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Russia Declares War on Ukraine

which is making take a step back.

hes from intelligence so i am sure he knew it would happen like this,......

so whats the real endgame here?

Just keep in mind that these mfers are in power for so long, they eventually lose a grip on reality.

Like Putin might have thought he was really scaring folks, or he thought years of Russian propaganda split up the US and Europe and they wouldnt be able to come together and sanction him like this.

Like the mfer could have miscalculated
I made the call.

So remember someone asked why the US polices the world and what that influence buys?

This is it here.

The US, through its world policing, can influence the world to sanction Russia.

Reverse this and have the US invade a random country, and all these countries that are sanctioning Russia will be sending troops, right or wrong.

Now the question can be asked if spending 1T a year on the military is worth having this influence. Thats a valid ass question

But as it stands, the power to do what we are doing to Russia right now is what US influence buys us.

you gotta think China is taking notes right now on how to be independent to the point the sanctions mean nothing. Like this might not be a move the US can use twice.
you gotta think China is taking notes right now on how to be independent to the point the sanctions mean nothing. Like this might not be a move the US can use twice.

I dont think anyone can be independent in this global economy.

Its all about who has the influence and who doesnt.

What China can do is try to find a coalition of countries that will stand with it in case of sanctions. Which is exactly what they are trying and failing to do in Africa.
I'm sure we have discussed this b4

I used to live in Montreal (in ville LaSalle to be exact). Now I live in the Bahamas

Nah I always figured you were from the states cause one series (b4 Kawhi) when we played Milwaukee in the playoffs you were trolling me hard. 🤣
you gotta think China is taking notes right now on how to be independent to the point the sanctions mean nothing. Like this might not be a move the US can use twice.

They can't

This isn't the 1910s where nations where nations are trying to transition from agriculture to industry. We are in a global economy now and if you want to be a world power you need to have global economic power

If Russian can't bully the west even though they provide alot of energy, what is China going to do?
They can't

This isn't the 1910s where nations where nations are trying to transition from agriculture to industry. We are in a global economy now and if you want to be a world power you need to have global economic power

If Russian can't bully the west even though they provide alot of energy, what is China going to do?
Stop selling us cheap products? Lol.

Yeah, China has no real leverage, which is probably why they trying to get into Africa. If Russia has 10% of the oil production and supplies a 3rd of Europe’s gas and can’t flex, China has nothing to stand on.

If I’m wrong, someone please correct me.