u think being called a "bedwench" is equivalent to being called a "bullet bag"?
and I get referencing platforms today such as social media..........but I think the point is that this criticism from BW goes back decades.........and I don't think it's overcorrection becuz we've heard the same comments in different forms of media
when BM said "bitches and hoes" in rap lyrics over the last 30yrs, meanwhile talk shows have hosted BW talking down on BM
today the bashing back and forth has roots that go past the recent social media blogs/twitter/etc
but it's hard to compare rappers talking shit to regular educated women calling BM bullet bags
being a bedwench implies fucking white dudes, but being called a bullet bag literally is making light of BM being killed
I really don't see that as the same type of bashing......which goes to the points made by
@The Lonious Monk