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Social media influencers are ruining our culture

IEP is Individualized Education Program. It's the exact opposite of just randomly diagnosing a kid

Good to know.

Easy to see how people could think otherwise though...........considering the school system's history of putting black boys in remedial programs.
Don't know what IEP is, but if it's similar to what special ed was back in the day...........your boy is right about that shit.

Teachers send too many black boys into programs like that just because they have a hard time controlling him.

Same for all these kids on adderal............or whatever the name of it is.

Diagnosing them with ADHD disorder.............when they're not even certified psychiatrists.

In regards to the thread topic, social media in general.............overall............does more harm than good for kids.

These big companies (Facebook, Google, TikTok, etc) don't care either way, all they care about is making money.

It's up to the parents to put a stop this.

Step 1, stop giving their kids smartphones.

No reason for any child in elementary or middle school to have one.

High School though?

Too late for them, but if you cut them off in elementary or middle..........they might not feel the pressure to have on in high school.

Step 2?

Parents are gonna have to learn how to stay away from smartphones themselves.

Can't expect the kids to break away from the smartphones if their parents can't even do it.

Now, it would probably be a long time before we see any significant results............but that's the only way to break the cycle.

If parents don't do anything along those lines, it's only gonna get worse from here.

Teachers don’t diagnose ADHD they can point stuff out. IEP is for help
That's why I asked what it was, which you would've known if you read my whole post.

Don't act like there's no reason for people to be suspicious of programs like that.

I did read it...and there's reason to be suspicious of some things in school that you actually know about. The things you don't though...probably should ask some questions first
Step 1, stop giving their kids smartphones.

No reason for any child in elementary or middle school to have one.

High School though?

Too late for them, but if you cut them off in elementary or middle..........they might not feel the pressure to have on in high school.

Step 2?

Parents are gonna have to learn how to stay away from smartphones themselves.

Can't expect the kids to break away from the smartphones if their parents can't even do it.

Now, it would probably be a long time before we see any significant results............but that's the only way to break the cycle.

If parents don't do anything along those lines, it's only gonna get worse from here.
The whole problem with most parents now they are still young themselves in most cases and the average 20 something still acts more like a teenager than an actual adult. People sit up now and just have kids and don't put in the work to raise them.
I did read it...and there's reason to be suspicious of some things in school that you actually know about. The things you don't though...probably should ask some questions first

If you read it you'd know that I questioned whether or not IEP is similar to Special Ed.

You said it wasn't.............so, where are you trying to go with this?
I agree with op
But I got a few fine influencers helping me grow my brand.
Am apart of the problem in a good way.
It’s ruining these kids the most.

Social media has exacerbated and romanticized absolutely everything in todays culture. The most toxic and negative thinking has been coddled and nurtured to the point of no return for this generation, and the generations before, who have been sucked into the whirlpool of having everything being affirmed for them.

I read an article that depression has gone up by a large percentage.It is pretty much 4x what it was. Granted Covid didn’t help.

To add to this is malnutrition, lack of sunlight, social isolation and sleep deprivation which has massively contributed to this - and all due to social media and technology.

I also read that Tourette’s is up by 300% and more than half of that are people who don’t actually have the syndrome but have convinced themselves they do because it’s “cute”.

This is what the world of social media has done to the population.
Influencers don’t help either, they have created a false reality that has captivated the youth. Yes, anyone can be an influencer, but there’s a huge dark side to this. You’re seeing this now from the old YouTubers of the beginning stages on YouTube. Your influencers then who ran from 2007-2017/2018 have now either cut back drastically or completely left altogether. You hear their stories of how difficult it was and the strain it created on their mental/emotional state and the relationships it ruined.

Those golden years on YouTube weren’t as bad compared to the state of environment todays society is now in.

Celebrity status has changed from Hollywood to Social Media. Career paths have gone from presidents and astronauts to YouTubers and influencers.

We shall see what the next 15-20 years has. I hope that the watermelon launcher of reality snaps back and wakes up the next generation to change this path.