Black people allow themselves to be what exactly? If you refuse to admit what the root cause of a problem is then how are you going to help someone fix the issue? The one way to combat and fight the system is by getting on code and maintaining said code, so if you’re trying to help someone and they asked you a question about racism and it’s effects on black society what are you going to tell them? That it doesn’t exist?i beleive my people are better than what they allow themselves to be.
and thats i why i go so hard trying to help and build up people that want it.
i do a ton of shit.....but at a point its like fuck it for what when niggas dont want shit for themselves.
and me admitting something or a name of a system wont happen.
dont you think these people got enough light?
an alcoholic is admitting something to himself to help himself,.
i can see what a system does.....we can all agree what a system does. we can all agree we need to get past it...we cant agree on how and you want to say it aloud?
well you can wait on that.....i got work to do to help my people past the system we know is there. i want to give them positive messages and statments like Black excellence.