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Stand your ground’ law protects shooter in deadly fight over parking space: sheriff

so basically.....stand you ground is the first to feel threatened?

yeah.....but we cant feel threatened or fear anyone.....by standard and by law

shit, its been admitted and proven that Drs dont believe black people feel pain the same....that we're more tolerant

we cant possibly be bothered or harassed in places that they didnt feel we should be anyway......their "fear" is justified thru this

we're not used to seeing black people around here so I pulled my weapon and called the cops....aka my personal support system/hit squad
That's the point. They don't want things to change. They only want to redefine things in a way to ensure they are always on top.
I know that much. Which then circles back to my point, when a black person gets off after killing a white person they might alter the rule just in case black people get any bright ideas.
damn near every person in switzerland has a gun. yet i only heard of 1 person getting shot in the city i live the 4yrs i been here.

while i am sure its more....we cant blame guns...we must blame the mentality of those that use a bullshit law because they know they will be protected by the law and law enforcement.

i bet if more black people use this law against white people.....it will change

Yeah but the swiss and america are two completly different nations.

America is like a toddler with a - for the kid - dangerous object, you have to take it out of the kid's hands immidiatly.

Americans dont know how to use guns, people are getting killed daily due to roadrage, random arguments and a million other bullshit reasons like in this thread.

Best thing to do is take the guns away...
More coward shit. How's the sheriff deciding not to press charges, isn't that the prosecutors job? Why is the sheriff acting like his defense lawyer?

My people, I know some of us have an anti gun stance due to the havoc being wreaked in our communities, but we gotta start being pro gun as fuck. It's sad that we have these kinds of cowards to deal with. That devil was in the wrong clear as day, and although I'm a huge believer in keeping your hands to your damn self, you waive that right when you start a confrontation. Don't start shit if you ain't prepared to throw or get hands thrown on you (or bullets).

The whole "feared for my life" is grossly overused and they know it. It's their way of just shooting black folks because they want to anyway. We need to arm ourselves legally, train, and learn to engage their asses appropriately i.e. shoot them first if necessary.

I'm licensed and carry everyday. Rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6.
More coward shit. How's the sheriff deciding not to press charges, isn't that the prosecutors job? Why is the sheriff acting like his defense lawyer?

My people, I know some of us have an anti gun stance due to the havoc being wreaked in our communities, but we gotta start being pro gun as fuck. It's sad that we have these kinds of cowards to deal with. That devil was in the wrong clear as day, and although I'm a huge believer in keeping your hands to your damn self, you waive that right when you start a confrontation. Don't start shit if you ain't prepared to throw or get hands thrown on you (or bullets).

The whole "feared for my life" is grossly overused and they know it. It's their way of just shooting black folks because they want to anyway. We need to arm ourselves legally, train, and learn to engage their asses appropriately i.e. shoot them first if necessary.

I'm licensed and carry everyday. Rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6.

The sheriff was probably acting as a mouthpiece for the prosecutor. Didn't he basically say that he didn't even agree with the shooting, but his hands were tied.
I know this seems like a hard stance but it’s rooted in respect and love, and principle which makes the boundaries clear.

Life is valuable. People die from the smallest things. Don’t put your hands on me and if we do, do it as men.

You open that door, you gotta keep opening. You felt powerful enough to take this beyond words and take my life into your hands without my say. Killing someone is drastic. But be gentleman. Be ladies. That’s not how you handle situations. Putting your hands on someone is drastic. There’s some so called disrespectful words and I don’t think any require a violent response but once you choose nature, you’ve chosen nature. And on the nature side, laws get murky cause the lines been crossed. I ain’t talking no court and laws shit

lol If you believe is valuable how can you promote killing for any and all physical provocation. Your stance on this matter is antithetical to what you've been saying in this topic.
I know this seems like a hard stance but it’s rooted in respect and love, and principle which makes the boundaries clear.

Life is valuable. People die from the smallest things. Don’t put your hands on me and if we do, do it as men.

You open that door, you gotta keep opening. You felt powerful enough to take this beyond words and take my life into your hands without my say. Killing someone is drastic. But be gentleman. Be ladies. That’s not how you handle situations. Putting your hands on someone is drastic. There’s some so called disrespectful words and I don’t think any require a violent response but once you choose nature, you’ve chosen nature. And on the nature side, laws get murky cause the lines been crossed. I ain’t talking no court and laws shit

I'm all for keeping your hands to yourself. But that also goes along with minding your own business (he clearly didn't) and what kind of man confronts a woman like that over a parking spot? I say he brought that action upon himself and took the coward way out. You don't get all aggressive with another mans wife, mother, daughter , grandmother etc and not expect a physical response. If your first option to is pull and shoot off of a push, that's pussy and I'm not directing that you to be clear.

My gun is only coming out if absolutely necessary. A push doesn't warrant that, especially in this case, the guy didn't even attack him further after that. It ain't like he pushed him down then jumped on him and start beating the shit out him
Nah it’s not at all. I think it’s unnecessary but I don’t set the guidelines. Don’t take my words to mean what you want them to say. I think it’s too far but I recognize nature don’t have laws. Man got words. Accountability

lol We're not talking about nature man. This ain't the African savannah. It's human society, and we absolutely do set laws and have senses of decency and morality. And I'm not taking your words any different than you've said them. You've been pretty clear this whole time that you think what the CaC did was fair. Yes, you've said it was unnecessary, but you don't think it's wrong. You can't sit up here and say you think life is valuable and also say it was ok for someone to take a life in situation like this. Those two ideas are not congruent.
Ok so you’re with me

Then understand dude neglected life when he put his hands on him. He placed his life in the hands of that parachute opening and it didn’t. Keep hands inside of the ride at all times.

If that's how you feel, it's how you feel. Just don't say you think life is valuable. You can't claim that it's valuable but then say snuffing it out over trivial physical encounters is just.
At the same time you can't be getting physical over trivial verbal encounters.

Oh most def. I said in my first post that the black dude was wrong to just come out the gate throwing the dude to the ground like that. Like I said, he took the situation from a 1 to a 10. The CaC took it from a 10 to a 100.

Ok so there’s the disconnect.

No physical encounter is trivial. They all fall under violence. It’s crossed the line. If we can’t find the words or even figure how to leverage the words we do have to make the point,should read more books.

If we make some type of agreement (verbal or non) to squabble. Cool. Attacking me (yes even an act as little as pushing me from the blindside), we’ve moved outside of civilization. I could have fell and hit my head on a rock. Sure, slight chance. But you took it upon yourself to take that chance with my life

I don't disagree with you that violence is wrong and should be avoided whenever possible. However, deadly force is not justified in response to any and every physical action. That's a ridiculous thought. You should only be looking to take a life when you feel your life or someone else's life is in danger. This idea that you're pushing that it's ok to kill someone over some petty shit like this even when you know you're not in any real danger is ridiculous.
Everything y'all are criticizing the dead father in here for is the exact type of protective instinct that could of possibly saved the life of that girl killed in Oakland. It's that type of warrior spirit that ran Oath Keepers outta Maxine Waters area. The nigga gambled and loss, but what he did was a natural reaction. A reasonable one in the midst of this war white extremist are carrying out against us. There's no telling what that armed white boy, who the store owner says is known for harassing patrons, would of done had her husband not intervened. Y'all have spent the last 4 pages focusing on the wrong thing.
Harry is making sense. The only mistake the brother made was not applying pressure just in case he was armed. You put your hands on people you have to be prepared for whatever consequence that may come from that. To me that’s not even the issue, the real issue is allowing someone to get away with murder despite starting the confrontation and hiding behind stand your ground.
Everything y'all are criticizing the dead father in here for is the exact type of protective instinct that could of possibly saved the life of that girl killed in Oakland. It's that type of warrior spirit that ran Oath Keepers outta Maxine Waters area. The nigga gambled and loss, but what he did was a natural reaction. A reasonable one in the midst of this war white extremist are carrying out against us. There's no telling what that armed white boy, who the store owner says is known for harassing patrons, would of done had her husband not intervened. Y'all have spent the last 4 pages focusing on the wrong thing.

No one is saying he shouldn't have confronted the CaC, but he basically came from the blindside and pushed the dude to the ground. He should have put himself between his lady and the CaC and told the CaC to take a hike. Then if that didn't work, maybe getting physical is necessary, but the way he went about it wasn't the best.

Harry is making sense. The only mistake the brother made was not applying pressure just in case he was armed. You put your hands on people you have to be prepared for whatever consequence that may come from that. To me that’s not even the issue, the real issue is allowing someone to get away with murder despite starting the confrontation and hiding behind stand your ground.

I think we all agree that if you take shit to the physical, you have to be prepared for whatever comes. That doesn't mean shooting someone to death is an appropriate response to being shoved to the ground.
No one is saying he shouldn't have confronted the CaC, but he basically came from the blindside and pushed the dude to the ground. He should have put himself between his lady and the CaC and told the CaC to take a hike. Then if that didn't work, maybe getting physical is necessary, but the way he went about it wasn't the best.

I think we all agree that if you take shit to the physical, you have to be prepared for whatever comes. That doesn't mean shooting someone to death is an appropriate response to being shoved to the ground.
To you ole boy thought different. It ain’t no moral codes
Ok, I gotta chime in here:

My wife is in a wheelchair. She can't stand or walk. The one thing that pisses the both of us off more than anything else is when some muhfucka is sitting in a handicapped parking spot that has no legit reason for being there. Even people that abuse their placard's and park there without having a handicapped person with them (as you're legally required to) ain't safe from the wrath. The two of us have had numerous confrontations with people over handicapped parking spots for as long as my wife has been like this. The last time was last month at WalMart. Some fat Mexican broad decided it was cool to park in the handicapped spot while she waited for someone to run in and run out... Just like this situation here. I ended up getting out of the car and told the bitch she needed to get the fuck outta that spot 'cause she has no business being there

"I'm just waiting for a friend, they'll be out in a minute"
"Then you need to find somewhere else to wait. I'm taking a pic of you in this space. If you don't move I'm callin the cops and giving them your info."

I walked back to the ride, snapped pics of her in that lil bullshit car and her license plate and waited. She moved and we were able to park.

In this case the broad and her man were dead-ass wrong for parking there in the first place. I actually applaud ole dude for taking her to task for parking in a handicapped spot and, IMO, more people need to do that. Those spots are set aside for people with special needs and ONLY those people legally allowed to park there should EVER be in one of those spots. I don't give a fuck if you're just running in to cop a loosey right quick; don't park in a handicap spot. There is no excuse anyone could ever give for parking there.

Had they had their asses in a regular spot, duke would still be alive and that's really the bottom line. Even then, had he not knocked ole dude down, he'd prolly still be alive. The couple is dead-ass wrong here and that cannot be disputed ever. At least not with me.

There's no legal or moral leg to stand on here.
He simply shoved him and took a step back while talking to him, idk how that’s “stand your ground”.