Racism isn't as ingrained in humanity as people is. That's why I included #2. Read up on the origin of racism in America. It was largely manufactured to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. Humans are tribal by nature so groups of humans will always have beef with other groups of humans, but the divisions along racial lines are artificial.
Im using the term racism as an umbrella term for prejudice. If we are focused on just America, then its racial prejudice. But it goes much deeper than that. There is gender discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, religious discrmination. and a ton im leaving out.
Humans have proven that they will find a reason to hate their neighbors. In Peru right now, there is a ton of discrimination against venezuelan refugees. They are the same race, speak the same language, follow the same religion, and unless you're from there, they look so similar that you cant tell them apart.
In the middle east, arabs from one country descriminate against arabs from another. they are the same people genetically, speak the same language, follow the same religion and still hate each other.
In Africa, the prejudice is from black people to black people, alot of times from the same country, and following the same religion. In that case its tribal descrimination.
The list goes on and on.
So im not going to wait for an ideal theoretical society without prejudices to emerge. Wether its racial prejudice or any other kind. Human nature wont allow for that.
Just build a system that isnt racist and works for everyone, and holds all those who harm others accountable and and im good.
Im not trying to change anybodies heart.