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Should 'Non Foundational" Blacks be able to use the N-Word?

Me and my missus (here in the UK) have just been bingeing on documentaries and films revolving around Stephen Lawrence... a black young man murdered by a pack of white men in 1993

... black people are called niggers too here in Europe

I think that migrated there after-the-fact.
lol crazy part is all this division and not enough inclusion

Exactly, anyone who is largely black, identifies as black, and has an interest in the progress of the black community should be welcomed as a black person. The only people that should be excluded are the Candace Owens and people of her ilk. People who either don't want to be black or are willing to sell out blacks just to benefit themselves.
Let me just clarify what you are saying while European slave traders were selling black people. they called black slaves in America the n word but the slaves in the Caribbean and Brazil they were like your not like that???

If my memory serves me, "nigger" was a term coined in the US. A quick glance says this is most likely correct (the name John Rolf was in my memory and popped up as a reference in several pages I checked). The European use was the same as the word for "Black", i.e. "negro". Contextually, "nigger" was used in the colonies to refer to enslaved African brought her to be sold.
Like someone here stated...

Slavery of black people didn't only occur in N. America... it was perpetuated in S. America and the Caribbean too and a lot of Afro Caribbean are British citizens

But the term "nigger" in this specific context DID originate in the colonies and it was used specifically there.

edit: It's also worth mentioning that slavery in Central and South America was dominated by the Spanish and Portuguese. The term wouldn't have been used there.
First time I heard a British rapper say "nigga" shit ain't feel right.
I know NYC afro latinos let it fly all the time (even the non-afro latinos).
I had this cat I knew from USVI say it back in college when he got comfortable being here in the States, shit raised my eyebrow.
I'm kinda not cool with it, but that's prolly ;cause I've been trying to stop saying it myself and it's caused more examination of who's saying it around me. Black Americans were subjected to being called a "nigger", not Canadians, not Caribbean Black folks, not Afro-Latinos.


So I'm not as accepting of it as I used to be coming from Black folks that don't have that same history as we do here in the States.

I get what you’re saying but we’ve been called “nigger” with a harder accent “er” in our country.

When fights pop off for it, cutlass gets to passing with a quickness.
I get what you’re saying but we’ve been called “nigger” with a harder accent “er” in our country.

When fights pop off for it, cutlass gets to passing with a quickness.

Y'all run an jump in cars?
But the term "nigger" in this specific context DID originate in the colonies and it was used specifically there.

edit: It's also worth mentioning that slavery in Central and South America was dominated by the Spanish and Portuguese. The term wouldn't have been used there.

From my understanding it was formed from the word 'Negrido' ... I got that from the book too

The word has Latin origin