OUT NOW Red Dead Redemption 2

I've hogtied dudes and dragged them near the water for gators to pounce on them

i've cooked my own horse so many times from getting in gunfights and going rambo with the shotgun lol

10 mins and I got a burning pile of bodies in a circle around me
I'm at 90% but I probably won't ever get to 100% cause I got the O'Driscolls at 66% and they're done with in the game. I didn't discover all their hideouts and camps
Im still on chap2

I just be bullshittin tho.

My kids basically took over my game. Everytime i turn it on Arthur is dressed like a damn fool and his satchel is full of poor pelts
Im still on chap2

I just be bullshittin tho.

My kids basically took over my game. Everytime i turn it on Arthur is dressed like a damn fool and his satchel is full of poor pelts

lmfao i dont know why this shit is hilarious rn

not the poor pelts....they hittin rabbits w/ the sawed off
i low key hate the horses squealing over every damn thing

its a bush man, chill the fuck out.....we see snakes every day

mf got me slayed by a cougar doing that shit
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Put the game down and go outside fam

Lol... RDR2 is my outside.

I be working 11-12 hour days banking overtime for my first family vacation this summer. I get home and don’t feel like doin shit.

Plus I broke my wrist playing basketball 2 months ago, and at 34 going on 35 I’m taking that as my official retirement from all that extracurricular

I've just started chapter 4 and neither of my 2 horses have died yet. Im gonna be real pissed if my horse gets shot up.

Have you guys been running through horses or you been taking care to make sure they don't get got?
My kids love their horses mane. I think its cuz they get to name them.

They want to legit shed tears when they die.

So i started splurging on that Horse Reviver. My son saw his horse come back to life he was geeked.

My kids love their horses mane. I think its cuz they get to name them.

They want to legit shed tears when they die.

So i started splurging on that Horse Reviver. My son saw his horse come back to life he was geeked.

I've just started chapter 4 and neither of my 2 horses have died yet. Im gonna be real pissed if my horse gets shot up.

Have you guys been running through horses or you been taking care to make sure they don't get got?

I cared in the beginning but lost one trying to rob a train...that was that hurt

after that I didnt care I just pick a fast one and give him a dumbass name like Buck

I've been losing them more recently just fighting and shit.....cold blooded when all the smoke clears and your saddle just sittin on the ground
I've done the same due to falling off cliffs. And it usually happens far from any town so i gotta run into town or hope that I run across someone with a horse lol
I got a homie who has some inside info on shit about the first online update. He told me bout the first set of properties and some kind moonshine running free lobby mission/side job. I met him on a twitch stream. Supposedly they gonna start letting people in to test some shit soon and he said hes banking on getting an invite.

If he gets one he said he may be able to invite another friend and then that friend can invite a friend and so on and so on until they stop accepting ppl. Said he got a list of people on his friends list to get in and that if it works they'll pass an invite down to me eventually. If so i'll try to get some of yall in too.

And If not i know he gonna snap some pictures.

I honestly feel like they done fucked up w/ the online by not releasing a little more in that very first update tho.
Rockstar online shit always take a while to get rolling.

By the time GTA V online was lit I was already off that shit
I'm in the second epilogue and I sent out west exploring doing bounty missuins, finding the remain ing dinosaur bones etc . So when I get back to the ranch a wagon rolls up shot up with arrows and the driver is dead with an arrow in his back . Those skinner brothers are wild. I freed the horse rode it to the stable and kept it . I now have a new nokota race horse. Those Skinner brothers man, damn shame how they tried to barbecue uncle.