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Official Wrestling News Thread

This shit is so stupid.

The WWE is the absolute mountain top of wrestling. Even Cargill said so.

Come on bro.. it is the NBA, MLB, NFL of wrestling. Let’s not act stupid here as to why most ppl feel as if WWE matters more.

Is it an absolute requirement? No. But there’s a REASON they almost all pursue the WWE.

WWE will always be, regardless of your feels, be the mountain top.
Shenco the Larry Helder of ABWWF. Shit don't have to be like this bruh
No other wrestling promotions are paying like WWE, nobody outside of WWE is getting exposure like they do with WWE, and when it comes to wrestlemania no other wrestling event comes close to it that's why WWE stays on top
If WWE is the grandest stage that pretty much "lil bros" and says every other promotion is secondary. If every other promotion is secondary that makes them lesser-than. If every other company is lesser than then it devalues them and indicates that they mean less. If those companies mean less what goes on there doesn't matter as much. So if these companies and what happens in them don't matter as highly compared to the WWE...that means nothing outside WWE really matters. That's the problem putting things on a pedastal

Why does one have saved tweets from others on deck from 2-3 years ago? It’s as if one is trying to manipulate a discussion to go his / her way cause they have no legs to stand on when things are getting shakey & they can’t provide an intelligent rebuttal. It’s also like… having ghost writtens
His dumbass should of not did that extra leap. He aint learn from Punk, you dont do that dumb shit when its not needed.
Was it the same injury?

But yeh pretty sure he’s the guy in the devil’s mask. He was the only one to not get physically involved while the rest of them were jumping Jay. He probably gonna be just calling the shots since he’s injured while the rest of the Kingdom does the dirt
I just read that supposedly Trips wants Bo Dallas to carry on Brays ideas and will possibly do so starting in Dec/Jan??

If so, thoughts? Should they leave it alone or allow his brother to carry on with Uncle Howdy?