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Revisiting the whole Pound cake speech. A long read. Lets end this.

do i really say black people aint shit?
or do i talk about those black people who hurt black people?

but just from your post is an attitude of defeat...and this is what they want you and everyone to see....that money wont stop nothing....

and guess what..

people take that into their psyche and dont attempt to try to do anything...dont you see that.

why do you think they attack bball players or athletes so aggressively?
why do you think they go after rappers so aggressively?

they are trying to say it doesnt matter how much you have.
and what did the judge just say....you are not above the law.

these are all ways to say we in charge and you nothing more than a nigga with money.
and what do lowlife burgundy faggots on this site say...you nothing but a nigga with money.

why is that?
because both feel threatened. why?
because they know they didnt do enough....white people aint do enough to get away from us and them broke fat niggas didnt do enough to be anything.
so middle class blacks are the targets....stifle their thinking and mind frame and they wont help bring up those that need help.

i see this whole game playing out and thats why i give ...well once gave my time to help my people.
if niggas get out this mental jail....they place themselves in....the shit is clear that we can do better.
we can see that a black man was cheated.....i see that alot of black people took offense to something they didnt understand and this proved it. they reacting of what they heard. they reacting off of another journalists words who most likely needed to jump on the teardown bandwagon for points and print time in their industry.

its crazy to see this shit on a global scale.....black kids in switzerland, france, spain, germany and the UK...thruout the Caribbean....smdh
and the most prepared is the black americans and yet we are the most brainwashed to believe we cant do.
we are one of the fastest to bring our own down.
black panthers
cosby and countless others who tried to help our cause
i havent heard shit about dick gregory yet or eddie murphy yet.

but where the loyalty?
where the understanding of frustration?
the people who dont do shit for anyone are usually the ones who say whos not doing what or who shouldnt be frustrated.

Nigga you could just say my name. Lol burgundy niggas.
do i really say black people aint shit?
or do i talk about those black people who hurt black people?

but just from your post is an attitude of defeat...and this is what they want you and everyone to see....that money wont stop nothing....

and guess what..

people take that into their psyche and dont attempt to try to do anything...dont you see that.

why do you think they attack bball players or athletes so aggressively?
why do you think they go after rappers so aggressively?

they are trying to say it doesnt matter how much you have.
and what did the judge just say....you are not above the law.

these are all ways to say we in charge and you nothing more than a nigga with money.
and what do lowlife burgundy faggots on this site say...you nothing but a nigga with money.

why is that?
because both feel threatened. why?
because they know they didnt do enough....white people aint do enough to get away from us and them broke fat niggas didnt do enough to be anything.
so middle class blacks are the targets....stifle their thinking and mind frame and they wont help bring up those that need help.

i see this whole game playing out and thats why i give ...well once gave my time to help my people.
if niggas get out this mental jail....they place themselves in....the shit is clear that we can do better.
we can see that a black man was cheated.....i see that alot of black people took offense to something they didnt understand and this proved it. they reacting of what they heard. they reacting off of another journalists words who most likely needed to jump on the teardown bandwagon for points and print time in their industry.

its crazy to see this shit on a global scale.....black kids in switzerland, france, spain, germany and the UK...thruout the Caribbean....smdh
and the most prepared is the black americans and yet we are the most brainwashed to believe we cant do.
we are one of the fastest to bring our own down.
black panthers
cosby and countless others who tried to help our cause
i havent heard shit about dick gregory yet or eddie murphy yet.

but where the loyalty?
where the understanding of frustration?
the people who dont do shit for anyone are usually the ones who say whos not doing what or who shouldnt be frustrated.
Calling the situation what it is is being realistic, it’s not defeatist. The reality is that they can take from you at any moment, we literally saw what they did to Cosby, that should be the biggest proof of this not being some figment of our imagination. Fine let me put it to you in another way. If black people collectively got its shit together, by whatever standard you deem that to be, what would be the next move? What is it you say that black people think they can’t do?
but maybe like other black people....we are tired of giving it light in our dark times.. because in dark times ...niggas move towards the light even if its bad for them.

but ...what have you done for your community?
seems like people keep skipping over that question.
I used to help give food to the homeless, donated money for black kids that didn’t have the means for school supplies. That’s the little I did.
I used to help give food to the homeless, donated money for black kids that didn’t have the means for school supplies. That’s the little I did.
but did you ask them to acknowledge WS first? or did you just do what you did because you were more focused on helping them then telling them how a system has them in that position?
Calling the situation what it is is being realistic, it’s not defeatist. The reality is that they can take from you at any moment, we literally saw what they did to Cosby, that should be the biggest proof of this not being some figment of our imagination. Fine let me put it to you in another way. If black people collectively got its shit together, by whatever standard you deem that to be, what would be the next move? What is it you say that black people think they can’t do?
you want me to answer this?

this gonna be kinda long.
And i am coming from a places of respect and love for my people.

You ready?
@5th Letter
this is how i see things...and please feel free to tell me im wrong or correct me.
I am always open to correction and criticism but at least i said something is how i see it.

traveling across the planet i see the damage white people have done to black people or all cultures.
I lived it in america, i seen it in africa and Im living it it in europe and saw it in asia.
These people have told the world we aint shit...nothing but athletes and rappers. and every other can have criminal added to it.
so while people look up to white people...they feel white people bring prosperity and economic wealth..even if they have to give up part of their culture they are willing to do it. In europ and asia...most of the heads of companies are white americans. they set the precedent how and how is looked at as smart and acceptable.
these are things i witnessed.

Now in my industry...my wife and i have started to realize. something alot of black people dont see.
Growing up, all the images on tv was of very wealthy and smart white people and dumb ass and poor black people. so of course the image is what we think we are or could ever be. Thank God my parents taught me that i could be more...same with wifey.
So one day we sat and talked about this and realized.....damn near all the white people we ran into in these companies are dumb as rocks. Like real dumb stupid type people. they have the access to the job because alot of times we dont know about them. But the white people...are just talking a good game and struggling thru work. A guy in my wifes group got a promotion while having bad marks 10 months out the year. But he talked a good game to get the promotion but he couldnt do the job. he felt he will learn when he gets there. Why did he even go for the job if he knew he couldnt do it?

Now when we are in Charlotte...we run into many very smart and highly educated black people. If you listen to them....they are smart as hell.
My wife tired to recruit a few of them but they said they cant do the job. She tells them she will help them..but then its convincing them into moving. she even offered substantial pay increases...but the hesitation was enough for her to just give up.

And i have shared my stories about trying to convince my people to go for or start/create opportunities.

heres what we both came to think: Alot of black people need to be convinced they can while alot of white people need to be convinced they cant.

I understand how the system can wear on people. On those who try......but i myself have ran into too many people who dont even want to try but live off of someone elses failed attempt.
So while the person who tried can say the system held me back...how can the person who didnt say the same?

this is where ...apart of ..you cant blame white people comes in. some of us cant use it...if it didnt happen.
then you have the mindframe that comes into play.
from back on the IC to here...how often did i try to help people or have to convince people to at least try but niggas come with a defeated attitude?
No one wants to start a cupcake business, why? if its successful, i dont see the problem. then came a bunch of bullshit excuses. the way i see it...a business is a business. theres a thread here with damn near every person saying business is not for everyone.
why is it that other cultures see it the opposite way? I get what people in america say about the immigrants coming and getting loans....but dont niggas know doe boys who need to clean loot or those NBA guys who throw money around in the club only for strippers to go buy a car and more hair. Are we investing in us? but thats another thing. we dont trust us with our money but we trust the white dudes who rob the NBA players with millions.
shit my business is nothing more than fixing fucking machines. im a repair man. i can dress up the title to say lab asset manager...but im a repair man.
but telling people what i do.....they think im smart as hell and want to do the same as me but without the work i put in. we have too many people wanting to be the boss level out the gate without the building up to it. when i keep it real with my people.....they dont want to hear it. and the fact of the matter is...im not smarter than you or any other black person. i just utilized what im good at. i like fixing shit. So i actually hate when people call me a genius ...because thats not the case and it also makes it seem like i had some sort of advantage.

the shit is a mindframe of self sabotage. wait...no...self sabotage would mean you actually did something....this is a mindframe of low self esteem.

And i always come back to this....no hate for my latinos.....but i be damned if an uneducated dominican is going to out hustle me. everywhere i got i run into dominican people looking for opportunities to feed their family.
how the fuck is an island of maybe 10 million people spread out across the world more than black americans? we are the higher educated. but are we mentally trapped?

and the thing is.....these white people are dumb as broken windows...just useless...but no is there to challenge them to be smart. so ill stop here with all that cause i can go on for a while on this.

we have all we need to be what we can be.
if niggas are ready to buss they guns for nothing....do we not have soldiers who can protect our hoods from outsiders?
we have enough people on this site that if they tried can go very far. but again....that thread .....business aint for everyone.

who the fuck told them that? how do you know?
cant comes after tried.
please tell me where this came from?
images and verbiage. watching shows where we aint shit but entertainment...guess what people think they can only do? and if they cant do that....fuck everything.
White supremacy. a term that means i am above you and its nothing you can do about it.

are we building up our people enough? do we put the same energy in building them up as we do tearing them down?

sad thing is i see this all over......in many continents.
alot of people are defeated at young ages...the parents need to be the ones to build them up. and the parents word needs to be final.
the world is huge...if we dont succeed in one place.....we may need to relocate. we can work as a unit within and across the planet.
its a chinatown in almost every major city. just saying...it can be done and we see the blueprint. us not needing a blueprint or wanting to be different has gotten us nowhere to this point.

so to answer your other question......we have all we need....and like you say....we need a code. black before anything.
before religion, culture, sex, money...whatever.
if we dont trust each other...we are already doomed.
sorry for getting type happy.....but i cut alot out..lol.

but this is just me and how i see it.
@5th Letter
this is how i see things...and please feel free to tell me im wrong or correct me.
I am always open to correction and criticism but at least i said something is how i see it.

traveling across the planet i see the damage white people have done to black people or all cultures.
I lived it in america, i seen it in africa and Im living it it in europe and saw it in asia.
These people have told the world we aint shit...nothing but athletes and rappers. and every other can have criminal added to it.
so while people look up to white people...they feel white people bring prosperity and economic wealth..even if they have to give up part of their culture they are willing to do it. In europ and asia...most of the heads of companies are white americans. they set the precedent how and how is looked at as smart and acceptable.
these are things i witnessed.

Now in my industry...my wife and i have started to realize. something alot of black people dont see.
Growing up, all the images on tv was of very wealthy and smart white people and dumb ass and poor black people. so of course the image is what we think we are or could ever be. Thank God my parents taught me that i could be more...same with wifey.
So one day we sat and talked about this and realized.....damn near all the white people we ran into in these companies are dumb as rocks. Like real dumb stupid type people. they have the access to the job because alot of times we dont know about them. But the white people...are just talking a good game and struggling thru work. A guy in my wifes group got a promotion while having bad marks 10 months out the year. But he talked a good game to get the promotion but he couldnt do the job. he felt he will learn when he gets there. Why did he even go for the job if he knew he couldnt do it?

Now when we are in Charlotte...we run into many very smart and highly educated black people. If you listen to them....they are smart as hell.
My wife tired to recruit a few of them but they said they cant do the job. She tells them she will help them..but then its convincing them into moving. she even offered substantial pay increases...but the hesitation was enough for her to just give up.

And i have shared my stories about trying to convince my people to go for or start/create opportunities.

heres what we both came to think: Alot of black people need to be convinced they can while alot of white people need to be convinced they cant.

I understand how the system can wear on people. On those who try......but i myself have ran into too many people who dont even want to try but live off of someone elses failed attempt.
So while the person who tried can say the system held me back...how can the person who didnt say the same?

this is where ...apart of ..you cant blame white people comes in. some of us cant use it...if it didnt happen.
then you have the mindframe that comes into play.
from back on the IC to here...how often did i try to help people or have to convince people to at least try but niggas come with a defeated attitude?
No one wants to start a cupcake business, why? if its successful, i dont see the problem. then came a bunch of bullshit excuses. the way i see it...a business is a business. theres a thread here with damn near every person saying business is not for everyone.
why is it that other cultures see it the opposite way? I get what people in america say about the immigrants coming and getting loans....but dont niggas know doe boys who need to clean loot or those NBA guys who throw money around in the club only for strippers to go buy a car and more hair. Are we investing in us? but thats another thing. we dont trust us with our money but we trust the white dudes who rob the NBA players with millions.
shit my business is nothing more than fixing fucking machines. im a repair man. i can dress up the title to say lab asset manager...but im a repair man.
but telling people what i do.....they think im smart as hell and want to do the same as me but without the work i put in. we have too many people wanting to be the boss level out the gate without the building up to it. when i keep it real with my people.....they dont want to hear it. and the fact of the matter is...im not smarter than you or any other black person. i just utilized what im good at. i like fixing shit. So i actually hate when people call me a genius ...because thats not the case and it also makes it seem like i had some sort of advantage.

the shit is a mindframe of self sabotage. wait...no...self sabotage would mean you actually did something....this is a mindframe of low self esteem.

And i always come back to this....no hate for my latinos.....but i be damned if an uneducated dominican is going to out hustle me. everywhere i got i run into dominican people looking for opportunities to feed their family.
how the fuck is an island of maybe 10 million people spread out across the world more than black americans? we are the higher educated. but are we mentally trapped?

and the thing is.....these white people are dumb as broken windows...just useless...but no is there to challenge them to be smart. so ill stop here with all that cause i can go on for a while on this.

we have all we need to be what we can be.
if niggas are ready to buss they guns for nothing....do we not have soldiers who can protect our hoods from outsiders?
we have enough people on this site that if they tried can go very far. but again....that thread .....business aint for everyone.

who the fuck told them that? how do you know?
cant comes after tried.
please tell me where this came from?
images and verbiage. watching shows where we aint shit but entertainment...guess what people think they can only do? and if they cant do that....fuck everything.
White supremacy. a term that means i am above you and its nothing you can do about it.

are we building up our people enough? do we put the same energy in building them up as we do tearing them down?

sad thing is i see this all over......in many continents.
alot of people are defeated at young ages...the parents need to be the ones to build them up. and the parents word needs to be final.
the world is huge...if we dont succeed in one place.....we may need to relocate. we can work as a unit within and across the planet.
its a chinatown in almost every major city. just saying...it can be done and we see the blueprint. us not needing a blueprint or wanting to be different has gotten us nowhere to this point.

so to answer your other question......we have all we need....and like you say....we need a code. black before anything.
before religion, culture, sex, money...whatever.
if we dont trust each other...we are already doomed.
sorry for getting type happy.....but i cut alot out..lol.

but this is just me and how i see it.

This is very long but this is on point. I aint read every line but i get your gist. This wouldve went way better than the Cosby speech.
but how long can someone say it the right way and watch the same things happen before they get to the cosby point?

like i said...i cut it short...but i could have kept going.

its really sad the things i see ......but i do see once these white people get out our head......shit is over for them.
@5th Letter
this is how i see things...and please feel free to tell me im wrong or correct me.
I am always open to correction and criticism but at least i said something is how i see it.

traveling across the planet i see the damage white people have done to black people or all cultures.
I lived it in america, i seen it in africa and Im living it it in europe and saw it in asia.
These people have told the world we aint shit...nothing but athletes and rappers. and every other can have criminal added to it.
so while people look up to white people...they feel white people bring prosperity and economic wealth..even if they have to give up part of their culture they are willing to do it. In europ and asia...most of the heads of companies are white americans. they set the precedent how and how is looked at as smart and acceptable.
these are things i witnessed.

Now in my industry...my wife and i have started to realize. something alot of black people dont see.
Growing up, all the images on tv was of very wealthy and smart white people and dumb ass and poor black people. so of course the image is what we think we are or could ever be. Thank God my parents taught me that i could be more...same with wifey.
So one day we sat and talked about this and realized.....damn near all the white people we ran into in these companies are dumb as rocks. Like real dumb stupid type people. they have the access to the job because alot of times we dont know about them. But the white people...are just talking a good game and struggling thru work. A guy in my wifes group got a promotion while having bad marks 10 months out the year. But he talked a good game to get the promotion but he couldnt do the job. he felt he will learn when he gets there. Why did he even go for the job if he knew he couldnt do it?

Now when we are in Charlotte...we run into many very smart and highly educated black people. If you listen to them....they are smart as hell.
My wife tired to recruit a few of them but they said they cant do the job. She tells them she will help them..but then its convincing them into moving. she even offered substantial pay increases...but the hesitation was enough for her to just give up.

And i have shared my stories about trying to convince my people to go for or start/create opportunities.

heres what we both came to think: Alot of black people need to be convinced they can while alot of white people need to be convinced they cant.

I understand how the system can wear on people. On those who try......but i myself have ran into too many people who dont even want to try but live off of someone elses failed attempt.
So while the person who tried can say the system held me back...how can the person who didnt say the same?

this is where ...apart of ..you cant blame white people comes in. some of us cant use it...if it didnt happen.
then you have the mindframe that comes into play.
from back on the IC to here...how often did i try to help people or have to convince people to at least try but niggas come with a defeated attitude?
No one wants to start a cupcake business, why? if its successful, i dont see the problem. then came a bunch of bullshit excuses. the way i see it...a business is a business. theres a thread here with damn near every person saying business is not for everyone.
why is it that other cultures see it the opposite way? I get what people in america say about the immigrants coming and getting loans....but dont niggas know doe boys who need to clean loot or those NBA guys who throw money around in the club only for strippers to go buy a car and more hair. Are we investing in us? but thats another thing. we dont trust us with our money but we trust the white dudes who rob the NBA players with millions.
shit my business is nothing more than fixing fucking machines. im a repair man. i can dress up the title to say lab asset manager...but im a repair man.
but telling people what i do.....they think im smart as hell and want to do the same as me but without the work i put in. we have too many people wanting to be the boss level out the gate without the building up to it. when i keep it real with my people.....they dont want to hear it. and the fact of the matter is...im not smarter than you or any other black person. i just utilized what im good at. i like fixing shit. So i actually hate when people call me a genius ...because thats not the case and it also makes it seem like i had some sort of advantage.

the shit is a mindframe of self sabotage. wait...no...self sabotage would mean you actually did something....this is a mindframe of low self esteem.

And i always come back to this....no hate for my latinos.....but i be damned if an uneducated dominican is going to out hustle me. everywhere i got i run into dominican people looking for opportunities to feed their family.
how the fuck is an island of maybe 10 million people spread out across the world more than black americans? we are the higher educated. but are we mentally trapped?

and the thing is.....these white people are dumb as broken windows...just useless...but no is there to challenge them to be smart. so ill stop here with all that cause i can go on for a while on this.

we have all we need to be what we can be.
if niggas are ready to buss they guns for nothing....do we not have soldiers who can protect our hoods from outsiders?
we have enough people on this site that if they tried can go very far. but again....that thread .....business aint for everyone.

who the fuck told them that? how do you know?
cant comes after tried.
please tell me where this came from?
images and verbiage. watching shows where we aint shit but entertainment...guess what people think they can only do? and if they cant do that....fuck everything.
White supremacy. a term that means i am above you and its nothing you can do about it.

are we building up our people enough? do we put the same energy in building them up as we do tearing them down?

sad thing is i see this all over......in many continents.
alot of people are defeated at young ages...the parents need to be the ones to build them up. and the parents word needs to be final.
the world is huge...if we dont succeed in one place.....we may need to relocate. we can work as a unit within and across the planet.
its a chinatown in almost every major city. just saying...it can be done and we see the blueprint. us not needing a blueprint or wanting to be different has gotten us nowhere to this point.

so to answer your other question......we have all we need....and like you say....we need a code. black before anything.
before religion, culture, sex, money...whatever.
if we dont trust each other...we are already doomed.
sorry for getting type happy.....but i cut alot out..lol.

but this is just me and how i see it.

You can have this mentality of trying to uplift yourself and wanting to see better for your people without throwing black people under the bus or denying our situation. To get on code we first have to understand your situation and how to mobilize to combat the issue.

We’ve seen what happened when black folks came together and built their own thriving communities we built a thriving baseball league, white supremacy destroyed it all. We can be 100% clean of no dysfunctionality but if we’re still confused or in denial then history will repeat itself. Of course I want to see black people in a position of power instead of being at the mercy of white supremacy. But it is what it is.
You can have this mentality of trying to uplift yourself and wanting to see better for your people without throwing black people under the bus or denying our situation. To get on code we first have to understand your situation and how to mobilize to combat the issue.

We’ve seen what happened when black folks came together and built their own thriving communities we built a thriving baseball league, white supremacy destroyed it all. We can be 100% clean of no dysfunctionality but if we’re still confused or in denial then history will repeat itself. Of course I want to see black people in a position of power instead of being at the mercy of white supremacy. But it is what it is.
i hear what you are saying but.....they can only stop a few of us rise.......if alot of us rise and each person helps another person rise.....we can do it fast and stay within ourselves....

like i was saying ....moving within .
Black wall street was a great thing.
but it was a target.
once you have a target....you can focus.
but what if that community was still a community but spread out?
a person working in nyc can get supplies from someone in boston and sends the finished products to distributors in kansas city that can send it out to those who want it.

but we must trust each other and respect each other first....thats the code.

case in point.,
its an asian store here in switzerland.
when asians come...they shop there. the people respect them and treat them like respected customers.
they get their things shipped from korea and china.

their own support them....and inturn they respect the customer.
its a relationship others cant replicate.

but...its white people here who sell caribbean food. shit aint got no taste. they are support by white people...
the guy in berlin i speak highly about.....a jamaican who sells caribbean food. we support him whenever we go...as do most of the black people there as well as the americans working at the embassy...its a beautiful thing to see.

when it boils down to it....what do we really need white people for that we cant do ourselves?

we can do everything they do....yet we dont because certain things dont fit the image we like to portray.
and without all the pieces...the machine wont work. and the code wont work because it can be deciphered because the machine dont work.
everybody cant be a boss....but niggas are ok with playing boss while being a minion for some white dude.

thats not ok with me.
i know we are better. but its always a battle convincing people they are better.
its alot of people that their freinds hold them back...clown them for wanting to go back to school or do something they consider white.

we got a thread here about that too.
then you got niggas who dont want to be different because they wont be accepted anymore. why should a person feel like that? kinda fucking poeple he got in his life. he should be celebrated.

then you got those that do make it out...and come back to fuck shit....got nigga wanting them to prove they still down and they end up throwing thier life away....or some nigga ends up killing them because they jealous. again...someone that should be celebrated.
then you got niggas who say you aint better than them and try to point out your flaws. only to make them feel better...we all have flaws. we all have skeletons....but if you have to point out another mans flaws when hes trying to help you...you deserve to be where you at...at the bottom.

i once talked about my mentor....dude was an alcoholic with a side family...he trusted me and told me that.....i didnt care....that was his life. i didnt look at him like he was aint shit...even when he came down on me for the stupid shit i did to hurt myself. i took what he told me and learned my lesson.....now i can retire 20 yrs earlier than all my peers. because i was able to humble myself and hear the real message vs thinking he looking down on me...simple because im trying to get where he is.
who am i to fuck up a chance at someone taking their time to give me advice? im not above learning anything from anyone.

ok.....i got the rambles today.....i need to eat dinner an go to sleep and get back to fucking with people tomorrow.
so i see what you are saying......but we need to understand.....we can do it...but we need to fix us first.

a man that cant be honest with himself can not be honest with me.
if a man is not willing to fix his problems..he can only provide me more problems.
and a community is as strong as its weakest people.
i hear what you are saying but.....they can only stop a few of us rise.......if alot of us rise and each person helps another person rise.....we can do it fast and stay within ourselves....

like i was saying ....moving within .
Black wall street was a great thing.
but it was a target.
once you have a target....you can focus.
but what if that community was still a community but spread out?
a person working in nyc can get supplies from someone in boston and sends the finished products to distributors in kansas city that can send it out to those who want it.

but we must trust each other and respect each other first....thats the code.

case in point.,
its an asian store here in switzerland.
when asians come...they shop there. the people respect them and treat them like respected customers.
they get their things shipped from korea and china.

their own support them....and inturn they respect the customer.
its a relationship others cant replicate.

but...its white people here who sell caribbean food. shit aint got no taste. they are support by white people...
the guy in berlin i speak highly about.....a jamaican who sells caribbean food. we support him whenever we go...as do most of the black people there as well as the americans working at the embassy...its a beautiful thing to see.

when it boils down to it....what do we really need white people for that we cant do ourselves?

we can do everything they do....yet we dont because certain things dont fit the image we like to portray.
and without all the pieces...the machine wont work. and the code wont work because it can be deciphered because the machine dont work.
everybody cant be a boss....but niggas are ok with playing boss while being a minion for some white dude.

thats not ok with me.
i know we are better. but its always a battle convincing people they are better.
its alot of people that their freinds hold them back...clown them for wanting to go back to school or do something they consider white.

we got a thread here about that too.
then you got niggas who dont want to be different because they wont be accepted anymore. why should a person feel like that? kinda fucking poeple he got in his life. he should be celebrated.

then you got those that do make it out...and come back to fuck shit....got nigga wanting them to prove they still down and they end up throwing thier life away....or some nigga ends up killing them because they jealous. again...someone that should be celebrated.
then you got niggas who say you aint better than them and try to point out your flaws. only to make them feel better...we all have flaws. we all have skeletons....but if you have to point out another mans flaws when hes trying to help you...you deserve to be where you at...at the bottom.

i once talked about my mentor....dude was an alcoholic with a side family...he trusted me and told me that.....i didnt care....that was his life. i didnt look at him like he was aint shit...even when he came down on me for the stupid shit i did to hurt myself. i took what he told me and learned my lesson.....now i can retire 20 yrs earlier than all my peers. because i was able to humble myself and hear the real message vs thinking he looking down on me...simple because im trying to get where he is.
who am i to fuck up a chance at someone taking their time to give me advice? im not above learning anything from anyone.

ok.....i got the rambles today.....i need to eat dinner an go to sleep and get back to fucking with people tomorrow.
so i see what you are saying......but we need to understand.....we can do it...but we need to fix us first.

a man that cant be honest with himself can not be honest with me.
if a man is not willing to fix his problems..he can only provide me more problems.
and a community is as strong as its weakest people.
Again all that sounds good, but when white supremacy attacks are we equipped to combat it or will it be a repeat of the last time? Your idea of a code is valid but also being real about the situation and staying on code to n order to combat it is also a code. It’s not just simply black people working together , it’s simply a mindset we all move in one accord, yes we might bicker over dumb shit but when there’s a threat to us we put our silly disagreements to the side and get on code, not side with the enemy over our own not putting down our own in front of others. The Asians understand this, the Jews understand this, white people understand this, but with us it’s a power struggle in terms of what’s the ideal solution to fix our problem. Hint take clues from other successful groups.
Again all that sounds good, but when white supremacy attacks are we equipped to combat it or will it be a repeat of the last time? Your idea of a code is valid but also being real about the situation and staying on code to n order to combat it is also a code. It’s not just simply black people working together , it’s simply a mindset we all move in one accord, yes we might bicker over dumb shit but when there’s a threat to us we put our silly disagreements to the side and get on code, not side with the enemy over our own not putting down our own in front of others. The Asians understand this, the Jews understand this, white people understand this, but with us it’s a power struggle in terms of what’s the ideal solution to fix our problem. Hint take clues from other successful groups.
and guess who aint on code.

Salute to @5th Letter you been kickin ass in this thread.

The root of the problem is always the cause not the affect.
nigga.......you want this fade too?
at what point can a person move within the cause to change the effect?

if i put you in a sleeper hold...will you just go to sleep and blame the cause on the sleeper?
or will you struggle to get lose?

from what you niggas saying......we gotta admit we in the sleeper before you struggle to get free.

nigga you might be sleep soon!
Then what?

the last thing you want to do is fall asleep around white dudes.....@zzombie said it best.
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