like you?

Tariq is a waste yute but this ain't it.
bruh........he said he gonna murder him .......regardless of the reason...he already showed his loyalty.
its different if he walked up or seen his dad doing it and got in his feelings but he been on some fuck ghost for a bit......so yes, lil nigga needs to get clapped.

shit my dad was about to kill my brother one year over an argument not even close to this. so i cant even imagine.
I never really had an issue with Tariq. He's just a spoiled, confused, manipulative lil nigga that was raised by the parents with the same traits. That's common with kids. Imo his character is one of the best on the show. He might not be likable but at this point of the show he is actually one of the most gangsta and this is supposed to be a gangsta show.

I just feel like moving forward there is nowhere to go with this show. His character is not enough to carry a show. All the key figures of the current series are either dead, about to be dead or are gonna be locked up. Ghost is boring at this point. Tasha has become a weak character. Tommy is too cliche at this point. And to keep it all the way buck, I'm getting kinda tired of shows & movies about niggas selling drugs.

Nah you gotta hate Tariq cause that's the only option. You can't see it from another point of view. Ghost sent that lil nigga to the best schools and gave him all the clothes and shoes he wanted that's all he need. Kids don't need any guidance or fatherly advice. Just the best paid for education in a nice neighborhood and they should figure the rest out on their own.
bruh........he said he gonna murder him .......regardless of the reason...he already showed his loyalty.
its different if he walked up or seen his dad doing it and got in his feelings but he been on some fuck ghost for a bit......so yes, lil nigga needs to get clapped.

shit my dad was about to kill my brother one year over an argument not even close to this. so i cant even imagine.

Any son should feel that protective of his mother.

Tariq a fuck nigga but none of you niggas would keep this energy. I promise.
This show continuously let's me down. I thought the moment was finally going to happen and as usual Ghost does some sucka shit. The argument between Tariq and Ghost at the club was good shit. Instead of Ghost fucking Tariq up he let that lil nigga just walk away.

I like Tariq character and understand where the wild lil nigga is coming from. But even with all Ghost bitchassness he still his father and should've fucked that lil nigga up. That ass whooping ain't going to stop Tariq from doing what he doing but he should still fuck that lil nigga up because he his father and shouldn't tolerate that shit.

I don't give a fuck how wrong I may be as a father I'm fucking my kid up if he think he going to talk to me like that.
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