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Real or no? Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for joking about Jada at the Oscars

Jokes is jokes. We used to be ruthless with ours but you just knew certain shit was off limits. Even while we were crashin' on one another if a nigga got in his feeling we'd be like "aiight, he mad now we gone leave him alone". Now, if you came out talmbout "nigga momma walkin lopsided 'cause she only got one titty" to a dude and you all knew his momma had breast cancer you pretty much had to take whatever ass whoopin' you had coming. Sometimes you cross that line and gotta get dealt with.

From my perspective, CR knew better that to joke about Jada's hair and he got dealt with by her husband.

Agreed with everything but the last line. I don't know that Rock knew that subject was off limits. It really didn't seem like he was trying to go hard, but I could be wrong.
Agreed with everything but the last line. I don't know that Rock knew that subject was off limits. It really didn't seem like he was trying to go hard, but I could be wrong.

Normally regarding CR I'd agree with you but comments he's made over the past couple years regarding jokes and comedy has me leaning the other way
I think a few things are getting confused. Everybody has people they joke with and can tell some vicious jokes at that. Some people just naturally have the disposition in life where they are not jokey joke people. So a if jokey person says something to them and they don't know them like that. The non-jokey person ain't wrong or even trying to be tough IMO if they punched said person in the face or got serious and told them to leave them the fuck alone. That is the square they standing on and people have to respect it even if they don't like. Cause it's another square that jokey person standing on that they want respected and going to feel a way if it's not. It ain't about being tough IMO it's about the standard that they set for themselves.

Everybody is not here for the jokes cause you and your friends are. Joke with how you joke with people you know who willing to be on that type of time with you. Leave people who you don't know like that or at all the fuck alone. It's really that simple.

I love comedy shows it's something the wife and I go to and we do in groups. My wife and I never sit to close to the front because we're cool people but at the same time we ain't people who allow strangers to play with us either. So yeah good natured humor is ok but even constant good natured humor will get both of us mad after while. It's like move the fuck on after a joke or two. I don't even like when comedians go at the crowd like that. I came to hear jokes and commentary not hear you talk shit about somebody else.

Reading some comments I see like most things different generations see the same things differently. Just like where you grew up certain things can slide one place where it ain't sliding in another.
I still don’t get the apology from Smith
Cuz he really didn’t want to do that but he wanted to show up and honor a woman who doesn’t honor him and he gambled with his career he’s not ready to give up yet.

seems to me it all seemed to be crashing for a bit.
I don’t buy the partying
Gayle King did

I think a few things are getting confused. Everybody has people they joke with and can tell some vicious jokes at that. Some people just naturally have the disposition in life where they are not jokey joke people. So a if jokey person says something to them and they don't know them like that. The non-jokey person ain't wrong or even trying to be tough IMO if they punched said person in the face or got serious and told them to leave them the fuck alone. That is the square they standing on and people have to respect it even if they don't like. Cause it's another square that jokey person standing on that they want respected and going to feel a way if it's not. It ain't about being tough IMO it's about the standard that they set for themselves.

Everybody is not here for the jokes cause you and your friends are. Joke with how you joke with people you know who willing to be on that type of time with you. Leave people who you don't know like that or at all the fuck alone. It's really that simple.

I love comedy shows it's something the wife and I go to and we do in groups. My wife and I never sit to close to the front because we're cool people but at the same time we ain't people who allow strangers to play with us either. So yeah good natured humor is ok but even constant good natured humor will get both of us mad after while. It's like move the fuck on after a joke or two. I don't even like when comedians go at the crowd like that. I came to hear jokes and commentary not hear you talk shit about somebody else.

Reading some comments I see like most things different generations see the same things differently. Just like where you grew up certain things can slide one place where it ain't sliding in another.

I think a few things are getting confused. Everybody has people they joke with and can tell some vicious jokes at that. Some people just naturally have the disposition in life where they are not jokey joke people. So a if jokey person says something to them and they don't know them like that. The non-jokey person ain't wrong or even trying to be tough IMO if they punched said person in the face or got serious and told them to leave them the fuck alone. That is the square they standing on and people have to respect it even if they don't like. Cause it's another square that jokey person standing on that they want respected and going to feel a way if it's not. It ain't about being tough IMO it's about the standard that they set for themselves.

Everybody is not here for the jokes cause you and your friends are. Joke with how you joke with people you know who willing to be on that type of time with you. Leave people who you don't know like that or at all the fuck alone. It's really that simple.

I love comedy shows it's something the wife and I go to and we do in groups. My wife and I never sit to close to the front because we're cool people but at the same time we ain't people who allow strangers to play with us either. So yeah good natured humor is ok but even constant good natured humor will get both of us mad after while. It's like move the fuck on after a joke or two. I don't even like when comedians go at the crowd like that. I came to hear jokes and commentary not hear you talk shit about somebody else.

Reading some comments I see like most things different generations see the same things differently. Just like where you grew up certain things can slide one place where it ain't sliding in another.

I don't think anyone's really confused. We're just talking past each other.

I think it's pretty universal that some lines shouldn't be crossed when it comes to jokes and that if someone has made it clear they aren't about jokes, they should be left alone. I don't think anyone disagrees on those points.

Where the debate seems to come in is when it comes to strangers and personal whims. Where I'm from, you being a stranger didn't automatically save you from the ridicule. That said strangers had every right to make it known that they weren't with it, and if that was the case they were left alone. However, if someone came out of the gate attacking a person because of a joke, that was considered a bitch move, whether you were friend, foe, or whatever. And it doesn't matter how tough that person is, nobody was going to let one person beat another person down over a joke, so you were better off keeping your hands to yourself. It sounds like that was different for you coming up. That's fine.

What's more relevant to this topic is personal whims though. Because Will and Rock are not strangers to each other, and no one can claim that Will is not a jokey person. So this is really just a case of him not liking a particular joke and responding physically, and again, where I'm from that's considered cornball shit.