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So I quit watching porn and masturbating.

Man.....this is hard, pause

I caved but I'm at once a week and that seems about right for me.

It's a process, you're on the right path.

I want to all to understand that porn has controlled the minds of millions through imagery.
To undo that wiring could take months, years to fully be awoke. Most people don't know that pornography started from pedophila research from Alfred Kinsey that Hugh Hefner when on to create Playboy through that research. So it was a population control mechanism from the beginning, which is why it's easier to control people through sex.
@Preach2Teach I recently added Damiana and Yohimbe to my smoothie and I'm noticing a HUGE change. What maybe causing me to relapse alot is OVERHEATING of the genitals. Because there is no oxygen, blood flow, and circulation working constantly, the jing energy is sitting there and building up. And because it is hot, it was causing its environment to keep in that heat. If you guys ever get a sudden sexual urge, you'll realize warmth either around the genitals, around your entire body or both. That's why they say taking cold showers work.

But things like Damiana help increase oxygen levels in your genitals and also help enhance sexual organs, I feel the results almost instantly. And there's no overheating (I'm on my third day since my last relapse, I'll see after day 7.)
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I almost relapsed last night, I thought there was some baby wipes behind my head only to discover they had been moved this was the only thing that stopped me, when I got up to find the nut rags I realized how close I was to fucking up and managed to take back control, the thing about no fap is that you can be strong as fuck and find it all so easy for so long then BAM! you have your cock in your hand with your mind full of lust, stay strong guys.
@Preach2Teach I recently added Damiana and Yohimbe to my smoothie and I'm noticing a HUGE change. What maybe causing me to relapse alot is OVERHEATING of the genitals. Because there is no oxygen, blood flow, and circulation working constantly, the jing energy is sitting there and building up. And because it is hot, it was causing its environment to keep in that heat. If you guys ever get a sudden sexual urge, you'll realize warmth either around the genitals, around your entire body or both. That's why they say taking cold showers work.

But things like Damiana help increase oxygen levels in your genitals and also help enhance sexual organs, I feel the results almost instantly. And there's no overheating (I'm on my third day since my last relapse, I'll see after day 7.)

Never even heard of Damiana or Yohimbe, you in the UK? I wouldn't know where to buy them from.
Never even heard of Damiana or Yohimbe, you in the UK? I wouldn't know where to buy them from.

lol dude I'm in New Jersey, lol. Once my money gets better, I'd love to travel to the UK, but my ass is stuck in dry ass South Jersey.

But nah, look them up, I lucked out and found both in Philly herb center. And got em REAL cheap for the oz...so do some online research.

Matter fact.

Search for Damiana or Yohimbe, they are on Dr. Sebi's herb list
lol dude I'm in New Jersey, lol. Once my money gets better, I'd love to travel to the UK, but my ass is stuck in dry ass South Jersey.

But nah, look them up, I lucked out and found both in Philly herb center. And got em REAL cheap for the oz...so do some online research.

Matter fact.

Search for Damiana or Yohimbe, they are on Dr. Sebi's herb list

I will look into it thanks man give me a shout when you get over here and we will have a beer or a cup of Damiana lol.
These past 4 days have been crazy and very hard to get through, how I haven't relapsed I do not know! I just can't stop lusting and thinking about pussy! gonna do a gym session later and try to keep my mind off it, this summer is gonna be a true test of self discipline with the hot weather making me horny and also with women dressing in less clothes, I might just have to stay in the house!
i feel like rubbing one out occasionally keeps me from punching holes through walls when i get upset or acting out of character when confronted with turmoil.

I also feel like that at least one out of 4 sessions could've been my son that was gonna go to the NBA and take care of his old man
These past 4 days have been crazy and very hard to get through, how I haven't relapsed I do not know! I just can't stop lusting and thinking about pussy! gonna do a gym session later and try to keep my mind off it, this summer is gonna be a true test of self discipline with the hot weather making me horny and also with women dressing in less clothes, I might just have to stay in the house!

Last year around this time, I started doing research on tonic herbs for not only resolving my FAP issue but with hair loss. About a month later I would start taking the herbs as well as starting my workout plan. Once I started working, I was able to invest into these herbs finding the best combination. One of the main issues with holding my NoFap streak was this sexual urge sensation lusting and looking for women all over. It was until three weeks ago that I found out that my genitals were conducting heat, causing me to have uncontrollable urges and that Damiana would help create circulation and increase libido...I believe my uncontrollable sexual urges may have come to an end.

I'm on my 9th day streak, almost 10 and I can feel an immediate difference in my energy. The attraction is increasing and the confidence is as well, but it is this discovery which has prevented me from going further than 19 days that I feel that will finally get me over the hump.
Last year around this time, I started doing research on tonic herbs for not only resolving my FAP issue but with hair loss. About a month later I would start taking the herbs as well as starting my workout plan. Once I started working, I was able to invest into these herbs finding the best combination. One of the main issues with holding my NoFap streak was this sexual urge sensation lusting and looking for women all over. It was until three weeks ago that I found out that my genitals were conducting heat, causing me to have uncontrollable urges and that Damiana would help create circulation and increase libido...I believe my uncontrollable sexual urges may have come to an end.

I'm on my 9th day streak, almost 10 and I can feel an immediate difference in my energy. The attraction is increasing and the confidence is as well, but it is this discovery which has prevented me from going further than 19 days that I feel that will finally get me over the hump.

Good shit keep going man.

I think my lust has started to calm down now. I think the problem was that I was letting my mind wonder too far and the sexual thoughts just attacked me like a lion does to a gazelle, I think the key to doing this is all in the mind, if you let the sexual thoughts get in too often we will relapse, also do not put too much pressure on yourself, the streaks you have had before should not be considered failures you should consider them warm ups, I am still learning more about all of this shit is fascinating to me.
Man I was doing seated leg presses today and a chick was seated in the next to me

By the second set we were in rhythm going back and forth

By the third set I tried speeding up cause I felt weird, she matched me rep for rep

fourth set we were grunting like rutting pigs, sweating and all

Once I got a good luck at her she was some ole skinny thing I wouldn't normally bat an eye at

I know what I'm using tonight tho.......
Man I was doing seated leg presses today and a chick was seated in the next to me

By the second set we were in rhythm going back and forth

By the third set I tried speeding up cause I felt weird, she matched me rep for rep

fourth set we were grunting like rutting pigs, sweating and all

Once I got a good luck at her she was some ole skinny thing I wouldn't normally bat an eye at

I know what I'm using tonight tho.......

Your gonna use her tonight?

This reminds me of a chat I had with a women at the gym, I couldn't act on it due to me having a family life but she did approach me with the chit chat, that shit never happened when I watched porn, people in general will engage me much more I think I am giving off a much better vibe, that is why we do this shit!
Your gonna use her tonight?

This reminds me of a chat I had with a women at the gym, I couldn't act on it due to me having a family life but she did approach me with the chit chat, that shit never happened when I watched porn, people in general will engage me much more I think I am giving off a much better vibe, that is why we do this shit!
If I remember her lol
So niggas jacking off to memories of women at the gym?!

The old me would have but now that shit is a no no.


@Kandy ok now so you don't look at the Idris Elbas and the Michael B Jordans and be doing the same thing

It's the same when we see the...*Looks at IllPix for a sec* Damaris Lopez, Uchembas, Strella Kats

Sexual Energy is very powerful and just the thought of a desire could stimulate the mind.
The creators of the porn industry knew this and have basically made a whole fortune at the same time controlling the minds of people everywhere.

@Kandy ok now so you don't look at the Idris Elbas and the Michael B Jordans and be doing the same thing

It's the same when we see the...*Looks at IllPix for a sec* Damaris Lopez, Uchembas, Strella Kats

Sexual Energy is very powerful and just the thought of a desire could stimulate the mind.
The creators of the porn industry knew this and have basically made a whole fortune at the same time controlling the minds of people everywhere.
Nah i don’t masturbate to men pics.