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Russia Declares War on Ukraine

Putin treading real close to getting ousted by his own people, wars are expensive and being cut off from the world banking system is going to be devastating

The funny thing is besides WW1 and 2, Russia is historically known for getting its wig pushed back in conflicts....I wont go as far to say they arent shit but things are completely different when they dont have that massive land/terrain/climate advantage

Still a lot left to go and they have more weapons to bring out but this invasion is going to cost Russsia(in more ways than one) much more than what it gains(which will be nothing)

I kno its early.

But has putin maybe over played his hand?
Who the fuck said anything about being superior?

just be saying shit I swear.

nigga what was the purpose of that tweet. Dude was talking bout gender roles. Not to digress but gender roles got connotations. Don’t see how it relates to warfare in anyway tho. Let’s get back to topic
In theory I agree

I'm all over EU usually 4-5 times a year (not since covid tho) and anyone with tje means to do so should absolutely gtfo the US to see the bigger world view.

But that goes for anybody in any country. The world is bigger than any one place any of us are from and live.

And we dont need to knock ppl who havent traveled abroad just off rip without understanding a lot of ppl dont have the means to do so. But yeah, its something I highly encourage for those who can.
When you pulling up to Munich again?
nigga what was the purpose of that tweet. Dude was talking bout gender roles. Not to digress but gender roles got connotations. Don’t see how it relates to warfare in anyway tho. Let’s get back to topic

Genders roles has nothing to do with being superior.
This a setup

aunt no way niggas who got the Prometheus system….the only system capable of downing an f35 and f22 plus the have the su57.
But riding in junk?


it’s a setup.

they getting rid of old shit and send inexperienced troops and pilots to test the waters.

cuz while I’m rooting the the ghost of Kiev….bruh flying a fulcrum.that shit shoulda been shot out the sky.

I need to make a military section on here to talk about hardware. I had to learn all this shit cuz my son loves it. We had hours of debates about who would win between an f22 vs f35.

I mean this w/ all due respect

but I've prolly skipped more of your posts than I've read thru the yrs

this the realest shit you done posted tho