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So how much longer are we going to pretend...

I'm terms of Jay and Beyonce and just wealthy and lauded individuals in society. I'm not too naive to believe that there is a thought process in their mind where they dont accept that infidelity will happen.

Like, for beyonce, there are literal millionaires, scratch that..billionaires, that would pay to eat her vagina and then have her bounce on them.

So in no way should they think that the pussy and opportunity thrown at their partner will at all times be turnt down. Especially in instances where they can go weeks without physical communication due to their erratic work schedules.

Member Doug Christie? His wife was on his hip...cause she know

Gotcha. Understood.

Disagree. There is no such thing as giving the 'green light' to cheat. There are people who are in a position where they seem to accept the fact that it's more likely to happen. But that is still a violation of the agreement that those two people entered into, is dishonest, etc.
is it?

if i have no money, my kids hungry and i steal bread to feed my kids. i did it for a bigger purpose...even tho some may see it as wrong. but maybe i shouldnt have had kids.......but i did and we here now and they hungry.

now what if a system of oppression made it hard for me to hold a job? is stealing then ok? a system bigger than me is forcing my hand.

so does it become whos wrong'er?

stealing won’t be ok unless they stole from you and you took it back. Besides if you stealing to feed your family many people will empathize and point you to a different way so I mean idk
props to t/s for this topic haha...............though I hate the term "high quality male", wtf is that really?

and anybody who remembers me from the other board knows I always get at mofos over this issue

nah cheating is never "necessary"

but most people who judge, haven't been in a situation to be qualified enough to say someone else is morally weak

dudes be having girlfriends and in shallow relationships talmbout some other mofo is wrong for getting pussy on the side instead of breaking up a safe secure home that others rely on
She was down to let that man die before another woman touched him

star Doug Christie, refused to let a female doctor save her husband’s life Saturday when he nearly choked to death during a dinner at the Pilothouse Restaurant in Sacramento . Christie frantically screamed for a doctor after her husband began gagging on a chicken bone, but when Clarissa Jordan, a 41-year-old female doctor, rushed to his aid, Christie grew agitated. She reportedly told Jordan to “back off” even as Doug’s face turned purple and his breath came out in short, labored gasps.

Bystanders watched in horror as Jackie Christie calmly waited for a male patron to save her husband’s life. Luckily, Sanjay Mehta, a local medical student who was sitting at the bar in an adjacent room, was able to apply the Heimlich maneuver just in time to avert a tragedy. The chicken bone came up, and Jackie defended her decision not to let a female doctor save her husband.

“Miss Clarissa Jordan, or whatever her name is, came running over like a poodle in heat,” said Christie. “I could tell she was lusting after my husband, which is why I wouldn’t let her near him. Sure, she’s a doctor, but that’s a great way to get her little tongue down my husband’s throat. Believe me, I’m no fool. Plus, my husband would never want a female doctor saving his life. He’d feel too guilty having another woman lay her hands on him. He’d rather die. I’m sure of it. ”

She crazy as hell
stealing won’t be ok unless they stole from you and you took it back. Besides if you stealing to feed your family many people will empathize and point you to a different way so I mean idk
so no one would look down on dude and say he should get a job? should those people who would empathize, not give him money or food so he wont steal and be persecuted? are they not morally wrong for not helping him knowing hes on hard times? should that same man not look at those as apart of the problem because they do not offer help and watch him as he becomes the lowest version of himself while they look with judging eyes on whats right or wrong??
so its ok to pick and choose whats wrong depending on circumstances and situation? but cheating is a one of one?

so no one would look down on dude and say he should get a job? should those people who would empathize, not give him money or food so he wont steal and be persecuted? are they not morally wrong for not helping him knowing hes on hard times? should that same man not look at those as apart of the problem because they do not offer help and watch him as he becomes the lowest version of himself while they look with judging eyes on whats right or wrong??

if you stealing for food why I assume you not trying to work?? Somebody would look down but they obviously on some bs
She was down to let that man die before another woman touched him

star Doug Christie, refused to let a female doctor save her husband’s life Saturday when he nearly choked to death during a dinner at the Pilothouse Restaurant in Sacramento . Christie frantically screamed for a doctor after her husband began gagging on a chicken bone, but when Clarissa Jordan, a 41-year-old female doctor, rushed to his aid, Christie grew agitated. She reportedly told Jordan to “back off” even as Doug’s face turned purple and his breath came out in short, labored gasps.

Bystanders watched in horror as Jackie Christie calmly waited for a male patron to save her husband’s life. Luckily, Sanjay Mehta, a local medical student who was sitting at the bar in an adjacent room, was able to apply the Heimlich maneuver just in time to avert a tragedy. The chicken bone came up, and Jackie defended her decision not to let a female doctor save her husband.

Miss Clarissa Jordan, or whatever her name is, came running over like a poodle in heat,” said Christie. “I could tell she was lusting after my husband, which is why I wouldn’t let her near him. Sure, she’s a doctor, but that’s a great way to get her little tongue down my husband’s throat. Believe me, I’m no fool. Plus, my husband would never want a female doctor saving his life. He’d feel too guilty having another woman lay her hands on him. He’d rather die. I’m sure of it.

SMH.........been time for him to get a divorce

Doug Christie wife would rather let him die instead of having a female doctor?????

that def ain't unconditional love..........that's just her pure ego being protected
so its ok to pick and choose whats wrong depending on circumstances and situation? but cheating is a one of one?


no cheating isn’t one of those. How you equate stealing food so people can eat(huge capitalistic problem) vs cheating which is selfish? The world makes enough food to feed everybody but people hoard it.
no cheating isn’t one of those. How you equate stealing food so people can eat(huge capitalistic problem) vs cheating which is selfish? The world makes enough food to feed everybody but people hoard it.
Natural made enough pussy too. also capitalistic and people hoard it and use it as currency or leverage.
Gotcha. Understood.

Disagree. There is no such thing as giving the 'green light' to cheat. There are people who are in a position where they seem to accept the fact that it's more likely to happen. But that is still a violation of the agreement that those two people entered into, is dishonest, etc.

By green light do you mean a person just "accepting" or 2 people agreeing to an open relationship? I've seen green light used in both contexts in this discussion before
so its ok to pick and choose whats wrong depending on circumstances and situation? but cheating is a one of one?


Some shit is just always gonna be wrong. You can give reasons that can make it more understandable why a person chose to do wrong but it's still wrong.
What makes Jay Z a high quality male?

The reason we talk about the cheater in these scenarios is, quite obviously, they cheated.

Why they cheated I imagine would depend on the relationship. The reason no one asks if Beyonce drove Jay Z to cheat is because Jay-Z has given no indication that this is the case and life experience teaches us that he probably had no reason to cheat other than opportunity.

This is a strange thread
For fucks sake, this is not a Jay/Beyonce thread or about celebrities. They are examples of what happens everyday.
Bruh do you actually read threads or just skim through them?
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Yeah there's teachable moments however being teachable also means willing to be held accountable and that's the opposite of what the premise of this thread is...
Dude you came in here tripping over your own feet trying to derail the thread. That's no one's fault but your own.

If you wanted to talk about people taking responsibility for their own decisions, you could have made that specific thread. This is about actions and events that lead up to bad decisions. I made that abundantly clear.

Either color within the lines or turn the page