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Russia Declares War on Ukraine

Y’all looking thru America eyes
Tons of Africans in eastern and China and Russia.
Shit I respect them stepping into potential danger to change their families life.
Shit is low in Eastern Europe to us but high to locals. A lot of large pharma is moving there. Why pay niggas $300k when you can half that in a new location.
Dental work and health care is cheap as are the degrees.
That’s why I don’t get on folks for asking for more. The companies be making billions and dgaf. Like we always say illegals take jobs Americans won’t do but Americans ain’t gonna accept below the minimum wage type shit(before the pandemic)
Y’all looking thru America eyes
Tons of Africans in eastern and China and Russia.
Shit I respect them stepping into potential danger to change their families life.
Shit is low in Eastern Europe to us but high to locals. A lot of large pharma is moving there. Why pay niggas $300k when you can half that in a new location.
Dental work and health care is cheap as are the degrees.

Of course I am

But that wasnt to knock them for doing it, just think theres better EU options from a risk vs reward perspective
Like where?
real question

So I was over in Latvia a few yrs ago which is right next to the Ukraine and the city I was in is about a 12hr drive from moscow.

Been to Timisoara Romania several times and I'd pick either of these two countries over Ukraine who been funkin with russia for minute minute. From those two I'd choose Romania. But, thats just me tho. I'd actually try my luck first in Germany somewhere, Regensberg, Berlin or Frankfurt, Dresden is beautiful too.

Like I said, I wasn't knocking them so no need to turn the thread direction.
Putin treading real close to getting ousted by his own people, wars are expensive and being cut off from the world banking system is going to be devastating

The funny thing is besides WW1 and 2, Russia is historically known for getting its wig pushed back in conflicts....I wont go as far to say they arent shit but things are completely different when they dont have that massive land/terrain/climate advantage

Still a lot left to go and they have more weapons to bring out but this invasion is going to cost Russsia(in more ways than one) much more than what it gains(which will be nothing)
Real shit.

I learned a shit load once I got outside.

i came home and saw things differently.

it actually helps me want more for black people vs being ok with ok.
I’m now a servant to my people.
Niggas just can’t see it

In theory I agree

I'm all over EU usually 4-5 times a year (not since covid tho) and anyone with tje means to do so should absolutely gtfo the US to see the bigger world view.

But that goes for anybody in any country. The world is bigger than any one place any of us are from and live.

And we dont need to knock ppl who havent traveled abroad just off rip without understanding a lot of ppl dont have the means to do so. But yeah, its something I highly encourage for those who can.