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Official Wrestling News Thread

Standing on "it was a work" when that "work" clearly compromised the storyline and made it make less sense at the time is definitely a decision.

Saying it like the WWE hasn't historically booked in comtempt of their fanbase is also very funny.
Okay so this is a completely different entity, right? New owners, no Vince. So historical context is largely divorced from present reality.

Hunter hasn't booked in contempt of the audience. In fact he booked a superindy that made him a IWC darling.

Cody vs Roman was set in stone for a year. It was inevitable. All of a sudden, there's this narrative shift that calls everything into question. And those same fans who were apathetic about the inevitable became animated and showed overwhelming support of their (corporately back) hero. I'd say a story that gets fans to rally behind Cody in such a way, is a *good* story. Supercharging the bloodline by adding the Rock isn't a pivot, it's the 3rd act.
Okay so this is a completely different entity, right? New owners, no Vince. So historical context is largely divorced from present reality.

Hunter hasn't booked in contempt of the audience. In fact he booked a superindy that made him a IWC darling.

Cody vs Roman was set in stone for a year. It was inevitable. All of a sudden, there's this narrative shift that calls everything into question. And those same fans who were apathetic about the inevitable became animated and showed overwhelming support of their (corporately back) hero. I'd say a story that gets fans to rally behind Cody in such a way, is a *good* story. Supercharging the bloodline by adding the Rock isn't a pivot, it's the 3rd act.

Damn. Drew should go ahead and win that title. I may have to look at this stat going back 12 months. This solidifies my opinion that Seth is an overrated champion and that it probably should have been Jey in his place the whole time on RAW. Seth has not done anything as champion that we couldn't have gotten with Jey as champion.

Story-wise it would have made way more sense considering they made Seth's title to spite (or excuse) Roman's absence and give RAW a champion. Though looking at where we are now...Seth looks like the odd man out during the biggest time of the year for the WWE.
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