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Real or no? Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for joking about Jada at the Oscars

lol Who said it stopped as kids? Niggas still go in to this day. Not to the same degree because we aren't kids anymore, but the principles haven't changed.

And again, I don't run into many adults who say they would fight over jokes anywhere but on here.

To be clear, we're just talking about simple roasting and not purposeful mean spirited shit. Like if you knew a person's mother was in the hospital in critical condition, and you decided to hit him with a buncha mama jokes, you would have gotten your ass whooped. I think that kinda thing is universal.

The latter is what I'm talking about as I said before. Saying foul shit and trying to brand it as comedy will never get a pass from many. And the fact that some will continue to try and excuse them as just jokes won't always fly with people. That and when someone feels their personal line has been crossed even if the intent of the joke wasn't kean spirited or harmful doesn't really matter its the end result that does. And if the end result is someone feeling like their personal line was crossed then calling them soft or weak etc doesn't really do much but reinforce that for far too many their goal isn't just laughs its actually to try and "get a reaction"...and you can't always control what reaction you're gonna a get.
So all this joking was it amongst friends or just any random person yall saw?

Cause I was born, raised and still live in DC. Folks learned early to leave people the fuck alone who ain't playing along or saying shit out your mouth to people you don't know cause shit could lead to people not making it back home.

What the internet showed me was some strange thing of people thinking its ok to joke and fuck with complete strangers and it's ok because it's just jokes. You know what else the internet also showed me, people still getting fucked up everyday for fucking with complete strangers cause everybody ain't out here playing around.

I grew up in SC. Nobody was killing over bullshit there back then. So yeah, niggas felt comfortable joking with strangers. The worst that would happen is that person would make it clear they weren't with that, and everyone would leave that person alone.

The latter is what I'm talking about as I said before. Saying foul shit and trying to brand it as comedy will never get a pass from many. And the fact that some will continue to try and excuse them as just jokes won't always fly with people. That and when someone feels their personal line has been crossed even if the intent of the joke wasn't kean spirited or harmful doesn't really matter its the end result that does. And if the end result is someone feeling like their personal line was crossed then calling them soft or weak etc doesn't really do much but reinforce that for far too many their goal isn't just laughs its actually to try and "get a reaction"...and you can't always control what reaction you're gonna a get.

I get what you're saying, but that's not really what anyone is talking about here. I don't think anyone in this topic has said that you should be able to say whatever foul thing you want to anybody and they're weak if they respond badly. What we're saying is that in our experience, people don't get mad over shit they know to be jokes. To be clear, if you got a boundary, and people know about it, nobody should cross that boundary. If someone knowingly crosses that boundary, I don't consider that a joke anymore. That's an attack.

The reasons why this is relevant to the topic are
1) We know Rock was joking. That's literally what he was getting paid to do and
2) We don't know that Rock even knew about Jada's condition.
For those reasons, most of the people I know think what he did was kinda weak, but surprisingly several people I know give him a pass because they feel like the joke was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.
Lol why y’all do that just to add posts to a thread y’all gonna complain about
If you agreed with me yesterday about society putting too much unnecessary time and energy into topics like this then I don’t understand how you could quote me with that
If you agreed with me yesterday about society putting too much unnecessary time and energy into topics like this then I don’t understand how you could quote me with that

This is literally about complaining in a thread bro. Y’all do it often will ask why we still on a topic then add 20 more comments. And I don’t know which post you referring to I like plenty posts
If you the type of person to get upset at comedians telling jokes then you are a bitch point blank and probably the slightest inconvenience, uncomfortable feeling causes your world to crumble.

Lol we gotten to a point in society with this weakness is strength shit to let grown ass adults turn to violence over words, when we teach children not to resort to violence over words.

And Paul Mooney has made plenty of White people in the audience upset, if someone came up there during a set and stomped him out, y'all would be like, "Protect Paul Mooney, he's a legend."

You think Paul Mooney is funny to all White people.

You think Patrice O'Neal is funny to all women and men with his vulgar borderline abusive, misogynistic stance on women? You think dudes with daughters and wives that been sexually harassed gonna find Patrice O'Neal to be a surgical comedian?

😂 We used to call the people that get all flustered and bothered during a roasting session soft. Now we calling them tough. Shit, we typically roasted the people that we liked.

You got mad, you still a bitch for getting mad. That's how we used to do and that's how it should be done. Toughen up.

Yea but if the bitch ass nogga beat your ass then who soft? Y’all live in a world where people don’t get popped for words? I know you a older dude and my pops said folks used to throw hands all the time
I grew up in SC. Nobody was killing over bullshit there back then. So yeah, niggas felt comfortable joking with strangers. The worst that would happen is that person would make it clear they weren't with that, and everyone would leave that person alone.

I get what you're saying, but that's not really what anyone is talking about here. I don't think anyone in this topic has said that you should be able to say whatever foul thing you want to anybody and they're weak if they respond badly. What we're saying is that in our experience, people don't get mad over shit they know to be jokes. To be clear, if you got a boundary, and people know about it, nobody should cross that boundary. If someone knowingly crosses that boundary, I don't consider that a joke anymore. That's an attack.

The reasons why this is relevant to the topic are
1) We know Rock was joking. That's literally what he was getting paid to do and
2) We don't know that Rock even knew about Jada's condition.
For those reasons, most of the people I know think what he did was kinda weak, but surprisingly several people I know give him a pass because they feel like the joke was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.

1. He ain't lying. Niggas have always fought or got violent when they felt somebody went too far or took a joke too far trying to make people laugh. Not everybody is cool with being the focal point of a joke so that's a risk you take when put that spotlight on someone and make people laugh at them
2. Yeah there are some in here who've blatantly said "if it's said at a comedy show or by a comedian then it's fair game because you're at their show"...and that's not something that should ever be given a 100% pass.
I don't really think it's that deep to be honest. Whenever, it comes down to a celebrity, the bulk of the battle is almost always between fans and haters. This isn't some kinda debate about principles within the black community because a lot of these people would change almost everything they are saying if the white boy that Rock roasted before was the one to slap him instead of Will.

The arguments here and elsewhere across the interwebs are rooted in our principals as Black folks. As I said earlier in the thread, how you perceive this is very much rooted in the manner in which folks carry themselves where you're from. Where I'm from, CR got off light. I understand that they're all celebs and this was the shining moment and all, but sometimes a muhfucka says some wild shit that needs to be addressed on the spot; that's how we roll. However even that can fall to the wayside as your outlook on life changes as evidenced by how many of my friends that I graduated with now have differences of opinion on how this should have been handled.

Yes, you could speculate maybe he wouldn't have done it if YT said it, but that's still some fantasy shit we make up in our head when we have a very real situation in front of us.
I am saying people who get mad over jokes and roasts and lash out in anger ain't tough. It isn't commendable, it's childish behavior.

This whole, " Nobody better not say shit to offend me or I'ma get violent" is fake tough shit. It means you soft. Especially if nobody indicated a threat of violence behind the words and especially if it's a joke.

Because when people run up on the wrong one and get the beats on them or worse, end up dead, then people gonna call the entire situation stupid.

Words ain't ever gonna get me to risk my life over no dumbshit. My life is more important than whatever someone can say to me.

Plus I am grown ass old ass man, I am the pass the age of running around with my pistol, feeling tough and thinking I'ma shoot someone to prove how tough I am. Or I'ma stab someone to prove how tough I am.

People that act like that end up dead or in jail and look stupid 99 percent of time.

I totally hear you but not every situation is extreme as death sometimes yall adults fight and certain things are justified in their fighting. I get you saying how it should be but not reality
I'll be honest. I didn't know there were a bunch black people who thought it was ok to get mad over jokes. Where I'm from, the joking was vicious. You came up either learning how to give what you got or how to duck out before you became a target. Some people would get mad and want to fight, but they were almost always looked at as the chumps.

It wasn't until I started posting on here that I saw people who basically bragged about wanting to get physical over jokes. Maybe it's a regional thing. Most of the people I know and associate with are from the Southeast (MD, VA, Carolinas, GA, and FL), and we all came up the same way when it comes to this. I swear, after elementary school where I'm from, if you were the type to fight over jokes, you would have been fighting every day.

As somebody also from VA we do joke viciously no lie but we all had lines in school anyway talking about dead folks or handicapped often was terrible. A joke saying your mom gotta fat ass or y’all broke can hit somebody the wrong way. We all knew who we could play with did we not? And no I’m not saying we all gotta throw hands to be real
The arguments here and elsewhere across the interwebs are rooted in our principals as Black folks. As I said earlier in the thread, how you perceive this is very much rooted in the manner in which folks carry themselves where you're from. Where I'm from, CR got off light. I understand that they're all celebs and this was the shining moment and all, but sometimes a muhfucka says some wild shit that needs to be addressed on the spot; that's how we roll. However even that can fall to the wayside as your outlook on life changes as evidenced by how many of my friends that I graduated with now have differences of opinion on how this should have been handled.

Yes, you could speculate maybe he wouldn't have done it if YT said it, but that's still some fantasy shit we make up in our head when we have a very real situation in front of us.

It's not really fantasy though because the inconsistencies with people stances have already been pointed out in this very topic.

That said, what you're saying is relevant to the discussion we're having now.

How I grew up was like @ZMaKEa said, you weren't considered the tough guy for wanting to get violent when someone joked with you. That just wasn't the culture. If you were easily provoked, you were considered a clown, and wanting to pop off over some words was liable to get you jumped.

I'm not saying whether that's right or wrong. It's clearly just a different experience than some others on here have had. I've come to accept that. For the longest, I was always confused by niggas on here bragging about what they'd do to someone over a joke. My whole life, I've seen that as cornball shit.

As somebody also from VA we do joke viciously no lie but we all had lines in school anyway talking about dead folks or handicapped often was terrible. A joke saying your mom gotta fat ass or y’all broke can hit somebody the wrong way. We all knew who we could play with did we not? And no I’m not saying we all gotta throw hands to be real

Same. That extra shit ain't joking to me. If a person lost someone and you shot that way, that's not a joke. That's an attack. It would get you fucked up and no one would have your back for that.
It's not really fantasy though because the inconsistencies with people stances have already been pointed out in this very topic.

That said, what you're saying is relevant to the discussion we're having now.

How I grew up was like @ZMaKEa said, you weren't considered the tough guy for wanting to get violent when someone joked with you. That just wasn't the culture. If you were easily provoked, you were considered a clown, and wanting to pop off over some words was liable to get you jumped.

I'm not saying whether that's right or wrong. It's clearly just a different experience than some others on here have had. I've come to accept that. For the longest, I was always confused by niggas on here bragging about what they'd do to someone over a joke. My whole life, I've seen that as cornball shit.

Same. That extra shit ain't joking to me. If a person lost someone and you shot that way, that's not a joke. That's an attack. It would get you fucked up and no one would have your back for that.

Jokes is jokes. We used to be ruthless with ours but you just knew certain shit was off limits. Even while we were crashin' on one another if a nigga got in his feeling we'd be like "aiight, he mad now we gone leave him alone". Now, if you came out talmbout "nigga momma walkin lopsided 'cause she only got one titty" to a dude and you all knew his momma had breast cancer you pretty much had to take whatever ass whoopin' you had coming. Sometimes you cross that line and gotta get dealt with.

From my perspective, CR knew better that to joke about Jada's hair and he got dealt with by her husband.