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Action? The fights are meanigless in these movies. Why does Ray care? How is she so powerful? WTF does Kylo want? Why does Kylo want to kill the resistence? How did the first order even get into power? No amount of action will save the movie. The first 2 had plenty of action anyway. Its just the popularity SW. There nothing interesting about Disney Wars.

One last thing. What does Ray or Kylo have to lose in this battle? What do they have to gain? There is no point to this conflict.

Ay man I just wanna watch the movie lol
I really like the Rey being a clone of Luke theory

Clones do not inherit abilities anyway. Look at the storm troopers.

Who would have cloned Luke anyway and how?

Why would the clok nw be a female if she's a clone and why would she be left alone?

Kylo slready said her parents were just drunks or something.

I thought you just wanted to watch the movie?

You did this to yourself @Beta LOL.

Rey is just a figment of Darth Vader who is actually still alive, but Darth Vader does not actually exist because Luke is really Vader and created Vader as a defense to keep him from remembering that he really murdered the Jedi council. GOTCHA!

Clones do not inherit abilities anyway. Look at the storm troopers.

Who would have cloned Luke anyway and how?

Why would the clok nw be a female if she's a clone and why would she be left alone?

Kylo slready said her parents were just drunks or something.

I thought you just wanted to watch the movie?

You did this to yourself @Beta LOL.

Rey is just a figment of Darth Vader who is actually still alive, but Darth Vader does not actually exist because Luke is really Vader and created Vader as a defense to keep him from remembering that he really murdered the Jedi council. GOTCHA!
You saying this like clones are such a outlandish thought. Who’s to say that cloning didn’t get better in between the 50+ years of the clone army to now in the movies? Also those could be adoptive parents just like Jango “adopted” Boba Fett

Who cloned Luke? why would it be a female? Who knows but think about the idea that somebody took Luke’s hand from Bespin and used it to clone Rey eventually. Think about the force awakens when Rey touches Luke’s/Anakin’s lightsaber and gets the visions of cloud city (the last time you see that lightsaber) and links to Luke later on after Ben burned down the temple. Also could explain why Rey and Kylo are linked because they are “family”

“The Rise Of Skywalker” could refer to Rey and us realizing she is technically a skywalker

Just a fun/interesting theory to me man
You saying this like clones are such a outlandish thought. Who’s to say that cloning didn’t get better in between the 50+ years of the clone army to now in the movies? Also those could be adoptive parents just like Jango “adopted” Boba Fett

Who cloned Luke? why would it be a female? Who knows but think about the idea that somebody took Luke’s hand from Bespin and used it to clone Rey eventually. Think about the force awakens when Rey touches Luke’s/Anakin’s lightsaber and gets the visions of cloud city (the last time you see that lightsaber) and links to Luke later on after Ben burned down the temple. Also could explain why Rey and Kylo are linked because they are “family”

“The Rise Of Skywalker” could refer to Rey and us realizing she is technically a skywalker

Just a fun/interesting theory to me man
Well clones are based off exactly the same DNA so it would have to be an exact replica of Luke just like the Stormtroopers are replicas of Jango and clones lack the mental capacity to use the force as demonstrated by how easily they are controlled. Basically this whole trilogy was fucked from the beginning but I hope she is the daughter of Jar Jar Binks just for the laughs.
Well clones are based off exactly the same DNA so it would have to be an exact replica of Luke just like the Stormtroopers are replicas of Jango and clones lack the mental capacity to use the force as demonstrated by how easily they are controlled. Basically this whole trilogy was fucked from the beginning but I hope she is the daughter of Jar Jar Binks just for the laughs.
Lmao listen man I’m just saying I would like that scenario

Clones do not inherit abilities anyway. Look at the storm troopers.

Who would have cloned Luke anyway and how?

Why would the clok nw be a female if she's a clone and why would she be left alone?

Kylo slready said her parents were just drunks or something.

I thought you just wanted to watch the movie?

You did this to yourself @Beta LOL.

Rey is just a figment of Darth Vader who is actually still alive, but Darth Vader does not actually exist because Luke is really Vader and created Vader as a defense to keep him from remembering that he really murdered the Jedi council. GOTCHA!
storm troopers they are humans recruited by the empire.
Well clones are based off exactly the same DNA so it would have to be an exact replica of Luke just like the Stormtroopers are replicas of Jango and clones lack the mental capacity to use the force as demonstrated by how easily they are controlled. Basically this whole trilogy was fucked from the beginning but I hope she is the daughter of Jar Jar Binks just for the laughs.
Once again storm troopers aren't clones. The only storm troopers that were clones was she remnantsnts of the 501st which were Anakin/vaders personal regiment. Palpatine bad the clone labs on making done away with when the empire came into effect
Once again storm troopers aren't clones. The only storm troopers that were clones was she remnantsnts of the 501st which were Anakin/vaders personal regiment. Palpatine bad the clone labs on making done away with when the empire came into effect
Which storm troopers did you think I was talking about? There were still clones but their numbers had been reduced. My point was about clones in the SW universe and sharing the same physical appearance of the original person.
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I loved The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi a lot. And would definitely place them as top movies of their respective years. The only criticism I had of TLJ was the angle with Finn and his girl being way too long. I didn't like Solo too much but objectively I thought it was a good movie.

ABW is the only place I've seen with people who didn't like the movies overall.

Lol abw the only place where I seen black ppl on the LAST JEDI IS THE WORST MOVIE EVAR!!!! bullshit, every nigga I know IRL fucked with that movie and scratched they head at this angry white boy YouTube nerd rage. Shrug.

Too much of the hate for these films is tied up in right wing culture war bullshit anyway.
Lol abw the only place where I seen black ppl on the LAST JEDI IS THE WORST MOVIE EVAR!!!! bullshit, every nigga I know IRL fucked with that movie and scratched they head at this angry white boy YouTube nerd rage. Shrug.

Too much of the hate for these films is tied up in right wing culture war bullshit anyway.

care to expound on the bolded?

I liked the movie personally... dont understand the hate it gets.. some of those prequels were way worse. I just think folks expect so much when it comes to star wars that they get their expectations so high and end up being disappointed for having ridiculous expectations.

I go into every movie with little to no expectations to avoid being disappointed
Lol abw the only place where I seen black ppl on the LAST JEDI IS THE WORST MOVIE EVAR!!!! bullshit, every nigga I know IRL fucked with that movie and scratched they head at this angry white boy YouTube nerd rage. Shrug.

Too much of the hate for these films is tied up in right wing culture war bullshit anyway.
Nothing wrong with liking the movies, but they are garbage. No one said it was the worst movie ever, but it is the worst SW movie though its Disney Wars now. The special effects were dope though.
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It is what it is man

Yeah I agree with this too. Same thing happened with Game of Thrones. It's not that the ending was terrible it's that people wanted it to end how they wanted it to with Jon Snow as the great liberator and that's not the show GoT was meant to be.

The Star Wars movies have been dope, not perfect but dope nonetheless. I agree that people have expectations so high that they come out disappointed when it's not how they envisioned it.
Had zero to do with expectations. The Disney Wars just are not good and this is coming from someone who likes the prequels, which are trashed til this day. I also prefer to watch Jar-Jar Binks over these trash ass Disney Wars and Jar-Jar is awful. Some people just can't except that Disney failed. Even Mark Hammil had issues with TLJ and he is in the movie. Every criticism has been factual, notice no one has has refuted them.
I really like the Rey being a clone of Luke theory

To me this is the only answer to that Dark Side Rey we saw in the trailer without going the copout "just a dream/vision" route

Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion. One clone out of a large batch. The "main" Rey we see is like version 500. Some kind of genetically engineered sith supersoldier that Palpatine intended to eventually replace Vader with. A combination of modern Kamino tech and whatever Dark Side rituals Sidious used to impregnate Anakin mom. (Marvel's amazing Vader comic already basically confirmed Palpatine impregnated her with The Force)

They needed Baby Yoda for his midichlorians.

Action? The fights are meanigless in these movies. Why does Ray care? How is she so powerful? WTF does Kylo want? Why does Kylo want to kill the resistence? How did the first order even get into power? No amount of action will save the movie. The first 2 had plenty of action anyway. Its just the popularity SW. There nothing interesting about Disney Wars.

One last thing. What does Ray or Kylo have to lose in this battle? What do they have to gain? There is no point to this conflict.

You can make the same goddamn nitpicky bullshit arguments about The Original Trilogy where 4 niggas stormed a space station with a million soldiers and teddy bears with rocks beat an army of elite soldiers armed with automatic laser rifles


"What does Kylo Ren want?" Headass. Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it?

Ay man I just wanna watch the movie lol

Nah these lames rather watch 5,000 hours of youtubers complaining about Rey being a woman and Finn being black

"Omg grrrrrr I'm so angry about Star Wars movies, please be as angry about Star Wars movies as I am or I'll be mad"
We'll have to agree to disagree man. Speaking of being refuted, if we're talking facts and being factual - The ratings on Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic and the box office results clearly say otherwise about the films.

People online want Star Wars on their terms and there's a disconnect between social media and the real world. On social media geeks want it to coincide with their theories and the offshoot lore.

I think time has something to do with it as well. If there wasn't such a gap in between the original films there wouldn't be the fanfics and other stories that came about between movies.

the hardcore fans look at these movies and be like maaaaan they shoulda took this character from some random fanfic and put them in the movie and think its shit cuz its not how they envisioned it
We'll have to agree to disagree man. Speaking of being refuted, if we're talking facts and being factual - The ratings on Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic and the box office results clearly say otherwise about the films.

People online want Star Wars on their terms and there's a disconnect between social media and the real world. On social media geeks want it to coincide with their theories and the offshoot lore.
Critic reviews don't matter bruh. Critics rate trash movies high all the time anyway and some times they rate good movies low. Same with video games. I seen the movies, they are trash.