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Social media influencers are ruining our culture

My bottom line is this.

A parents sole job is to raise their kids in a away that they're not a detriment to society.

Understandingly....a lotta them fail at that shit....

But if you succeed,..... Teach your kids not to be influenced by dumb asses .....

I got nothing else
Low-key, teaching your kids to think for themselves might be the best thing you can do for them.

I usually try not to comment in threads like this, but bro, Why did u post this? This is not funny at all, especially the 2nd vid.

I didn't even bother watching the second video, but I'm pretty sure the first vid wasn't meant to be a joke. He didn't lie though. Lots of people, men and women, have expectations for their mates that they can't even live up to.
I didn't even bother watching the second video, but I'm pretty sure the first vid wasn't meant to be a joke. He didn't lie though. Lots of people, men and women, have expectations for their mates that they can't even live up to.
Yea, maybe I would see things the way u saw them if I did not watch the 2nd vid. Oh well, back to lurking.
Is he talking about tech stuff for black folks or relationship shit

He's very tech proficient, so he's basically saying he could focus on that if he wanted to.............but that it doesn't do numbers when catering to a black audience.

Therefore, primarily, he talks about relationships............the black community..........geopolitics............and current events.

He often does AMA (ask me anything) videos where he'll talk about whatever people want to discuss.

3 guesses what direction those AMA's usually go?

Here's his most recent AMA.

View at your own leisure......timestamped for the beginning of the dialogue:

Because the shit niggas want to think "different" about is usually stupid as hell.
And this here is a part of the problem.
Who are you to say what’s stupid to someone? Diverse thoughts build nations. Singular thought die with time.

There are many fortune 100 companies going under because of lack of diverse personnel and thoughts.

Old white men think their thoughts are the only ones that matter without taking into consideration ideas from people who see the world without such privileges.

Cmon bruh
Like Dos is limping in dudes who did stuff like ballet or played classical music growing up with dudes who think the earth is flat and women shouldn’t have periods
Don’t matter what people think. I’d listen and we can have a conversation.
I won’t view the person as stupid as long as they came to the conclusion without outside influence.
The people I would call stupid are followers who follow without thought.
Don’t matter what people think. I’d listen and we can have a conversation.
I won’t view the person as stupid as long as they came to the conclusion without outside influence.
The people I would call stupid are followers who follow without thought.

But I’m saying there are basis of thought that need to be rejected. And make no sense. That does not mean I hate you because we think differently
And this here is a part of the problem.
Who are you to say what’s stupid to someone? Diverse thoughts build nations. Singular thought die with time.

There are many fortune 100 companies going under because of lack of diverse personnel and thoughts.

Old white men think their thoughts are the only ones that matter without taking into consideration ideas from people who see the world without such privileges.

Cmon bruh

I didn't say I have an issue with diverse thoughts. I said stupid thoughts. And there's certain shit that is agreed upon by the majority as just dumb and harmful to people. The problem is people who always want to be different and go against the grain think that taking on these fringe views somehow is a sign of some of revolutionary action when in reality its often just embracing things that have often been misproven and/or just flat out a lie. Every thought doesn't actually matter nor should it all be embraced. Some shit is rightfully condemned and constantly trying to embrace all povs just to not appear like you are open minded will leave you defending stupid shit which often happens to you.
the You, Me, Him & Her Pod touched a ton of areas AND gave shit away for free, but only a few people listened and one nigga kept winning all the shit

Not that anyone gives a shit, but the negative effects of social media influencers on outdoor recreation is rampant and widespread too. Fuckin hate influencers man.

Indoor as well. Can't go to the gym without being in the background of someone's IG/ItkTok video nowadays. Complete disregard for everyone else around you that just might not want their faces plastered on social media.
Indoor as well. Can't go to the gym without being in the background of someone's IG/ItkTok video nowadays. Complete disregard for everyone else around you that just might not want their faces plastered on social media.
It’s crazy how people think they matter so much they will have zero conscientiousness for the people around them.

And it’s all a fucking lie. None of them are famous, will ever be famous, or convert any of their social media presence into actual income.
Indoor as well. Can't go to the gym without being in the background of someone's IG/ItkTok video nowadays. Complete disregard for everyone else around you that just might not want their faces plastered on social media.

Sometimes I try to get in their background on purpose.

Always have my headphones on so I act oblivious to everything.

The looks/reactions on their faces are priceless, but I'm a big dude dressed in all black...........so they're scared to say anything to me.
Yea, maybe I would see things the way u saw them if I did not watch the 2nd vid. Oh well, back to lurking.

I feel you. I didn't watch the second one because I saw the title and even though I didn't think he was completely wrong with the first video, I knew he was going to be on some BS with the second.
Indoor as well. Can't go to the gym without being in the background of someone's IG/ItkTok video nowadays. Complete disregard for everyone else around you that just might not want their faces plastered on social media.
I remember something on YouTube where a guy was filming in the beach or something… and posted it. Then sk time vk ta Ted him to take it down because he was with another woman.
Dude basically said, nope snd you shouldn’t be cheating.
I might be messing the story up somewhere