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Should She Be Sent To Prison?

Should She Be Sent To Prison

  • Yes, that's involuntary manslaughter

    Votes: 16 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
Negligence is a failure to take reasonable care to avoid causing injury or loss to another person

A doctor who prescribes addictive drugs to a known drug addict because the doctor gets paid for his or her services could be considered criminally negligent
Breh she's an accessory to the crime, no matter how you try and spend it.

An accessory to a crime is a person who participates knowingly and voluntarily in the commission of a crime. An accessory can be categorized as before or after the fact (the commission of the crime). They need not be actually present at the scene of the crime in order to be held liable.

Shid my ole lady was a beast with this law game, and I watch to much Judge Mathis not to be up on this law thing, (I miss her) may shoot that "Hey U" text but just like the get niggas on conspiracy to sell drugs, Are they really selling drugs (no) but the plot, plan, trick, ploy is all that they need to charge yo ass.

There's no statute against assisted suicide fam.

Anyway you chop it up, she's walking.
@ bolded , she didn't cause bodily harm. Not physically.............. and he was already thinking about doing it prior to her so she didn't even mentally CAUSE it either.

Causation bruh

Aye breh, you and I would go at it in a barbershop, (good debater, you don't back down lol)

She contributed to the injury with her negligent, she doesn't have to pull the trigger breh, she doesn't even have to be in the same state as dude, but once you contribute to assisting in harming someone or themselves then it's open season on her/or whoever.


So if you go to church, and it's 100 ppl and the pastor gets up and says, "I want you all to bring guns to church next Sunday, Next Sunday comes and he says "Everybody, take out your guns and blast yoself" and they all do it. Will the pastor of that church that told those 100 ppl to kill themselves be in the Bahamas the following month Lol

Did he shoot them, no, were 100 ppl talking about killing themselves before coming to church Sunday, (maybe 39 of them) so what if those 39 were down on their luck, my point is the Pastor is responsible for that crime scene and his ass will have to eat them charges.
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Aye breh, you and I would go at it in a barbershop, (good debater, you don't back down lol)

She contributed to the injury with her negligent, she doesn't have to pull the trigger breh, she doesn't even have to be in the same state as dude, but once you contribute to assisting in harming someone or themselves then it's open season on her/or whoever.


So if you go to church, and it's 100 ppl and the pastor gets up and says, "I want you all to bring guns to church next Sunday, Next Sunday comes and he says "Everybody, take out your guns and blast yoself" and they all do it. Will the pastor of that church that told those 100 ppl to kill themselves be in the Bahamas the following month Lol

Did he shoot them, no, were 100 ppl talking about killing themselves before coming to church Sunday, (maybe 39 of them) so what if those 39 were down on their luck, my point is the Pastor is responsible for that crime scene

I'll ask you what I asked everybody else in this thread but nobody wanted to answer. What is the definition of suicide? and what was the ruling of his death?
Fuck all that she guilty and gonna be found as such

Bet 50k on it
Suicide is the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally, ruin of one's own interests

Keyword: Voluntarily

He voluntarily took his life, she didn't cause him to do something he was already THINKING of doing and voluntarily did.
I remember this shit and she needs to serve every second of that time.

Even though commiting suicide was on his mind, you can clearly see he was second guessing the shit but she constantly encouraged this man to do it. She even checked to see why he hasn't done it yet, like who the fuck does that. So, yes she is to blame and so is he. You don't necessarily know if he was going to do it regardless of her. There are people who have been talked OUT of suicide. So, it ain't no "he was going to do it anyway" that's bullshit!
I bet had she encouraged him not to do it, she would be getting praised like a mf. "Teen helps her boyfriend from attempting suicide, she's a hero!" But nah she's not to blame when she encourages him to do it. FOH sick ass mfs.

I know if this was the case for anybody that I know and they were in a bad space and had someone constantly encourage them to end their lives, I would want them locked up too.
@BNE, good morning

im being genuine with my question

how is this different from someone on the internet telling you to "commit dat" even when its obvious its said in jest