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Official Wrestling News Thread

“[Warner Bros. Discovery is] gonna be eliminating new scripted programming...they’re gonna cut some of the scripted shows. Some of the ones that are around they’ll renew, but they will not be making news ones, apparently. So when these shows die off, the ones that are around now, in theory there will be no more scripted programming on TBS and TNT.

As far as what it means for AEW...when you’re talking about a company looking at making hundreds of millions of dollars in budget cuts, and another company partner that’s looking for a substantial rate increase on what they are getting on a new contract, which would be in 2024, you can do the math...”
I just said you don't have to be the champ to be booked right though brother Home.

Simplest example, look at Rhea on NXT and look at her time on the main roster. Enough said

she was a champion in NXT though

but i do agree that rhea’s booking has been lackluster since coming to raw

Ember cant pull it off so i understand her frustration.

“A lot of WWE backstage is having to play the game...and you’re just having to, I guess, eat the shit sandwich and smile with shit in your teeth a lot of the time. Because it’s all about not making waves.”
Ember and Triple H discussed an idea to go on a losing streak and turn heel in NXT. But things got yanked around and the heel turn was delayed. She was told it would happen in a subtle manner in the match with Cora Jade on 205 Live. But they didn’t really turn her in the match, and it was very confusing afterwards to know if she was heel or not. She was off TV for three more weeks and they told her they would finally pull the trigger on the heel turn. But then she was suddenly told to dye her hair because Vince McMahon wanted her back on the main roster as the original Ember Moon character, but as a heel.

She was excited about the opportunity and filmed a demo video to capture the vibe she was going for on her main roster return. And that’s when everything fell apart:

“I get the video ready. I’m ready to show everyone after TVs, and they go, ‘Hey, we got some bad news.’
And I was like, ‘I’m sorry, what? I just, I got this video...’
‘No, Vince is pulling you off TV indefinitely.’
And I just kind of sat there and I was just like, what did I do wrong?...I’ve done everything that you guys have asked me. I’ve gone over and above...”
She was told she did nothing wrong. That made things especially frustrating and confusing for her.

“To be told that I’ve done nothing wrong, and I was taken off TV for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It hurt so bad because I was so happy walking into work. And I remember when Shotzi left, I remember going to my makeup artist and going, I’m so unhappy. I’m so unhappy. And we’d have to sit through stupid meetings about how we would have to dress sexy. And I remember looking at someone and I was like...I cater to children. I am not about to wear fishnet booty butt cheek shorts because we had a two hour meeting about how to dress like Mandy Rose. That’s not fair. Not everyone is going to be Mandy. Mandy is absolutely phenomenal, and she is an amazing person, but not everyone is Mandy Rose.
I started seeing this down slope as soon as Hunter was gone. And for the first little bit we didn’t know why he was gone. We just knew he wasn’t there....I got so angry...and I remember sitting there and I was like, I did nothing wrong. I didn’t piss off Vince...you take shots away from me. Now Hunter is gone. And I said you guys promised me this wouldn’t happen. You guys promised I wouldn’t be lost in the shuffle.”
She was instead offered what was tantamount to a coaching position.

“So you’re taking me off TV, and you’re trying to make me a coach? And I just remember laughing, and I was like, you know what? I said if I’ve done thing wrong, I said you can cancel all my flights. I said I’m not coming to help these people that do not care about what I do. They only care about the paycheck that hits their bank account. They’re not passionate like me. I’m not gonna come up here and help these people that don’t care about what we do when there is no benefit for me. When I’ve done nothing wrong. When I’ve given you my entire right side of my body. Between my elbow surgery and my Achilles surgery. I’ve given you this entire side, for no reward, not even a thank you.”
Ember had enough of the shit sandwiches, so she quit WWE:

“I just remember sitting there a moment, and I got teary-eyed...I said I’m not doing this anymore because I am going to snap...so I am going to go home. And I said you leave me there until you have something for me...and even then, I said I need to approve the creative before I hop on the flight. And it’s the first time I’ve ever pulled this card. And I remember thinking, ‘I think I just quit?’“
“...for three months, [I’ve] been saying, yeah I think I’m gonna quit today. Yeah I’m gonna quit today. And then I actually did, I think.”

Ember and Triple H discussed an idea to go on a losing streak and turn heel in NXT. But things got yanked around and the heel turn was delayed. She was told it would happen in a subtle manner in the match with Cora Jade on 205 Live. But they didn’t really turn her in the match, and it was very confusing afterwards to know if she was heel or not. She was off TV for three more weeks and they told her they would finally pull the trigger on the heel turn. But then she was suddenly told to dye her hair because Vince McMahon wanted her back on the main roster as the original Ember Moon character, but as a heel.

She was excited about the opportunity and filmed a demo video to capture the vibe she was going for on her main roster return. And that’s when everything fell apart:

She was told she did nothing wrong. That made things especially frustrating and confusing for her.

She was instead offered what was tantamount to a coaching position.

Ember had enough of the shit sandwiches, so she quit WWE:
Respect for Ember for standing her ground in a cuthroat buisness...... i hope she thrives somewhere else.
Ember and Triple H discussed an idea to go on a losing streak and turn heel in NXT. But things got yanked around and the heel turn was delayed. She was told it would happen in a subtle manner in the match with Cora Jade on 205 Live. But they didn’t really turn her in the match, and it was very confusing afterwards to know if she was heel or not. She was off TV for three more weeks and they told her they would finally pull the trigger on the heel turn. But then she was suddenly told to dye her hair because Vince McMahon wanted her back on the main roster as the original Ember Moon character, but as a heel.

She was excited about the opportunity and filmed a demo video to capture the vibe she was going for on her main roster return. And that’s when everything fell apart:

She was told she did nothing wrong. That made things especially frustrating and confusing for her.

She was instead offered what was tantamount to a coaching position.

Ember had enough of the shit sandwiches, so she quit WWE:

This is a good example of why not to go to WWE. It's a bunch of politics or a bunch of stop & start pushes. Ember Moon was fire in her first run in NXT but when she got called to the main roster Vince did absolutely nothing with her. Then when she came back from injury and went back to NXT she was looking all fat & sloppy.

In regards to Bivens, Sapp noted that “the company had asked him to re-sign in February, and he’d made it clear he didn’t want to do so.” Former WWE star AJ Francis wrote the following about Bivens…

“Only person in the entire PC that could promo with me, and I have the receipts to prove it… that brother will do just fine.”