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Official Wrestling News Thread

Edge has taken to social media to comment on the reports about his future, stating that there’s no bad blood between himself and WWE. He went on to say that he has a contract offer waiting for him, he’s just unsure about what his future holds.

“I woke up to a bunch of voicemails, texts and everything from actual friends and family wondering what’s going on, concerned, blah blah blah. I just figured I’d better address it.

“There’s nothing going on. There’s no hard feelings between me and WWE. I love WWE, it’s my dream gig. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. I didn’t come at them with some crazy contract offer or anything. They didn’t deny me. I have a contract extension sitting in my inbox. I just don’t know what to do.

“The first time I had to retire it was forced. This time, this choice is in my lap and it’s a lot harder. WWE gave me that night Friday in Toronto and it was the best night of my career,” Edge explained.
Exact same boat as Velveteen Dream, he done

u kno its bad when he aint shown up in any of the lesser promotions like IMPACT! or even NWA but if any of them were to pick him up then thats who i think it'd be. Corgan dont give a shit
Konnan who’s the Booker for Triple A brought him in a couple of times to wrestle.. Other than that he’s been working some real low level Indy event.. But did get cancelled as bad as Joey Ryan did…