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Official College Basketball Thread/Prospect Watch

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What do you mean by that

I just feel like we wasted opportunites to get him more involved offensively in favor of jacking up threes while being a trash three point shooting team

Shouldve ran more pick and rolls, let him do some dribble hand offs, get him the ball when he has a mismatch or good positon down low ect

Having reliable pg play is important and our lack of ball handling/play making didnt help but we still shouldve found ways to utilize him better

Dude is still raw on both sides of the court but has really good instincts. Hes going to be great on defense but I think he has a good amount of potential on offense too
I just feel like we wasted opportunites to get him more involved offensively in favor of jacking up threes while being a trash three point shooting team

Shouldve ran more pick and rolls, let him do some dribble hand offs, get him the ball when he has a mismatch or good positon down low

Having reliable pg play is important and our lack of ball handling/play making didnt help but we still shouldve found ways to utilize him better

Dude is still raw on both sides of the court but he'l

Hell yea we stay jacking up 3’s when he’s a mismatch for almost everybody in the post. We also don’t shoot a high percentage as a team from 3. Since Shaka has been here there’s been no clear offensive identity/philosophy and we aren’t going to win until we establish one.
Hell yea we stay jacking up 3’s when he’s a mismatch for almost everybody in the post. We also don’t shoot a high percentage as a team from 3. Since Shaka has been here there’s been no clear offensive identity/philosophy and we aren’t going to win until we establish one.


Our games are hard to watch because of how bad our offense is

All we do is let the clock run down to about 7 seconds and then throw up some bullshit
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