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Breaking News Police shooting in Baytown

I don't really understand this. To me it seems like the cop was looking to bust a head. If the reports are to be believed, the chick had warrants and he was there to collect her for them. Maybe he said something and we couldn't hear it, but it didn't seem like he explained why he was going at her at all.. Everybody is going to instantly look at the shooting as the major issue, and that's understandable, but it seems to me that this cop needs to be called out from the very beginning of the encounter. Why didn't he try to talk to the woman like a human being first and explain why she was being arrested? Why did he just get to grabbing like that? That can't be protocol.
yeah the Police are saying that the cop involved patrols that area all the time and he knew of the woman and her warrants. If you knew of her and her warrants then why not call for backup before pursuit. Dude basically thought that since he patrols that area, he can do whatever the fuck he want. I'm so disgusted in the Police forces across America.

This is why I have no issues when I see more than three cop cars on a scene. I'm more worried when it is just one or two on the scene.

Dorris declined to name the officer but said he was Hispanic and an 11-year veteran of the force. He was placed on paid leave, Dorris said.

The officer was wearing a body camera, but that video will not be immediately released, Dorris said. The shooting was a traumatic event for the officer, who was "shook up" but doing OK, he said.

"It's a tragic event for everybody involved," Dorris said. "Of course our hearts go out to the family of the decease as well as our officer."

He added that police would like to interview whoever recorded the shooting.

“It's unfortunate that someone takes a tragic incident like this and starts posting it on social media,” Dorris said. "It's extremely disrespectful for everybody involved. But that's the day and age we live in with social media.”

Apparently the race solider was Hispanic this time...
We know why . Protocol doesn't matter. Training doesn't matter. Conflict resolution doesn't matter

They can and will justify any thing they do..
But its funny you said in another thread you don't believe in being on code. This is why we should be, because they are. They don't and won't play fair with black ppl

Like I shouldn’t even be shocked by their actions at this point but wtf!
Im reading she wasnt pregnant and apparantly her fam been on twitter saying she had mental issues, which might explain alot, no way im justifying her being killed cause he could just as easily not shot her but we as black ppl know any type of legit resisting can you get killed....hell so can complying sometimes as well, but legit resisting leaves that shit wide open and makes it even easier for a jury or the police not to do a damn thing about it
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Baytown officer fatally shoots woman who used his Taser against him, police say

A Baytown police officer shot and killed a woman moments after she yelled she was pregnant, according to a video of the Monday night confrontation.

While police later said the woman was not actually with child, the cell phone footage gained traction and quickly sparked a national response over the nature and justification of her shooting.

“Our Police Department takes incidents like this very seriously, and are therefore investigating the events which occurred last night ,” Mayor Brandon Capetillo said in a written statement. “This investigation is being jointly conducted by Baytown Police Detectives in cooperation with Investigators from the Harris County District Attorney’s Office.”

Residents described the woman, 44-year-old Pamela Turner, as quirky but a harmless neighbor. Police said the 11-year veteran of the police department who fired the shots “had prior dealings” with Turner and was trying to arrest her on an active warrant.

“It’s a tragic event for everybody involved,” department spokesman Lt. Steve Dorris said. “Of course, our hearts go out to the families of the deceased, as well as our officer.”

Authorities said Turner struck the unnamed officer with his own Taser at The Brixton Apartments at 1601 Garth Road. The events shown in the video unfold quickly and are difficult to interpret.

“You can’t tell from the video enough detail at this time to tell what’s happening,” said Larry Karson, an associate professor of criminal justice at UH-Downtown. “That’s the problem with these videos. Many people thought they’d be the silver bullet to solve what’s going on with police shootings.”

The encounter began around 10:30 p.m. Monday, after the officer spotted the woman while on patrol behind the complex, Dorris said. The officer approached the woman and tried to arrest her but she started struggling with him.

The officer deployed his Taser, but Turner was able to get the weapon away from him, Dorris said. She struck the officer with the Taser, at which point the officer pulled his firearm and fired five rounds, Dorris said.

The woman was struck at least once and died at the scene.

Dorris said the investigation was still in its early stages. Investigators didn’t know where the officer first approached the woman, he said.

The officer did not have to be taken to a hospital, he said.

One of the warrants for Turner’s arrest stemmed from an incident in which she allegedly assaulted the apartment manager after she had posted an eviction notice on Turner’s door April 24, court records show. That same day, the manager tried to get her to leave the apartment when Turner allegedly grabbed the manager’s face, scratching her nose and throwing her eyeglasses to the ground, court documents detail.

Turner also allegedly slammed a log through the windshield of someone else’s car days later, according to court records .

Turner was charged with two misdemeanor counts of criminal mischief for allegedly breaking the manager’s glasses and breaking the windshield, and one misdemeanor assault charge for allegedly scratching the manager, court documents show. She was not immediately arrested and was wanted on those charges at the time of Monday night’s shooting.

John Fullinwider, co-founder of the national advocacy group Mothers Against Police Brutality, said the video is clear: The officer appeared to create an unnecessary confrontation and further escalate the situation.

“What emergency existed, except the one he created?” he said. “If this officer had stepped back, it’s likely Ms. Turner would be alive today.”

The officer could have reasonably felt fear for his life, however, if the story he’s telling is what actually occurred, Karson said. That will make possible body camera footage critical in deciphering the shooting, he said.

“You have the officer stating that he was being attacked with the Taser, and from his position that could be life-threatening if successful, because he could easily be repeatedly tased, possibly disarmed,” Karson said. “In that venue, you can understand where an officer would have fear for their life.”

By Tuesday morning, only orange paint on the grass, left by investigators to mark the scene, indicated what happened the night before.

Neighbor Teryn Burns stood on her porch, recalling the last conversation she had with Turner. The woman said she’d found a pair of children’s shoes and was hoping to return them to their rightful owner.

“We talk to her every day,” Burns said. “She’s always out walking her dog. She brings little gifts here and there to the kiddos.”

Other residents in the complex said they were familiar with the woman, and that she frequently walked her dog and picked up trash in the area.

After watching the video, resident Johnathan Little said he felt the officer was in a position where force wasn’t necessary.

“That could have been one of our grandmas,” Little said. “I feel like everything went wrong.”