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Im just going off the 15-20 times we have seen him wrestle. Not everybody got IT and I just dont see it at all. His charisma is no where to be found.

He has been given mic time more then a hand full of times. We seen him wrestle alot so not sure what you mean he hasnt got a chance and they even got him and his boy a real rock song to come out to....he had alot of chances to atleast shine a bit.
I haven't seen much of his AEW time, only seen his interaction with Christian. He's going to have training now so him getting better is on him so well see how good he really is soon
I think he will do well in NXT. I can't judge any young talent based on their time in AEW, since that company has no real direction when it comes to long term booking or development. He's still green, but not nearly the lost cause that some are making him out to be. I don't see any issues with his charisma, and since I began watching him in MLW, it was pretty obvious that Brian Pillman Jr would get better with experience.

Even though he debuted in 2017, he started completely green with only his football background. I don't think he really considered wrestling until around the time of his debut and he has been brought a long fairly slowly; maybe he was part-time in this for a minute. It was only about a year before he joined AEW that he really started to be on the indie scene a lot more regularly.
I think he will do well in NXT. I can't judge any young talent based on their time in AEW, since that company has no real direction when it comes to long term booking or development. He's still green, but not nearly the lost cause that some are making him out to be. I don't see any issues with his charisma, and since I began watching him in MLW, it was pretty obvious that Brian Pillman Jr would get better with experience.

Even though he debuted in 2017, he started completely green with only his football background. I don't think he really considered wrestling until around the time of his debut and he has been brought a long fairly slowly; maybe he was part-time in this for a minute. It was only about a year before he joined AEW that he really started to be on the indie scene a lot more regularly.
His promos are trash tbh. Maybe the performance center will help him out but from what ive seen the past 4 yrs... Im straight. He just got his dad name and body.
Dude was trained by Lance Storm and was in MLW for like 3 years before going to AEW. The PC must be UA Academy the way y’all glaze it lmao
Dude was trained by Lance Storm and was in MLW for like 3 years before going to AEW. The PC must be UA Academy the way y’all glaze it lmao
I know it seems like he's been in it for a minute, but he hasn't really wrestled a lot to warrant the experience being there. Most of the actual wrestling happened in MLW, but they have an odd schedule and I would be surprised if he has over a dozen matches there. Then he goes to AEW and for the most part he's just tossed around in random matches with other jobbers. 5 years isn't exactly a long time for wrestling experience. Sure there are exceptions to the rule, but I remember Shane Strickland looking like can't get right for a while, even into the end of his WWE run; Now Swerve Strickland is starting to look like a diamond finally out the rough.
Hey man.. yall gonna respect Lance Storm now. He’s made a whole career being a Canadian technical wrestler NPC.

WWE has scripted promos. Don’t really need a class to read a prompter…well if you can actually read in the first place
Well they do have scripted promos and they do read off cards backstage. Why you think people be looking off into space or looking past people when Kayla or whoever is right next to them.

My fault. I should have said, “don’t really need a class to remember the lines written for you.” That work for ya?
WWE got some of the most sterile, robotic and generic promos in wrestling but that PC sure can show them how to cut a classic one right? I got one for ya. What’s the last great promo that a PC graduate has dropped?
Brian Pillman Jr has had 68 televised single matches in his career. Only 15 of which were in AEW.

15 single matches in a secondary promotion, hardly enough to write a book on someone.