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So Detroit's flooding all over the place...

Real shit, Detroit treat out of towners better than residents. As long as you not a goofy ass, fake ass, phony ass nigga, niggas will treat you well, hell, may even take you to their grandma’s for a plate.

History, Architecture, Food, Parks, culture, shopping all there for you.
Is Detroit a good place to live?

I only hear bad things about it.

And it’s been like that seemingly forever.

No disrespect, just asking.

Depends on who you ask. If you have money any place is nice to live. There's good and bad parts just like everywhere else.

Taxes are high as fuck but there's a lot of good that's being done that always gets left out of the discussion.

There's way too much gentrification going on but that's too be expected. It's still so weird seeing these hipster white folks riding their bikes or rented scooters going through the city. White people see an opening to make money and exploit best believe they're on it.

A lot of past political decisions fucked the city over in a major way and we're trying to bounce back slowly but surely.

For instance, I have a friend whose family opened up an outdoor skating rink downtown called Monroe Midway and that's bringing people in. They have food trucks, art, local artist performances etc.