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Official Wrestling News Thread

I kinda knew off the bat what it was referring to. Especially considering the type of person Lashley is, and him being that alpha lion in the group. Like I said...I'm wit it.

Could be prepping them as the next SD faction to take over once the BL saga is over. Bobby already laid out his mission statement on what's in store.

I already gave em the keys

well i told ya'll what I would do if i were gonna give him one more chance.. and thats run with him as a heel commentator. Shit i might even give him double duty and have him do interviews backstage as a heel making snarky remarks too. (Idk if we've ever had a heel interviewer unless i just forgot)

his face is very punchable. He woud either have to succeed there or be released from under me
I already gave em the keys

well i told ya'll what I would do if i were gonna give him one more chance.. and thats run with him as a heel commentator. Shit i might even give him double duty and have him do interviews backstage as a heel making snarky remarks too. (Idk if we've ever had a heel interviewer unless i just forgot)

his face is very punchable. He woud either have to succeed there or be released from under me
We can take it all the way back to Jesse the Body. Kinda interesting that's its not more prevalent though.
We can take it all the way back to Jesse the Body. Kinda interesting that's its not more prevalent though.

yea, missed opportunity imo

having a heel interviewer who makes it a point to go after the good guys who always lose or are in shitty situations. Then you have him get socked every once in a wheel just to satisfy the crowd
I dont wanna see Kevin Patrick be a heel commentator just get him outta there lol no hate to that man he just isnt cut out for this. Whatever happened to the guy that used to go "MAMA MIA!"

I dont even know why they fired the other dude who used to do Monday's with Corey and Byron
I dont wanna see Kevin Patrick be a heel commentator just get him outta there lol no hate to that man he just isnt cut out for this. Whatever happened to the guy that used to go "MAMA MIA!"

I dont even know why they fired the other dude who used to do Monday's with Corey and Byron
if u talking bout that bald headed dude he didnt wanna do it anymore or something like that

Mauro left cause his bi polar disorder kept flaring up or something lke that.

I know he had issues w/ JBL at one point too but i think they were good b4 he left
Really? Cause I think he did an interview shortly after and said he didnt kno why he was let go lol

Oh shit, I thought I read he just didnt wanna do commentary after trying it

He wont bad and was a lot more tolerable so idk why they canned him