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Official Wrestling News Thread

It was actually pretty good. Back wheh only like 2 of us watched NXT on the IC. I guess it wasnt surprising when folks didnt know who Emma was when she came back last year.

Well had I started watchin during Becky's intro for her 1st match...

...I would've thrown her and the NXT brand in the trash. Lol
So wait. Wait a sec. You tellin me them same wack azzz fans that's criticizing can watch mofos use an ENDLESS amount of weaponry to damn near bludgeon each other to submission. But that Omega/Osprey spot...oh well that's crossing the line. Foh!
Wrestling Twitter and sports twitter are 2 of the worst things that have ever been created

Omega has made me love a good Tiger Driver tho regardless if its 97 or 91.
How is people saying he shouldn't have taken that risk for his safety a problem.
I dont understand where fans should tell a wrestler what moves to use and not to use unless they are careless mfs. And sad part is alot of the time it be the pro WWE fans because the company had taught them whats good and bad to do for decades and thats alot of the twitter crowd.

Omega has been taking these maneuvers majority of his NJPW career. Not to say something cant happen but if anybody knows how to take these kind of bumps id trust Omega.
I wonder if there’s like footage of practicing moves like a tiger driver 97 & how to land / brace for it. I seen the pic of how Kenny landed and shit is like wrestling wizardry
I remember Bruce Prichard said in earlier years of doing his podcast that he absolutely hated the shining wizard
I wonder if there’s like footage of practicing moves like a tiger driver 97 & how to land / brace for it. I seen the pic of how Kenny landed and shit is like wrestling wizardry
Well Tiger Driver 91 is the one he did thats more brutal looking. I think they learn stuff like that in the NJPW Dojo.
Kenny took the 91 even worse than anyone Misawa did it on and was completely fine. Guy's a consummate professional and also friends with Kota Ibushi, the lord of insane neck bumps.
Jericho said there was one move he wouldn't take from Omega again.... was it the Tiger Driver?

"The One Winged Angel on the chair really hurt. I’m not just saying it hurt as a joke, it really f****d me up. It hurt my back to where there’s still something that’s not right but whatever. I can never take that move again.”- Jericho stated.
I guess when I seen him in Evolve when he was their top tier guy he was presented much better and serious and thats what made me tell my boy who went with me that one day WWE is going to snatch him up and take him to the moon.....then The Way and the selfie gimmicks happened when he signed and it just never felt the same. Its still plenty of time to get him where he needs to be he just doesnt need to circle back to those 2 things again, keep evolving the character and keep pushing. I felt they were just about to be on the right path wheh he came back in serious mode after Vince left then it just turned to weird booking. Not sure if Triple H is a fan..
You need to let all that go bro.

The Way? Over. Selfie gimmick? Over. "The Now" Austin Theory? Not over.

The Way is literally the way. Take a bunch of unover acts and give them a hook that is proven to work. Ciampa as the grumpy uncle who plays the straight man to the surrounding hijinx? 1000% improvement over his run thus far.

Theory as the rebellious son, back at home, will get him over. Dexter can be his heater in the interim, and then, when he's actually over he can turn on them for monster heat and ready made feuds. Its an infinitely better situation for him than his current outlook.

Imagine him turning face and then busting out a selfie against Dom or another hated heel. That shit would get over in a nanosecond.
You need to let all that go bro.

The Way? Over. Selfie gimmick? Over. "The Now" Austin Theory? Not over.

The Way is literally the way. Take a bunch of unover acts and give them a hook that is proven to work. Ciampa as the grumpy uncle who plays the straight man to the surrounding hijinx? 1000% improvement over his run thus far.

Theory as the rebellious son, back at home, will get him over. Dexter can be his heater in the interim, and then, when he's actually over he can turn on them for monster heat and ready made feuds. Its an infinitely better situation for him than his current outlook.

Imagine him turning face and then busting out a selfie against Dom or another hated heel. That shit would get over in a nanosecond.
Nah man keep Ciampa out all that but well see if The Way is over on the main roster if they do it full circle.

Plus if they going to bring back DIY, they def going to have them faces like their NXT run..atleast for a min.
Nah man keep Ciampa out all that but well see if The Way is over on the main roster if they do it full circle.

Plus if they going to bring back DIY, they def going to have them faces like their NXT run..atleast for a min.
I don't think they get over without the straight men. I think a disillusioned reaction to them is the thing that gets it over. Either of ciampa or theory could play it, though if Theory were to do it id have him eventually backslide back into joining in on the bs. That way he'd get maximum effect when he's turns.