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Social media influencers are ruining our culture

I felt like I had to point that out because as a 34 year old who has school aged kids, I have seen both sides of the spectrum. I lived it when I was a student and I'm watching as my kids go through the same stage with their peers.

I have a HS friend who has a son the same age as my oldest. Now this nigga was a little bit of a problematic student when we were in school. Not physically violent or anything but he gave our teachers a hard time. I can't judge his parenting because I'm not raising his kids and all that but his son is very far off track and I can tell from our conversations that we have that he doesn't have a clue on how to address it.

This nigga called me mad as fuck because his sons mother was putting him on an IEP. He was literally tripping on the phone giving me those same Dr. Umar talking points about Black boys and Special Education and not signing IEP's. This nigga was talking to me like they were trying to treat his son like Eleven on Stranger Things. I had to explain to this nigga that first of all his sons mom didn't make the decision to put him on an IEP. If he's being recommended for an IEP then that means that the staff at the school are actually invested in the boys progress in school but according to my friend and Dr. Umar they are trying to destroy his son. This is the same nigga that was not what you would call an involved student when we were in school. he was definitely one of them niggas that was in school for almost every reason except learning.

Fast forward to us being adults and this nigga actually projects and spreads that dumb ass shit that he watched on a 5 minute Dr. Umar clip but won't actually take the time to fully understand what this whole process is. Now what happens is since my friend here chose not to find the correct sources for information and instead chose the do your own research route or hot take internet culture, his takes on thsi matter will get spread to his following on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc, and there will be a number of people just like him that will soak up all of the worng information he is spitting out like sheep and keep the cycle of stupidity going.

So I'm not saying I was a good student to be bragging or anything. I'm just pointing it out because from my point of view there's a clear difference in my generation between the the kids who were not "good" students and the kids who were "bad" students when you look at us as adults.

As adults now, it almost feels like the "good" students are outnumbered by the "bad" students or that the "bad" students flock is thriving off of their stupidity at a rate faster than the "good" students can tolerate anymore because I know me personally, I'm over all teh dumb shit.
I hate to say it but your friend is an idiot unfortunately and anybody that follows a scam artist like Dr. Umar is easily hoodwinked. An IEP is basically a progress report to track a student's progress in school. I had one when I was going b/c I was a disabled student and at that time I was in a Special Ed type of program called P.O.H.I. (Physically Otherwise Health Impaired) it basically like regular classes but for disabled students who were able to keep up with the same learning format as the "normal" kids.

Every parent teacher conference the parents would sit with the teacher over the IEP to give an idea of where they were at in the learning process.
I hate to say it but your friend is an idiot unfortunately and anybody that follows a scam artist like Dr. Umar is easily hoodwinked. An IEP is basically a progress report to track a student's progress in school. I had one when I was going b/c I was a disabled student and at that time I was in a Special Ed type of program called P.O.H.I. (Physically Otherwise Health Impaired) it basically like regular classes but for disabled students who were able to keep up with the same learning format as the "normal" kids.

Every parent teacher conference the parents would sit with the teacher over the IEP to give an idea of where they were at in the learning process.

I know. I'm just saying over the last decade it feels like there's a sever lack of understanding about this in our community.

I was one of those people that thought that the loud ignorant people were the minority and their voices would never be elevated to levels and spaces where we literally are having debates over basic shit but here we are.

2016 changed things. Not just because Trump was elected and all of the racism was brought front and center but in our communities specifically a lot of Black people hid behind the whole tell it like it is misunderstanding of free speech that a lot of racist people use as excuses too.

The whole toxic masculinity, relationship discourse, gender roles, etc, took off after 2016.

Trump's impact and the MAGA movement in general gave a lot of Black people in our community a shield to get behind to expose their stupidity and ignorance.
I agree.

A lot of these relationship podcast are just a way for people to trauma bond online. A person can easily get indoctrinated by social media algorithms. Then most of these "influencers" are just strictly in it for the views/money. They're not trying to have actual productive conversations anymore, they say some outlandish shit to get the comments popping.
It annoys the hell out of me whenever i see people post shit like "What do we think about *insert topic here". Just let's me know they can't actually think for themselves

Similar to a comedian on stage saying “Shit is crazy out here”

Or a journalist interviewing an athlete or coach saying “Talk about”
While I agree that it's not as widespread as some say, it not being in your immediate circle doesn't mean that it's not spreading and/or it's not something to be concerned about. And the fact that it's a consistent topic that gets tons of engagement shows that it's more widespread than some want to admit

The bold is part of the problem and something I disagree with slightly. Like I can't say I know how problematic some of these issues are in general. I can say that sometimes these topics topics get tons of engagement because people were led to believe they were more significant than they are.

Think about it like this. You have a channel that you watch, and everyday the dude running the channel shows videos of black women badmouthing black men. Some of the black men that subscribe to that channel may come away with a jaded viewpoint. In there minds, because the guy that runs that channel is able to find all these videos of black women saying crazy things, that means that lots of black women fell that way, when in reality that dude is cherry picking for his content. The problems may exist but I do think social media can blow their significance way out of proportion. Like really, how many times have you actually heard black woman refer to black men as bullet bags that deserve to die?
I felt like I had to point that out because as a 34 year old who has school aged kids, I have seen both sides of the spectrum. I lived it when I was a student and I'm watching as my kids go through the same stage with their peers.

I have a HS friend who has a son the same age as my oldest. Now this nigga was a little bit of a problematic student when we were in school. Not physically violent or anything but he gave our teachers a hard time. I can't judge his parenting because I'm not raising his kids and all that but his son is very far off track and I can tell from our conversations that we have that he doesn't have a clue on how to address it.

This nigga called me mad as fuck because his sons mother was putting him on an IEP. He was literally tripping on the phone giving me those same Dr. Umar talking points about Black boys and Special Education and not signing IEP's. This nigga was talking to me like they were trying to treat his son like Eleven on Stranger Things. I had to explain to this nigga that first of all his sons mom didn't make the decision to put him on an IEP. If he's being recommended for an IEP then that means that the staff at the school are actually invested in the boys progress in school but according to my friend and Dr. Umar they are trying to destroy his son. This is the same nigga that was not what you would call an involved student when we were in school. he was definitely one of them niggas that was in school for almost every reason except learning.

Fast forward to us being adults and this nigga actually projects and spreads that dumb ass shit that he watched on a 5 minute Dr. Umar clip but won't actually take the time to fully understand what this whole process is. Now what happens is since my friend here chose not to find the correct sources for information and instead chose the do your own research route or hot take internet culture, his takes on thsi matter will get spread to his following on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc, and there will be a number of people just like him that will soak up all of the worng information he is spitting out like sheep and keep the cycle of stupidity going.

So I'm not saying I was a good student to be bragging or anything. I'm just pointing it out because from my point of view there's a clear difference in my generation between the the kids who were not "good" students and the kids who were "bad" students when you look at us as adults.

As adults now, it almost feels like the "good" students are outnumbered by the "bad" students or that the "bad" students flock is thriving off of their stupidity at a rate faster than the "good" students can tolerate anymore because I know me personally, I'm over all teh dumb shit.

Don't know what IEP is, but if it's similar to what special ed was back in the day...........your boy is right about that shit.

Teachers send too many black boys into programs like that just because they have a hard time controlling him.

Same for all these kids on adderal............or whatever the name of it is.

Diagnosing them with ADHD disorder.............when they're not even certified psychiatrists.

In regards to the thread topic, social media in general.............overall............does more harm than good for kids.

These big companies (Facebook, Google, TikTok, etc) don't care either way, all they care about is making money.

It's up to the parents to put a stop to this.

Step 1, stop giving their kids smartphones.

No reason for any child in elementary or middle school to have one.

High School though?

Too late for them, but if you cut them off in elementary or middle..........they might not feel the pressure to have one in high school.

Step 2?

Parents are gonna have to learn how to stay away from smartphones themselves.

Can't expect the kids to break away from the smartphones if their parents can't even do it.

Now, it would probably be a long time before we see any significant results............but that's the only way to break the cycle.

If parents don't do anything along those lines, it's only gonna get worse from here.
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I agree.

A lot of these relationship podcast are just a way for people to trauma bond online. A person can easily get indoctrinated by social media algorithms. Then most of these "influencers" are just strictly in it for the views/money. They're not trying to have actual productive conversations anymore, they say some outlandish shit to get the comments popping.

OMG the indoctrination of the social media algorithms is absolutely a real thing and that shit is doing a number on the community.

My wives siblings love to tell me what “They” are saying online about shit that nobody with any real credibility or sense is saying. Talking about topics and scenarios that only exist in the heads of podcast niggas.

Last week I had 4 different people posting shit talking about celebrities who had died and my mom called me asking if it was true. I didn’t know who I was more upset at. The shady media outlets for spreading obviously false shit. My friends for sharing it. My mom for asking me to check it without checking herself. Or myself for even giving a fuck.
The bold is part of the problem and something I disagree with slightly. Like I can't say I know how problematic some of these issues are in general. I can say that sometimes these topics topics get tons of engagement because people were led to believe they were more significant than they are.

Think about it like this. You have a channel that you watch, and everyday the dude running the channel shows videos of black women badmouthing black men. Some of the black men that subscribe to that channel may come away with a jaded viewpoint. In there minds, because the guy that runs that channel is able to find all these videos of black women saying crazy things, that means that lots of black women fell that way, when in reality that dude is cherry picking for his content. The problems may exist but I do think social media can blow their significance way out of proportion. Like really, how many times have you actually heard black woman refer to black men as bullet bags that deserve to die?

I don't disagree that social media can make some issues seem bigger than they are but that mindset can also lead to not taking some things as serious as they should be because you think social media is overblowing it.

Regarding how often do I hear commentary like that towards Black men...as of now not often at all but that's because I actively avoid content that traffics in that as best I can. But I also won't pretend this isn't something brand new and that we didn't grow up in a world where an oft said phrase was "All the good Black men are dead or in jail" and other disparaging remarks made as if it were normal on TV and in magazines, books, etc. But I also had enough real actual human beings around me to let me know that those women are idiots.

And now we have an entire generation of young men and women taking in these extreme takes with nothing else in real life to counter it because 98% of their interactions are through social media. So they're getting a very warped view of things
Don't know what IEP is, but if it's similar to what special ed was back in the day...........your boy is right about that shit.

Teachers send too many black boys into programs like that just because they have a hard time controlling him.

Same for all these kids on adderal............or whatever the name of it is.

Diagnosing them with ADHD disorder.............when they're not even certified psychiatrists.

In regards to the thread topic, social media in general.............overall............does more harm than good for kids.

These big companies (Facebook, Google, TikTok, etc) don't care either way, all they care about is making money.

It's up to the parents to put a stop this.

Step 1, stop giving their kids smartphones.

No reason for any child in elementary or middle school to have one.

High School though?

Too late for them, but if you cut them off in elementary or middle..........they might not feel the pressure to have on in high school.

Step 2?

Parents are gonna have to learn how to stay away from smartphones themselves.

Can't expect the kids to break away from the smartphones if their parents can't even do it.

Now, it would probably be a long time before we see any significant results............but that's the only way to break the cycle.

If parents don't do anything along those lines, it's only gonna get worse from here.

IEP is Individualized Education Program. It's the exact opposite of just randomly diagnosing a kid
Influencers are just folks with no real talent.

And since it takes no skill/talent to be one….. Everybody is trying to be one.
Hit the muthafuckin nail on the head! My man got it. I look at influencers as ppl trying to pose as celebrities but they aren't that at all.
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My bottom line is this.

A parents sole job is to raise their kids in a away that they're not a detriment to society.

Understandingly....a lotta them fail at that shit....

But if you succeed,..... Teach your kids not to be influenced by dumb asses .....

I got nothing else