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Revisiting the whole Pound cake speech. A long read. Lets end this.

So in other words we gotta do for ourselves. What Cosby said.

So talking down on another black person is okay as long as you make up a reason?
We gotta do for ourselves I never said that wasn’t the case, he’s not wrong for saying that, what he’s wrong about is absolving white supremacy of blame. That’s been the issue.

Talking down on a black man that threw black people under the bus is fair game. When you say dangerous shit like if you shoot a black boy in the head don’t go after the police for misconduct instead ask where are the parents. You don’t talk down on black people and then when you’re down you expect black people to ride for you.
We gotta do for ourselves I never said that wasn’t the case, he’s not wrong for saying that, what he’s wrong about is absolving white supremacy of blame. That’s been the issue.


This type of mentality is why black people are divided. The other groups that are winning do this but we want to be different. Black people are like the WWE Royal Rumble, every man for themselves, as long as I got me a little money that should shield me from white supremacy.

Here's the problem with what you're saying:

These parents are NOT giving their children African names. They're basically throwing letters against a wall and seeing what sticks. Personally I wouldn't have a problem if we were giving our children names with African origins like we were starting to do in the 70's, but that ain't what's happening nowadays and you know that.

Point of fact though: The Middle East has always had Black folks there natively.

Black people can name their children anything they want tbh. The only thing that makes people mad is because their Anti-Black. White people name their children all kind of informal names, but we get attack because we prefer to name our children how we want. Humans create names, so we are doing what we do best create.

African people ain't that native to Middle East, came through for trading, migration, slavery and etc but native biologically related to around the populations, nah. Now, if you are just saying dark skin folks then yeah they always existed in that region.
LMAO. Now all of a sudden police profiling, brutality and murder of black people didn't start until saggin' pants came into existence.

RIP to all the white plumbers out there who got unjustly murdered by police because "they looked like criminals" due to their saggy pants.

Niggas is going through all types of coontortionism to justify this Cosby shit. Disgusting.
I'm dying here...

If an Arizona cop said "we don't see color... we just see sagginess of pants" then it has to be true.

Before we can have this conversation we gotta acknowledge white supremacy and it’s role in creating the problems in black society and Pralims don’t want to acknowledge it or doesn’t want to talk about it he just wants to talk down on black people because that’s easy. Before I go any further in this conversation with @DOS_patos he gotta acknowledge white supremacy and it’s effects on black society if not then there isn’t any further we can go.

Beating a dead horse bruh.

What you're saying is true.

However, the problem with what you're saying........is that black people from all walks of life have succeeded in spite of white supremacy.

And people from past generations managed to excel when things were a lot worse than they are now.

So when you keep bringing up white supremacy, you're actually promoting a defeatist attitude more than bringing attention to something that has always been a factor.

Ironically, you sound exactly like the people Cosby was talking about who blame the white man for all of their problems.

Again, white supremacy is definitely part of the problem..........but it's not the only thing holding us back.

The fact that others have managed to succeed in spite of it pretty much proves that it doesn't have to stop you from being successful.

Otherwise, none of us would have any degree of success at all.
Beating a dead horse bruh.

What you're saying is true.

However, the problem with what you're saying........is that black people from all walks of life have succeeded in spite of white supremacy.

And people from past generations managed to excel when things were a lot worse than they are now.

So when you keep bringing up white supremacy, you're actually promoting a defeatist attitude more than bringing attention to something that has always been a factor.

Ironically, you sound exactly like the people Cosby was talking about who blame the white man for all of their problems.

Again, white supremacy is definitely part of the problem..........but it's not the only thing holding us back.

The fact that others have managed to succeed in spite of it pretty much proves that it doesn't have to stop you from being successful.

Otherwise, none of us would have any degree of success at all.
I get all that my problem with his speech is that he absolved white supremacy of being the cause of the issues in black communities. That’s flat out wrong. I never said he was wrong about black people taking responsibility and being accountable. And honestly seeing our situation for what it is is not a defeatist mentality, it’s called reality. The solution is to get on code to combat the shit.
niggas really ok with not being shit....

nah you won, radio


You been acting like a bitch lately and idk why? I know you from Philly does Cosby represent the relationship you wanted with your father? He your role model? And his downfall fucking with you?
You been acting like a bitch lately and idk why? I know you from Philly does Cosby represent the relationship you wanted with your father? He your role model? And his downfall fucking with you?

I was about to be on some... "Lately?" but in all fairness I don't remember him being such a sanctimonious douche on the IC. It's like he was either hiding his true colors over there or he's trying to reinvent himself over here. Either way it's the same shit though.
LMAO. Now all of a sudden police profiling, brutality and murder of black people didn't start until saggin' pants came into existence.

RIP to all the white plumbers out there who got unjustly murdered by police because "they looked like criminals" due to their saggy pants.

Niggas is going through all types of coontortionism to justify this Cosby shit. Disgusting.

The coonacity
I was about to be on some... "Lately?" but in all fairness I don't remember him being such a sanctimonious douche on the IC. It's like he was either hiding his true colors over there or he's trying to reinvent himself over here. Either way it's the same shit though.

He saying niggas soft for taking the speech personal but he taking Cosby punishment personal.
Yeah, they do. My wife's cousin is a cop in Phoenix and he told us that the overall notion around there is that is that boys and men that sag are likely criminals. Doesn't matter if your Black, white, Latino, Asian, etc; It's that they have the appearance of the average criminal that's being arrested.

Nigga you too old to be this damn stupid. Who created saggin? Who more likely to be stopped by cops? More likely to be shot by a cop and a cop not punished? Yall niggas live in bizzaro world.
I was about to be on some... "Lately?" but in all fairness I don't remember him being such a sanctimonious douche on the IC. It's like he was either hiding his true colors over there or he's trying to reinvent himself over here. Either way it's the same shit though.
aye fag....im the one that made the pound cake thread on the IC....
so you wrong.
stay fat and drunk.......and retarded

we all know you aint gonna be shit and thats why you dont want no one else to be shit.
We gotta do for ourselves I never said that wasn’t the case, he’s not wrong for saying that, what he’s wrong about is absolving white supremacy of blame. That’s been the issue.

Talking down on a black man that threw black people under the bus is fair game. When you say dangerous shit like if you shoot a black boy in the head don’t go after the police for misconduct instead ask where are the parents. You don’t talk down on black people and then when you’re down you expect black people to ride for you.
but maybe like other black people....we are tired of giving it light in our dark times.. because in dark times ...niggas move towards the light even if its bad for them.

but ...what have you done for your community?
seems like people keep skipping over that question.
But you repeat over and over how black people aint shit so you must believe that to be true right? Again it goes back to what I previously stated and that is white supremacy is the problem, they rule everything around us they’ve made laws and passed bills to subjugate us and deprive us of resources, yes I know some black people ended up making money and becoming rich but we saw that being rich won’t save you word to Bill Cosby, they violated every constitutional rule just to convict Cosby, but you’re sitting here telling me that you can’t acknowledge the existence of white supremacy? Stop being in denial. Let’s acknowledge the problem and we can discuss ways to get on code to combat the problem.
do i really say black people aint shit?
or do i talk about those black people who hurt black people?

but just from your post is an attitude of defeat...and this is what they want you and everyone to see....that money wont stop nothing....

and guess what..

people take that into their psyche and dont attempt to try to do anything...dont you see that.

why do you think they attack bball players or athletes so aggressively?
why do you think they go after rappers so aggressively?

they are trying to say it doesnt matter how much you have.
and what did the judge just say....you are not above the law.

these are all ways to say we in charge and you nothing more than a nigga with money.
and what do lowlife burgundy faggots on this site say...you nothing but a nigga with money.

why is that?
because both feel threatened. why?
because they know they didnt do enough....white people aint do enough to get away from us and them broke fat niggas didnt do enough to be anything.
so middle class blacks are the targets....stifle their thinking and mind frame and they wont help bring up those that need help.

i see this whole game playing out and thats why i give ...well once gave my time to help my people.
if niggas get out this mental jail....they place themselves in....the shit is clear that we can do better.
we can see that a black man was cheated.....i see that alot of black people took offense to something they didnt understand and this proved it. they reacting of what they heard. they reacting off of another journalists words who most likely needed to jump on the teardown bandwagon for points and print time in their industry.

its crazy to see this shit on a global scale.....black kids in switzerland, france, spain, germany and the UK...thruout the Caribbean....smdh
and the most prepared is the black americans and yet we are the most brainwashed to believe we cant do.
we are one of the fastest to bring our own down.
black panthers
cosby and countless others who tried to help our cause
i havent heard shit about dick gregory yet or eddie murphy yet.

but where the loyalty?
where the understanding of frustration?
the people who dont do shit for anyone are usually the ones who say whos not doing what or who shouldnt be frustrated.