Not sure of his contract situation but I can see him leaving when it's up!!
They should really be hyping that Balor is the 1 who started the shit and was man enough to stand on his own
I been saying it for a while now: Smackdown is their A show and top priority since they got that FOX deal
RAW need to make some major changes before that shit is watchable again
the biggest two being the creative and that 3rd hour...
we might get a creative shake up at some point but i dont think they ever gone go back to 2 hrs.
not unless they split from USA or get dropped
WWE already fucked over USA when they put all the top stars on Smackdown and left USA with the second and third tier guys
All I can say is that WWE got about a 1yr 1/2 to turn the product around or USA might the $$$ down on the next contract renewal or might have to find another network to move RAW to (if they can).
I think USA is paying WWE $50 million a year for the 3rd hour of Raw. Might be a stupid question but would it be smart for WWE to turn the money down and go back to 2 hours? I’d give it some serious thought
Despite that shit being at its worst RAW usually still ttakes the top 3 rating spots on Mondays. Except for when Football is on I believe.. so idk if they would just drop them like that
the reports of USA being mad that SD is getting all the big returns like Brock and Cena could lead to the relationship souring but idk
its almost like they ignoring that shit because they value the FOX deal more