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Stand your ground’ law protects shooter in deadly fight over parking space: sheriff

so basically this guy was always harrassing someone.

its on record that he is always fucking with someone.

but knowing he has a gun....thats makes him right when someone responds?

so all the other times he was fucking with people...could they had shot him?

You got some extra info we're not privy to ? Because I had a hunch that this was a guy that would start and escalate issues just itching to shoot somebody one day. Just like Zimmerman and who knows how many others.
You got some extra info we're not privy to ? Because I had a hunch that this was a guy that would start and escalate issues just itching to shoot somebody one day. Just like Zimmerman and who knows how many others.
i was reading an article from yahoo.


even th store owner says dude started shit with someone a month ago over a parking spot.

if dude has a history of this....how he get off?

at this point its not self defense....but searching for trouble
The stand your ground law gives people the right to verbally assault you with no consequence. It is using our 'wish a nigger would' mentality against us.

If he would not have pushed him down. they would have gotten into a verbal altercation. If the black man would have threatened him in any way he would have pulled out the gun and shot him. The only way that brother would not have gotten shot was to simply get in his car and drive off or pull a futbol move and taunt the white dude into overreacting.

This is the biggest reason I will never stay in Florida.
Its effectively deputizing white people.. on that nebulous perception of fear bullshit it dangerous peep game


was just thinking that.....fuck florida mane

I visit but thats tourist towns anyway

never had a problem there but I absolutely know where I stand with them

we typically dont do shit to get in arguments with people so its not a big deal, but at the same time at least one of us is armed

in that particular state, I see you just cant let nobody get the upper hand.....if they do you might have to take a L and catch them next time

just what it is......if I aint got it on me I'll let you bump right now....shit'll sort itself out later and im still alive
@Playmaker88 it cant be the same in all those states

never hear about that shit until its Florida

we may have them in place but its never factored in

legal gun or not, if you get in a shootout here you'll be hit with discharging in city limits at the least

only justification is if you gettin robbed or someone is in your house
Yea the map is fairly accurate.. but some state have different degrees of it .. looking up the law in each state would do a better job in illustrating whats what though,i think its in 23 states in some form or fashion.

The question is it being pushed to be implemented how we know it is in Fla in those states. thats the scary question
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My point is these types of laws don’t get changed if the black man don’t get off. Whites being outraged about “injustice”.

I got that. What I'm saying is that's not really true. That's why I gave the examples of the drug laws that were changed even though black men were still being successfully convicted without fail.
The stand your ground law gives people the right to verbally assault you with no consequence. It is using our 'wish a nigger would' mentality against us.

If he would not have pushed him down. they would have gotten into a verbal altercation. If the black man would have threatened him in any way he would have pulled out the gun and shot him. The only way that brother would not have gotten shot was to simply get in his car and drive off or pull a futbol move and taunt the white dude into overreacting.

This is the biggest reason I will never stay in Florida.
so harassment aint a law?
That's a very different case. First, the "victim" was a black man not a white person. Second, there really wasn't a victim. All she did was fire the gun into the ceiling. What happened to her was just fucked up all around.

I brought that up as an example of her not being able to use the law. Even in pre trial they shot it down as being "out of anger" Even though she had a history of abuse from her husband. This is the best example of how the law was meant for certain people to use. Not us.
oh i get it....but its not believable.

you cant be a black man and be a victim....we are only seen as aggressive...either aggressively attacking or aggressively responding
I brought that up as an example of her not being able to use the law. Even in pre trial they shot it down as being "out of anger" Even though she had a history of abuse from her husband. This is the best example of how the law was meant for certain people to use. Not us.

Yeah, I get it. I'm just saying that case might be a little to different to make a conclusion about. I feel like if it was a white woman and a white man, they still might not have let it fly.
Stand your ground is bullshit

Trayvon soodnhis ground against Zimmerman and got killed but Zimmerman got the stand your ground law on his side somehow. Still don’t even understand that shit
Stand your ground is bullshit

Trayvon soodnhis ground against Zimmerman and got killed but Zimmerman got the stand your ground law on his side somehow. Still don’t even understand that shit

Bruh me and wife was talking about this all weekend.