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So what age would be a good age to have sex ed?

Everybody don’t subscribe to that how people identify ideology

Some of y’all believe a man can be a woman or woman can be a man because that’s what they feel they are. y’all say it, but y’all actions say different) (not talking to you because I don’t know your stance but for those that can fit that shoe)

Some of us believe it’s man and women and regardless how you feel and dress you are one or the other or the rare case of intersex

I mean lookin at that list you see female, male, straight, gay, bi, lesbian and some other ones.

I gotta be honest I dont really understand the difference between gender queer, gender fluid and queer.. Seems like that would fit under Bi but if they wanna section that out into another sub group it costs me nothing to respect if thats how they want to be identified
How the fuck is kids with guns being brought up

Y’all are ducking wild for no reason about shit not to joke about
As an educator, the stuff I see in elementary school will blow your mind. If you don’t want your kids to learn about it until later in school then parents need to be starting as soon as 9 with your own kids. The internet is a dangerous place for children, especially those who aren’t supervised online. And that’s just one way of children being exposed. They can be learning from their friends whose parents don’t supervise them like you would your own. Kids are curious.
Fact is this.

School is designed in one way or another to help prepare children for adulthood.

The world these kids will emerge into as adults will be drastically different from the one we walked into 20 years ago.

Gender and sexuality will be a much more open topic when our children are in their 20's.

Our generation really struggled at this shit.... Calling someone gay as an insult was still par for the course in our 20's.

That's not today's world....a football player got fined for saying no-homo.

I ain't trying to have my kids walk into their adult world without being able to read the climate like that. So if the schools are down with teaching awareness and terms at Middle School level.... I'm cool with that. Cuz that's about the age I've been having those same conversations with the kids.
It's really not🤷🏿‍♂️

But you've made your keep them ignorant stance be known so I'm not sure what more you and I personally can discuss
What does parents being negligent about their guns have anything to do on whether wanting your kids learning about sex and the related topics. Stop being a dumbass
What does parents being negligent about their guns have anything to do on whether wanting your kids learning about sex and the related topics. Stop being a dumbass
Why are you making things up? Lol

Nobody said anything about a parent’s negligence with their gun

In chicago kids who are in middle school own guns right?

The same kids you want to shield from sex Ed talk lol

It’s not 1996 anymore as far was what kids are exposed to on a daily basis

You doing a bad job if you don’t want to educate them about stuff they came across already